Can someone explain to me the new system of leveling up?

I started playing DBD in june of 2020 and all my characters I reached level 40 and 50 with. Back then at level 40 you would unlock their teachable for everyone to use but now that the new level up system came its showing me that I havent unlocked those perks that i achieved at level 40.... So basically now I have to grind pretty much all over again and get characters to p3 to unlock their tier 3 perks for everyone to use? And whats confusing is that I have their tier 3 perks on some characters even though it shows its locked. This new level up system i feel is confusing and a mess


  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,559
    edited September 2022

    The way it should work is: Prestige a character, unlock their teachables on tier 1/2/3 on all other survivors/killers. But because many players never bothered prestiging in the past (understandably) and already unlocked the perks the normal way, they also unlock all perks on all charakters on tier 1 if they had them unlocked before.

    It seems your game is bugged. Because you already had the perks unlocked you now have them on all charakters but the game still thinks the perks should be locked because you didn't actually prestige. I'd recommend you make another post in the bug report section and submit screenshots.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    The best way to get perks on survivors right now is to prestige a survivor at least once if you want their perks. And then once you have all the perks you want unlocked, dump all your points into your main survivor.

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 246

    but maybe they will suspect I am trolling them because they can't tell when I started playing DBD. Only I know when I started and it was in june of 2020.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    If you had the perks unlocked on other survivors/killers they stay.

    The perks are locked for any new survivor/killer you get until you P1 that survivor/killer.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,163

    Leveling up characters to level 50 allows you to prestige the character (just as before). Prestige now has a 20k Bloodpoint Tax to them. Prestige will now grant their perks to all other characters. Teachable perks have been renamed to Shareable perks since you gain direct access to them on all other characters by gaining prestige. All Teachable perks obtained before the update are changed into Tier 1 Shareable perks, and additionally extra prestige is rewarded out to player after the update based on the amount of perks and Prestige level they were before the update (as compensation).

    Rewards for prestige are as follows:

    P1 = Tier 1 Perks

    P2 = Tier 2 Perks

    P3 = Tier 3 Perks

    P4 = Bloody Body Piece

    P5 = Bloody Leg Piece

    P6 = Bloody Head Piece

    P7, P8, P9 = Charms Based On Perks

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 246

    very silly how they made it this way. So that means I have to do it all over again and waste time? I know now the grind isn't as bad but still it takes a lot of time to even reach P3

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Have you taken a look at the patch notes from when the new prestige system patch was dropped? That would probably give you the best and detailed answer for how the prestige system changed and how to unlock perks.

    To my knowledge, any perk you unlocked from teachables are still unlocked as a teachable perk where you can find them in the bloodwebs of your characters, but if you want to have tier 1 unlocked on everyone, you have to get the P1. The reason why it looks like your perks are locked is because that graphic is only showing that they aren't P1 tier 1 unlocked on everyone. You should still be able to find the perks in the bloodwebs.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756
    edited September 2022

    Reaching P3 just gives you the tier 3 perks

    You can P1 them and the perks will be in the Blood web

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 246

    ah ok then I guess thats pretty decent. Thanks for clarifying it