General Discussions

General Discussions

The real issue with DBD at the moment:

The top line of survivor and killer have not been addressed.

Nurse and SWF are both ruling the game at the moment, and nothings been done to fix this. Before you take this as another thread demanding Nurse or SWF to be nerfed into the ground, that's absolutely not what I'm saying here, both Nurse and SWF are fine in the context of facing each other, and being used in a casual environment. The issues arise when certain players combine the inherent advantages of these roles with the strongest perks and addons to create hopeless feeling matches, matches where you're forced to sit there and agonize while you watch the opposing role do everything in their power to win, and then typically bm you while they have the upper hand.

Pretty much everyone that has ever played this game has experienced this, regardless of role or skill, you know exactly what I'm talking about here. So what needs to happen to fix this? Well it's simple, certain tweaks need to be made to not destroy Nurse and SWF, but to make these situations far harder to create for each role, this starts by nerfing Nurse while keeping her similar for the people who enjoy her, and buffing weaker killers after solo queue is buffed. I think the game is actually in a pretty solid spot right now, but these issues are gonna fester and make the game return to the crap state it was in earlier this year.

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