Was Blast Mine nerf necessary?

FusselTeddy Member Posts: 12

Before, if the Killer was dumb enough, you could trigger Blast Mine maybe twice a match, had a laugh and moved on. Now you just waste a perk slot.

Was Blast Mine nerf necessary? 76 votes

WesufakeEvilSerjeBeoltharrvzrvzrvzSlanGamer_Goth970 7 votes
GibberishAdelooOnryosTapeRentalsMiriamGallMadherebrokedownpalaceFusselTeddyWolff_BringerSacrilegeGGSirenwithanXTragicSolitudeBlazelskiKernelzilla[Deleted User]TaigaHPhoenixMrsGhostfaceEnderloganYTMattie_MayhemOGMaxwell 66 votes
What the heck is Blast Mine?
Alex_duygu 2 votes
K139K05 1 vote


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,704

    No, not at all.

    I maybe get why they did it if they wanted to make its behavior consistent with that of Wiretap, but if that's the case then they could at least reduce blast mine's repair requirement or make it last longer once the trap is placed.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    I don't see how anyone can answer this without knowing why it was nerfed.

    It clearly didn't need it from a strength perspective, and because of that, we'd have to know what did prompt this change before we can say either way whether it was necessary.

  • FusselTeddy
    FusselTeddy Member Posts: 12

    Well, the Devs already answered some other Perk related posts (for example that Wire Tap and Open Handed aren't supposed to stack), but won't talk about Blast Mine, despite there being so many threads about it

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Right, so we don't know why it was nerfed. The rumour seems to be that it had some issues with Wiretap that warranted the change, and if that's true the answer is obviously "yes", it was necessary.

    But, we don't know that.

  • SpaghettiVase
    SpaghettiVase Member Posts: 341

    But the change wasn't necessary if it was just a matter of recoding it. It's an easy way out like the Pain Res+Merciless thing. I expect the dev's to do better and not just do whats easiest regardless of the effect it has on the overall state of the game.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    I am going to take a step in the dark and say this is what happened:

    Despite BlastMine being extremely situational and NOT a guaranteed blind, it's still an easier way to get blinds in than flashlights, flashbang or firecrakers.

    And I'd guess that a lot of people ran it to get the blinding challenges done. And bhvr OF COURSE looked at their flawless stats system, saw people use blastmine a lot and escape and figured OH CLEARLY THIS MUST BE WHY, and nerfed it into the ground, despite the fact that it's really not a make or break perk.

    Or (which I find almost more likely) they simply figured that 'oh, people found a way to make this challenge less frustrating. We can't have that'

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    Definitely not it was a good perk to let your team locate you and the blinding effect is fun I don’t know why they’d nerf it very odd choices come from these devs lol

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    I think I agree with people saying it wasn't intended as a nerf. It was a fix that made the perk not usable. So they should either revert it or buff to compensate.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    Not really

    I want to hear their rationale for it before jumping to conclusions but I can't imagine a justified reason other than

    "It would be too annoying with Wiretap" or "We want to encourage killers to kick gens more"

    If it's anything other than either of these 2 (albeit very flawed) reasons, I will genuinely be shocked.

    Unless it's some kind of code issue, that'd also be a justified reason

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 306

    Misclicked :(

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Honestly, I have objectives to stun/blind killer, and literally keep it on the team. I am lucky to get one stun every couple matches. :/ Nerf was unnecessary.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,157

    No. Either they should revert it to work as it did before OR make it take 33% of a gen to activate.

    Wire tap you get value because killer just needs to come near the gen to see the aura and you can activate it 3 times per gen by yourself (or at the very least once per gen working with someone). Blastmine not only can you only get 66% working on a gen by yourself unless the killer destroys the gen it's only once per gen. It also requires to killer to kick it to get any value not just go near it like wire tap.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,635

    Definitely not. 66% of a generator just so you can have a chance to stun the killer outside of a chase for a few seconds is very weak. I think they should make it 33% so that that it combos perfectly with Wiretap.

  • Tooks
    Tooks Member Posts: 11

    I forgot they even nerfed the perk, it was done before I had it.

    Honestly, it's one of the least-useful perks in the game. It wastes a few seconds of the killer's time at most, before they kick the generator again. It doesn't help you escape, it doesn't really protect a generator, and it combos with three perks that I can think of off the top of my head: Wiretap, Repressed Alliance, and Residual Manifest.

    It's a meme, and it should be buffed to be at least worthwhile.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    BHVR can retain consistency by either nerfing Blast Mine to its current nerfed state or making Dragon's Grip as ridiculous as Blast Mine was before, with no coold time.

    This time the result is a nerf to Blast Mine. (The fact remains, however, that it was a bug until now.)

    But it is still available in its current state. Compared to something that only extends the attack range once one generator is repaired, it is practical considering that you can focus on generator repair for this perk, the information advantage of the aura, and the ability to temporarily stop the killer's actions, albeit briefly. It stuns and then kicks that generator again, so it can inhibit the killer's actions more than the numbers.

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217
    edited September 2022

    I think it was not meant to be a nerf, they just wanted to make Blast Mine more similar to Wire Tap. But that changes not the fact that Blast Mine got slightly weaker (aka it got nerfed).

  • Gamer_Goth970
    Gamer_Goth970 Member Posts: 3

    Yes it was most definitely necessary because as someone who primarily mains a killer, for a while it was even bypassing the lightborn perk, and while that bug was active it was absolutely toxic because it made it practically pointless to run on killers that are very very easy or susceptible to get the stun with it. Let's be honest before call of brine was reworked to be better than ruin, it made any matchup where people were running this absolutely toxic and the sun lasted long enough that most of the time you couldn't even damage a generator at like 50% if survivors were being cocky camping out around it or underneath it and then repairing it while you're stunned and if they had a Dwight forget about it.

  • Gamer_Goth970
    Gamer_Goth970 Member Posts: 3
  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Of course it was! Killer could eat a blast mine and feel frustrated. Killer cannot be frustrated. Only survivor has to be.

  • DustyPumpking
    DustyPumpking Member Posts: 34

    Not nesassary in the slightest

    an already very situational perk was made even more situational to the point it's easier just not running it

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061

    I initially voted for "no" several weeks ago, but thinking on it more, I changed my mind and do think it was justified.