feel like killer players are not treated as game players, but as server or toy for Surv...

Survs can always use op perk combos to plunder advantage... meanwhile, too many situation can consume killer player's enthusiasm.
Like, 8 hooks but 0 kills then 4escape and 4 ggez, 4 downs but 3 selfheal up with perks, infinite stun combo, and also gen rush. DBD always ignore these depressing gameplay.
It's just feel like, they never treat killer players like their customer, but as an AI enemy, or toy for Surv . Surv always can feel achievement by using Op perk combos and chat channel. While killers can't have fun with the game, always be worn down in enthusiasm all the time, even they spend thousands of hours in practicing... They nurfed Huntress, Sprit, Billy... And which is the next...
There should be some reason to attract players play killer...
Try playing solo survivor. Your mind will be changed, trust me.
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Have you played before the perk overhaul patch? Before then with old dead hard the game was really nothing more than a survivors playground with the killers often getting bullied. It's a lot better now and less stressful for killers since then.
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Actually no... if you are skilled enough, there's always hatch for you. No matter if you are encounter low-tier killers, that will a free win.
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I don’t really think a complete luck based mechanic that takes in effect when the killer has already won really helps your case much there.
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From your post history it is obvious you don't play survivor much...if at all. I don't say this as a dig - I say this because if you want to be a better killer - learn survivor. I say the same thing to people who do not play killer and complain about killer being OP - play killer - it will help you become a better survivor. You limit yourself to only learning SOME of the skills if you focus (almost) entirely on playing one side.
If you think hatch is the strategy to win as a solo queue survivor - uhm you are terribly misguided.
16 -
Define "Surv op perk combo"
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1) hatch requires no skill
2) hatch does not boost mmr, so if your personal mmr has tanked from bad solo teammates who give up, can't run the killer for more than 3 seconds, etc, you're still stuck there - even if you yourself are skilled
10 -
Honestly? First sentence, and I'm already questioning your behavior.
If you've managed to earn eight hooks and somebody types „ez“ in the post-game chat, it's gotta be you, otherwise the survivors are lying; If it would've been truly easy, then they wouldn't have gotten hooked in the first place. So, just dismiss this one as a silly attempt to provoke you. So, yes, I'd go ahead and blame you here for taking it personally. If I'm wrong and you haven't taken it personally, then you've managed to type it in such a way that it looked like you've taken it personally.
Certain nerfs towards killers were absolutely required, to be honest.
Sure, Rin may have received an undeserved nerf, but she can still perform exceptionally well even without add-ons.. Even if you're a bit handicapped.
Wait, are you actually complaining about the hatch, even though you do have the ability to shut it down? Just..
Alright, I'll approach it from a different way; How many hours do you have in-game, and if you were to rate yourself on how well you do play each role with numbers from 0 - 10, what'd your numbers be?
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Skill issues here.
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The amount of gas lighting on these forums by killers is absolutely mind numbing.
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"OP Perk Combos" What OP Perk combos? I've seen killers carried by perks i.e. eruption with PGTW and pain res or getting 3 downs from starstruck in solo queue, no survivor perks are good enough alone let alone in combination with each other ?
2 -
Well, regardless of solo survivor balance (which is horrible), OP is right that killer is the least attractive role. You are basically the enemy of everyone else in the lobby and having 4 people cooperate against you.
But there is a way to have fun as killer in this game, and interestingly, I think it all comes down to a quite philosophical principle that I read somewhere decades ago and that I found very applicable in a variety of occasions since then:
Basically. Something that we all know, is that when we compete with other people, we love winning and hate losing. In other words, we love being the winner and we hate being the loser. However, something that we don't realize is that our opponents share the opposite feeling.
When you win a race, the opponent players will not love you for winning the race, rather they will hate themselves for losing the race. Win too many times, and the other players will just stop playing with you at best, at worst they will start thinking you played in an unfair way, that you were lucky, that you don't deserve the win, and the more you win the more they will hate you. Because our brain has a very hard time imagining that a competitor has beat us fair & square.
