Some support perk buffs I'd like to see

I like the idea behind Better Than New and Empathic Connection, but in their current state they honestly do very little.

Empathic Connection - The information this perk gives winds up not being very useful because your teammates have little incentive to seek you out for healing unless they know it's going to be more beneficial than healing themselves. I think it would be fine to buff the outgoing heal speed to at least 25%. Hell, maybe even 50%. That would make it far more worth running in an altruistic build without turning We'll Make It irrelevant.

Better Than New - This perk would probably be balanced just fine at around 25% as well, if not 33%. Maybe that's a bit much but it would at least feel more impactful in matches where clutch cleanses/blessing totems can make or break a win. The heal speed bonus would be a nice boost without being broken, since it doesn't affect the person bringing the perk.

Self Care - Please please revert the heal speed nerf on this. 35% is abysmal.

Botany Knowledge - If you're worried about this perk's interaction with Self Care, simply reduce self heal speeds to 25%. I'd remove the medkit efficiency penalty to compensate, though. Keep outgoing healing at 50% and boom, problem solved.

That's about all I can think of for now!