Reassurance makes people camp

Just an observation I've had. Sometimes the perk does nothing - it's the right time to save, so you just do it. Sometimes it comes in clutch - you run to unhook but the killer sees you and chases you there, so you give them a flyby F and its someone else's problem in 30 seconds time.
But when the killer is proxy camping, you're stealthing nearby and you can't safely unhook, it's pretty tempting to use reassurance. It seems what it's made for - stick 30 seconds on that timer to get a chance to see if the killer wanders of elsewhere and you can get a safer unhook.
They won't though. A killer already in that proxy-camp mindset will see that white glow around his victim and KNOW there's someone else nearby. From there it isn't a proxy camp anymore - mr killer is hugging that look like he can smell you on that white glow.
It probably does as an indirect side effect.
Hooked Survivor has Reassurance used on them by Survivor B
Killer notices Hooked Survivor is no longer counting down on their timer - Therefore a survivor is nearby
Given Survivor B's strategy to prolong hook time rather than saving the Hooked Survivor or Doing Objectives - Survivor's C and D likely do not know Reassurance was used at a glance and proceeds to waste time walking across the map for the unhook
Therefore - The Killer's optimal strategy would be to wait it out and let survivors come to them.
Moral of the story - This perk is terrible anticamp because it doesn't help solo survivors which was the side most affected by camping. Before and after the PTB change. Great for taking pressure away from the killer but it was a poor anti camp tool.
The solution is not to increase the range of this either - It should encourage survivors to either do objectives or go for the save - Then it will be a good perk.
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Reassurance actually helped me once yesterday when Wesker was camping, my timer was almost out and someone with Reassurance came and paused the timer while the other survivors made their way over and got me off. It's actually helpful sometimes if the killer is camping you before Reassurance even takes effect.
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It would have been a useful meta perk in its previous state but I don't think you can put that one on killers. It was probably nerfed so a toxic 3-man couldn't keep the random on hook all game. I know I wasn't asking for it to be nerfed.
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Honestly I think this is a combination of:
1) Reassurance having obvious white-aura confirmation for the killer, telling him that someone has just been within 6 meters
2) Less killers running BBQ since the removal of its BP bonus
If your regular killer is anything like me, they're like "finally, I'm not forced to run BBQ anymore!", and now vastly underuse it instead. Some people can make do without, but I bet a lot of the recent uptick in camping is people who were unknowingly completely reliant on BBQ and now hook someone and just... can't work out where to go next.
So they have no idea where survivors are because they became reliant on a crutch that they're now doing without (even though they aren't forced to), and suddenly a little white glow tells them *someone is here*.
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That is exactly what I would do if someone snuck up to the hook and used reassurance. The whole point of that perk having a very short range is that it’s supposed to punish face camping, and give the killer a different target to chase at the same time, so that the perk is both a punishment for face camping and a motivation to leave the hook.
If a killer sees a survivor glowing white, because doesn’t see any other survivors, then the killer has zero reason to believe the other survivor left the area. It is much more likely the other survivor is still hiding nearby, waiting for the killer to leave.
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True, I prevented the radom from reaching struggle and my friends saved them after.
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I think you misunderstand the perk.
It's there for situations where the killer is camping - to which your response should generally be 'slam the gens out before they die'.
Reassurance makes that much easier to pull off.
I don't think many people ran BBQ for info. It was mostly for the BP, and now remains a niche info perk for traversal killers and Artist.
I agree that showing the killer the aura is silly, as it gives away the location of another survivor.
Other than that - perk is fine.
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I know I'm just reiterating other posts at this point but yes, you're not supposed to stealthily use Reassurance, you're supposed to run by, activate it, and run off, giving the killer another target to chase and making them realize 30 seconds has just been added to the clock.
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I have faced teams with more than 2 reassurances quite a bit since the patch, it does not make me camp. It makes me ignore the hook and go for the guy that used reassurance, because honestly a lot of the time they use it I'm not even camping
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Yeah, bbq is still incredible on Onryo, Dredge, Oni, Blight, and Nurse
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Okay so you are not the context provided in which it causes camping, as outlined in the opening post :P
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I never understood why the killer needs to see the white glow. This makes the perk even more of a joke
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I know it's a niche situation, but I did camp through a Reassurance in one of my recent killer games. I hooked someone and barely even left the room they were hooked in when they started trying to kobe. I knew someone was nearby so I turned right back around and they used 2 of their attempts and then their buddy proced Reassurance. I definitely waited that out. You want to do that, you're giving up a hook state
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I'd hesitate to say 'incredible' as BBQ tends to be inconsistent - far too often people's auras will be obscured by generators.