In contrary, when you lose, you will think of yourself as the loser, but your opponent will not think of you as the loser at all - rather, they will think of themselves as a great player, and of you as a just slightly less, but still great player. Because it's way more appealing for them to think that way - they have no reason to think that they have beat a loser, that would only decrease their achievement. They will always agree to play with you in the future, because it strengthens their belief that they are a great player, who keeps winning regardless of the opponent's luck and effort. If this person is your friend, then they will be secretly be very thankful to have a friend like you, maybe they have an other friend, but this one beats them at the game, so they do not mind losing this "friend" as much as they would mind losing you (in fact, they always thought that this "friend" showed off way too much)
The thing I read back then was something along this lines: if you want to be liked and make friends with a lot of people, you should try to not be envied by others, you should not aspire at having the best car, the best house, because if others care about these things, you being better at it than them will just cause envy, not appreciation. Our ego likes having the best things but in many situations this works 100% against us. If you try hard and do things better than the others, your brain will make you think that this is good, but in reality, most people will hate you.
Now where this applies to DBD.
For a while now I've been playing very nice with survivors, I don't tunnel/camp even if they unhook right in front of me, I always give hatch, let them farm/escape for any reason - if there is a DC , AFK, or just if they are cute. I say "gg" after every loss etc. and 95% of my end game chats are now filled with very positive survivors which write genuinely nice things, ie. they are not saying "Thanks for the free win" but rather "Good killer gg" or leaving +reps on my profile. Before when I played normally the only thing I'd get on my profile would be "-rep tunneler" or similar even in cases where I didn't tunnel.
Basically, there's 0 reason to try to win as killer in DBD. People will just hate you for it, you will never, EVER, have someone tell you something like that:
"Wow you were such a skilled killer you 4K'd us badly"
or "Wow all these killer achievements on your profile you must be really skilled at DBD".
That's what your brain makes you dream of but it will NEVER happen because NOBODY likes to find a player who is better than them, even less congratulate them for it. In contrary if you're just meme'ing people will add friends & leave +reps saying you're a cool and chill guy. Add MMR to the equation and there is literally 0 reason to win, you'll just get matched against players who have 10k hours and you will get destroyed anyway.
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You should play more for shenanigans, rather than kills or escapes, it'll make the game a fair bit more fun
Alternatively, run the most random build you can and cause chaos
Also rancor sadako is a thing
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Most are play-things for competent swfs on comms except for Nurse or Blight.
Solo-Queue players are the play-things for most killers.
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More like Rancor everyone for a free mori. I have a whole wall of fame of my Ghostface selfies I take when I mori someone.
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OP, you have just opened yourself up for every sort of made-up idea from all the Survivor Mains who are toxic enough to use these forums. Be prepared.
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Killers have op combos as well. And they can very easily set the tone for the game, in terms of toxicity, same as survivors. There are discouraging mechanics on both sides, and toxic players on both sides.
You must be quite unlucky to often have such infuriating postgame chats. I mostly experience either no chat, or really chill/nice ones. Please remember there are probably more good people playing than guys there to troll or grief.
I personally find survivor to be quite depressing and discouraging to learn, whereas killer is in my experience easier to get the hang of. But that is just the learning curve difference. Survivor is spontaneously really hard to learn, and will remain so for a long time until you get better. Killer is rather easy to start with, but your quick progress means you will encounter increasingly better survivors, and will eventualy have to adapt to well-organised teams with lots of game knowledge. That's the critical learning period for killer, and it can feel discouraging that it happens so late, when you thought you were unstoppable.
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You need to take a break if this is bothering you this much.
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It depends on what you play and how you play it.
I have no idea of your experience but I can tell you the only thing that usually bothers me is the gen speed. Survivors trying nasty shenanigans with me usually end-up crying tears of salt in the chat. (The funny shenanigans are a different category that I like to see.)
If @Jasix is right, I can't encourage you enough to follow his recommendation.
As for survivors trolling, the only tip I can give you is to out-troll the trolls. Don't go for a win : go for pain. It may some time to acquire the right reflexes though.
Note: I play most killers, strong and weak. I enjoy Huntress quite a lot, but also Trapper who is kind of weak and yet ...
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Hell yeah, got every survivor yet?
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tell me you haven't played solo survivor without telling me you haven't played solo survivor
what op perk combos?
