If Any Other Killer Was As Buggy As Wesker Is Right Now They'd Be Kill Switched

Wesker is one of the buggiest releases we've had, only usurped by the twins. Seeing as other killers get kill switched pretty regularly youd think theyd do the same for Wesker since he has multiple ways of getting perma stuck.


  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    A killer\/survivor/perk being trash tier is fine for BHVR. Kill switches only happen when its basically a guaranteed win.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    Would you withdraw a product that has just been launched so quickly?

    If so, they should have a hard time getting their money back.

    This is not the first time this has happened with a product called Wesker.

    It may make sense from a business standpoint, but from the standpoint of the user who purchased the product, it leaves me dissatisfied.

    Still, I still think it is money.

  • The_Yosh
    The_Yosh Member Posts: 155

    "Pretty regularly" Two killers could make it so you were unable to save from hook but were not kill-switched. Oni was getting too much blood from players actions for months, he was not kill-switched.

    Nurse and Clown have been the only two that got kill-switched in recent times. If they didn't kill-switch Oni because he had new AoT skins, you can bet your bottom dollar that they aren't going to kill-switch Wesker during his release.

    It's not about a functional and enjoyable game, it's about revenue.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,202

    Which, I mean, they are a business, and that's fair. I really don't expect them to killswitch their hypest product this year.

    I do, however, expect that product to, ya know, work.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Still less bugy than Twins realese.

    Whenever you want to play Twins there was a good % that you get forever stuck or Victor fly in to the skye or you get stuck in Victor or something.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    But how would the DLC sell is Wesker was killswitched ?

    More seriously, while it is very bad that they thought it was okay to release him like this, it's hopefully going to be fixed soon. I hope they don't fix it the Thana way (fast but wonky) by increasing hitbox instead of fixing grabbing bugs though. It's been two days, that's not enough time to decide if it's a skill issue or a real problem. The game could use more hard-to-master killers like Nurse anyway, for those looking for a challenge.

  • FogNoob
    FogNoob Member Posts: 117

    But he's so fun, though.... I've been playing with him for he past few days and haven't encountered that many bugs. The collision is a bit wonky but I wasn't locked in animation forever, as I've seen in a few youtube videos.