Any dev response for hiding prestige levels in-game lobby and after match screen?

The amount of toxicity that stems from visible prestige levels is insane and BHVR need to either remove that being visable entirely or, like they have done for character names, make it so you can choose to hide your prestige level from everyone.

It may be a pointless "achievement" to "show off" but seeing as it seems the community at large takes these levels as gospel on how good someone is, it opens up so much chance to be toxic towards someone for having a bad game or "no lifing" for example.


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    To be fair, a toxic player will find any excuse to be toxic, however, with how many things Behavior let's you hide, I am very surprised that this is not one of them.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    i just think that letting people show off their prestige levels is a good thing, and if anybody is toxic to anyone for any reason they should be reported. there is no need to take features away from everybody just because a few people are always looking for the latest excuse to be nasty. those people should just be removed from the community.

  • ThundahBolt
    ThundahBolt Member Posts: 18

    It's a shame but sometimes it has to be done. Or, like I did mention, give people the choice to hide them as well as show them off. It's a win-win imo and I cant see it taking that much work to implement either.