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Why even listen to cheap provocation? If you got 8 Hooks and the survivors got a 4E, just accept the loss and move on to your next game. When I play either role, I always try to reflect on how I could've played better and what I could've done to prevent losing or just scraping in the win.
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I also tend to find a lot of double standards with survivors vs killers. Survivors will beat you up verbally if your doing something they perceive as bad. Camp, tunnel, run certain perk combos.
However, they can run anything they want. Play with an advantage with swf, use comms among other things. So you get shamed for the way you chose to play the game you bought. As long as your not cheating play the way you want.
I don't see killers giving survivors as much salt for playing their way. It's essentially, survivors will play how they want but if you play the way they don't want you to. Your bad.
Double standard imo.
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I highly suggest switching to solo queue survivor so you can embrace entirely new arguments. It has helped my arguments tremendously.
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A lot of truth there, but there is a downside or a consequence of being TOO nice. Eventually your MMR hits rock bottom. At this point you start getting matched with survivors that are so bad or so new that they can't even tell that you were playing nice, that you let them have the gate (even when you open it for them). You try to go for 8 hooks, but they are letting each other die on first hook.
While this is happening, you are still improving your own ability, albeit more slowly than if you were facing equally skilled survivors. You get bored. This was my experience at least.
I've started pushing my MMR back up. I go for the 3k, let someone have hatch. If there is an early DC or suicide, I'll let people go, but only if it's not obvious it was due to to rest of the team being potatoes. You have to find a balance. I still don't tunnel or facecamp (proxy camping is the right play occasionally, although I prefer to go off and push survivors off gens). It's still been months since I've had a negative chat interaction, and have had several positive ones even with 3-4ks. I'm in a good place where games are becoming challenging again, but not overwhelming.
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What's wrong with 8 hooks and 0 kills? I mean, sure it's a loss, but sounds like a really fun and interactive game.
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Sorry, but if you don’t win at least 50% of your games you’re bad as hell. Playing killer now is like playing hello kitty super cute adventures
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Not yet but I'll keep on snapping and stabbing
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Actually i think the issue is a different one. 8 hooks, 0 kills and gg ez to be exact. Killer obviously played fair and didn´t tunnel/camp. Which was rewarded with degrading comments. This goes on until a killer doesn´t care about having a fair match and plays as scummy as possible. Which then ruins the game for solos.
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To be fair
Going for 8 hooks before killing is about the worst way you can play
No matter how ideal it may be the game is not in this state
I get that hard tunneling isn't nice but that doesn't mean you have to swing completely to the other extreme.
Most reasonable people can't really complain if you get your first kill by hook 5-6 with some hooks spread out
If you have 8 hooks and still no kills your survivor priority managment was bad and you kinda deserve to lose
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So you´re advocating to tunnel? Because i´ve seen survivors complain about getting tunneled (alongside insults) when the killer wasn´t.
It kinda feels like a broken record, where survivors do the same comments after the match, no matter what.
Playing "nice" or "fair" isn´t appreciated by the community. If playing that way gets the killer the same salt as playing "scummy" then guess what killer players will do.
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I'm not advocating hard tunneling
I litterally adressed this in the post you quoted.
Just because you won't hardtunnel 3 hooks someone's out of the game means you have to swing 100% in the other direction and kill people as late as possible
There is a middle ground where you can still play somewhat effecient without going all or nothing on a single survivor
That said there are always going to be salty comments from both sides. The answer is to not change how you want to play the game but by turning off the chat and not listen to them
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Salty people also like to leave comments on the profile. Its just that... if people want to have "nicer" matches. They should start by being respectful after the match. Toxic behavior leads to more toxic behavior.
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I agree 100%. I wish a lot of players could grow up and behave. Sadly, there is a big portion of online gamers that hide behind their nicknames and funny profile pictures that are pure toxic.
Treat others as you would like others to treat you.
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Correct. Sadly many people don´t do that. I´ve seen matches where people were toxic during the match/endgame screen only to face the same players the very next match and going full surprised pikachu face.
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Reminds of a streamer I once saw that played a game of survivor, where a 2-man SWF bullied the F out of the Killer saying EZ in the post game chat. He called them out for it. Next game he queued as Blight and faced the same 2 survivors. Safe to say the 2 got as they deserved haha. KARMA!
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