Wiretap Should Work with Open-Handed

Star99er Member Posts: 1,470
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

As the Title suggest I feel like these 2 perks should work together as Wiretap is an aura reading perk just like Kindred which works with Open-Handed. Not sure if it was intended for them to not work together but I don't see why not.


  • SpaghettiVase
    SpaghettiVase Member Posts: 341

    I’d have to check the wording but it may be phrased a certain way. For example I believe(its been a while since i used it however) dark sense requires the killer to enter a 24 meter radius around you, but after that it’s infinite range. wiretap may be similar but I haven’t read the description. However, BHVR’s descriptions often leave a lot to be desired as to what the heck they actually mean

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,470
    edited August 2022

    By the wording it should work with Open-Handed.

    Wiretap: "When the Killer enters within 14 meters of the trapped Generator, their aura is revealed to all Survivors"

    Kindred: " If the Killer is within a 16 meter range, The killer's aura is revealed to all other Survivors"

    Just makes me wonder if this was an oversight or a bug.