Current Issues Concerning Wesker

GravelordNito99 Member Posts: 232
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hi, some of Wesker's changes are good. It feels good to be able to slide off of things somewhat now, and to be able to hit survivors while they vault. Although not all the issues I addressed on my popular PTB feedback post have been addressed, I'm glad at least some of them have.

However, there are still many issues. In fact, I'd say that Wesker is not only weaker now than the PTB, but he is also 100x less fun. This is a massive shame, because I had the time of my life on the PTB.

Despite the apparent buffs, Wesker is definitely weaker overall than he was on the PTB. This is in its entirety due to the reduction in survivor hitbox size with his power. On the PTB, it was 40cm, which was a little excessive. However, now, it is only 20cm, which is excessive in the opposite direction.

With the current 20cm hitboxes, you will often slide off of survivors, making hitting them even at point blank often extremely difficult. Coinsidering how punishing missing a bound can be, I don't think this is healthy. This one enormous hitbox nerf has turned what on the PTB was the most fun killer you've ever designed, to one of the most frustrating to play.

Even in narrow corridors, where the survivor has barely any room to move, Wesker will usually just slide round them if he is not 100% square on with the running survivor. This means that any survivor who makes an effort to dodge can be almost impossible to hit, since a bound becomes guesswork for the killer.

This current hitbox also makes it so that long range bounds are not a viable tactic against decent survivors, since they can very easily dodge it by moving randomly. This is an enormous issue since -

these long range bound hits are where the excitement and satisfaction of playing Wesker comes from.

Therefore, my suggestion to fix this issue is not to revert to a 40cm hitbox like it was on PTB, but instead to -

make the hitbox a nice happy medium of 30cm.

This would allow for better feedback playing Wesker, giving back some of that power he had in the PTB, and it would also allow for some leniency for survivors, since it wouldn't be as unmissable for Wesker as it was in the PTB.

Another issue worth bringing up is the fact he lets go of survivors at strange times still, even worse than on the PTB. I grabbed someone on a corner, who became infected, but for some reason Wesker let him go without injuring him. I believe this is a bug. It once happened twice in a row, grabbing people in the open and just letting them go. This occurs almost every game, making it quite an issue. I just recently had a clear slam on the wall outside of PRD, but because there was a chest there or something, Wesker simply let the survivor go that I was slamming. I decided in that moment that I was done playing Wesker until something changes.

Another huge issue with Wesker is his BP gain. Currently, he has absolutely no way to gain brutality points. When he lands a bound attack, he receives 3 point scoring events - all 3 of these are deviousness events.

At least one of these should be made into a brutality event, so that he has more than 2000 brutality points in a long match.

Here is a youtube clip demonstrating the issue with the awful new hitbox. It has sucked a lot of the fun out of playing him -

The current hitboxes have him around a high C tier killer at best. He feels incredibly weak. I'm disappointed that you nerfed him, when he desperately needed buffs. Wesker went from being the most fun I've had in any game in years, to the most frustrated I've felt in over a decade.

If you want Wesker to truly be the ultimate introduction to the best your game has to offer, then you have some work to do. I would suggest making his hitbox on survivors bigger, and reducing the time it takes to charge and recharge bounds. This would easily put him in the high B tier.

His power has such simple and effective counterplay that he is nearly useless in high mmr. All survivors have to do is put any kind of terrain between themselves and Wesker and he's suddenly reduced to an m1 killer. Even if they simply put a tree or a rock between you and run around those, he has no choice but to m1. This encourages unfun gameplay. Therefore, one of the only ways to fix this would be to give him another bound entirely. There is a lot of work to be done to make Wesker viable above the low mmr levels.

Post edited by GravelordNito99 on


  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    Hard agree on most of the stuff here. I do however thing even in his current state that he's really fun, at least when bugs aren't rearing their ugly head. I'd honestly advocate for the survivor hitbox being 35cm but yes, at least 30 would probably make him more usable at long ranges and would account for buggy misses/lag.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    +1 to everything here. PTB had him bumping everything and that was annoying, but now it's unintuitive and frustrating to use his power where he slides past survivors in what visually appears to be a hit.

    Adding to the thing where you noticed he's letting people go - it seems like slam/throw collision is a little off, especially where... variable? objects seem to be concerned. Like things that aren't part of the environment but are procedurally generated and have multiple states. I've had several slams that failed to do a damage state (both playing as and against) on pallets, lockers, and closed exit gates, and this is where I notice those wonky interactions most. It's also very janky on elevation changes, though I can't tell if that's intended (and if it's intended, if it's intended-intended or just something they couldn't figure out satisfactorily.)

  • GravelordNito99
    GravelordNito99 Member Posts: 232

    He is not fun at high mmr at all. Survivors can turn him into an m1 killer when they know the counterplay to his power, which makes him extremely frustrating and unfun. All the survivors have to do is put any kind of object or terrain between themselves and Wesker every time he pulls up his power, and suddenly it is useless.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,009

    You mentioned how wesker randomly releases survivors more often and this is very true...

    On the PTB wesker could slam survivors who are t-bagging on the hatch in time.

    On live, if you try to slam someone on the hatch, you immediately release them.

    Kinda sums up the whole ordeal of ptb vs live wesker.

  • Romovati
    Romovati Member Posts: 59

    Your opinions on how to make wesker viable are brilliant @Mandy @Peanits please read this post wesker needs some changes and most importantly fixing his bugs and increasing his hitbox detection for survivors