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General Discussions

this game is soooo bad right now

BHVR continuously ignores bugs and balance issues and look at where we're at now.... not even the capgods could come and save this travesty.

MMR is still a huge problem, creating mismatch lobbies 24/7, players giving up/ DC right away...AND ALSO THE FACT THE SHRINE OF SECRET IS COMPLETE BS!!! I have never seen flashbang or any fun perks in there ever... but its "RNG"

also where is the cross progression??? seriously?? another false hope for your community much? just to keep people tagged along? im glad people have seem to drop this game as the devs don't deserve such a loyal playerbase that it has currently.

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  • Member Posts: 111

    Cross progression isn't as easy as it may seem, especially considering they have to get sony to agree to this. A deal that would likely cost BHVR alot of money, im not sure if Microsoft are cool with it, but sony being sony, I can guarantee that making Cross progression from playstation is a huge hassle

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    What are the devs supposed to do to prevent people constantly giving up/disconnecting?

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Oni also still drops like twice as much blood with absolutely no comment from the devs

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Yes this could help.

    Tbh, i think the devs are already working on implementing something like that. Since hook suicide became very popular after the 6.1. patch. After all, they gave us the whole dc penalty system after the Freddy release in 2017, where almost every match had someone disconnecting.

    Reassurance is probably just an attempt to see if the community solves the issue by itself with an perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    I was just thinking, instead of increasing the time penatly, how about DCers get a BP-penalty for the next game(s)?

    So e.g. when DCing the first time, they earn 25% less. With the next DC it's 50% less, then 75% and ultimately they would get nothing. But they still have to play reasonably well to get rid of that penatly (getting safety pip or earning at least 10k BP base), to prevent them just killing themselves right away to get rid of the penalty.

    Another thing is, we REALLY need bots in trials at least for the survivor side, so when a killer dc's the character is replaced by a bot. Or even backfilled with another play with increased BP for the backfiller. We could also remove the time penalty with this, instead the DCer would have to wait until the game he dc'ed from finished, with the opportunity to get back into the game (if not already back-filled with someone else). Such a system would also help with unintended DC due to poor connection / game crashes.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    We don't balance off win streaks. Streaks are ended by facing strong opponents.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Suicide has to be removed, shrine of secret is such a stupid mechanics, but I don't think there is any fix for MMR.

    Aaaaaand... the fact is they effectively did, that is the reason why good people like those can still get a match AT ALL.

    There is no point in removal, because it already is extremely loose.

  • Member Posts: 454

    right!! they can be so stubborn about it and also the fact facecamp bubba seems to still be completely ignored.

  • Member Posts: 454

    i mean they still announced it... why would you if things weren't concrete or soon to happen?? any good company knows not to do that or make people wait for soo long.

  • Member Posts: 702

    This is definitely false. It was fixed 100%. I’ve been playing oni a lot since the update.

  • Member Posts: 732

    They could add a helicopter to the game to stop the kobe-ing.

  • Member Posts: 1,201
    edited September 2022
  • Member Posts: 15,095

    If you aren't inclined to finish a match normally. Then you shouldn't start it in the first place.

    Imagine you get constantly matched with teammates that suicide/disconnect on the first down. You would lose all interest in the game pretty quickly.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Best description I've ever seen on why people DC/hook suicide, posted by CluelessWanderer:

    "I think this is it, as much as people don't care about it and prefer to blame it on salt.

    Under the old Rank system sure, there were D/C's, but nowhere near what I'm seeing now (in my experience anyways) and I play Solo Q exclusively. It's been particularly exacerbated by Patch 6.1. Fact is, BHVR's matchmaking is absolutely awful for Solos. Almost every decent perk that made a huge difference for Solo Q players were entirely gutted to help Killer's deal with SWF's better. They deactivated end game perks for us that used to maybe allow us to get a clutch escape or clutch saves. Every change has discouraged altruism and team work in Solo Q meaning you can rely on your team mates even less than before, as more and more we're seeing selfish builds/playstyles. They made keys useless, nerfed the hatch- most Killers released have been high mobility, range or teleporting so if you're the last survivor, getting an Exit gate is basically impossible.

    Solo Q is so miserable at the moment it's depressing, and I think disconnects are a symptom of a player base fed up. They WANT to play, they love DBD, been playing for years maybe; but it's demoralizing to load into a match, hear a squeal of a Nurse and a down in 6 seconds, see the next team mate hook grabbed immediately- and know not only is the game lost, but you won't even get any decent blood point compensation. So there you are wasting your time in a hopeless situation for 10 mins. Enjoy your 5k BPs. You can buy yourself a brown tool box, generator instructions, or maybe a green broken key on a Blood web where half the items are obsolete.

    Majority of D/C's are when a survivor is being camped at 4-5 gens. It happens all the time and significantly increased after 6.1 . I'd say 80% of the disconnects I see happen when a hooked survivor is being camped, or else when that survivor is tunneled and downed immediately after they're unhooked. People are sick of it. I was being face camped by a Pinhead once, a survivor came to unhooked me, saw me being camped (at 4 gens) and he just d/c'ed right then and there. He was just out of there.

    I've experience banks of matches where the Killer 4k's like, 10 matches in a row too. But according to BHVR, my MMR should be so low after that it will adjust accordingly, right? But it doesn't seem to and I just get paired with 2 survivors new to the game, a survivor who is competent and a Killer that has 3k hours. That's not a balanced, working MMR. Especially in a game where one inexperienced team mate can tank the game for the rest of us.

    So I think the general attitude of Solo Q players is one of exasperation, hopelessness, and resignation. When you log in, you mentally prepare yourself for absolute BS. If you actually have a normal match where the Killer isn't overpowered (meaning mis-matched and much more experienced than the survivor team), and isn't camping/tunneling, and if all your team mates are competent, it's a pleasant surprise rather than the norm. If you actually escape? Like... shocking.

    BHVR should be looking at the disconnect trend, and how it's increasing. They also have to look at WHY and do something productive. Just punishing Solos for it won't be effective. It will just be a bandaid fix and survivors will merely hook suicide."

  • Member Posts: 111

    They announced it sure, but they didn't say it was coming anytime soon.

  • Member Posts: 203

    BVHR have wrecked the game by pandering to killers in the last 2 patch's, its had an effect on myself i didnt think possible, its killed my 4 and a half year hardcore DBD addiction stone dead, i dont even feel like watching DBD on twitch anymore which is something i always continued doing when having previous burnout breaks from playing. I play both sides about 70% survivor 30% killer.

    Killer is now WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to easy now , particularly using spoiler/slowdown/fun killing tactics and survivor is just not fun anymore, its a grind, games are dragging out longer or ending to quick because other players just give up

  • Member Posts: 13,035

    Legion hitched after every vault, to explain this, basically if Legion was to vault a pallet or window they would lose momentum for a little bit, causing extra drain in their power and the survivor to gain a little distance

  • Member Posts: 732
    edited September 2022

    No. I think that they should add helicoptors to the game.

  • Member Posts: 219

    Game is running on a hooverville of an engine and coded to slowly fall apart.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Did this fix not work?

    Also I wouldnt call the devs attempting to fix a bug not acknowledging it.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    The game being so bad is an understatement.

    Survivors are so overnerfed most have abandoned it and those few still playing don't even want to play it.

    I'm honestly surprised killers are enjoying such easy games. Killers need to tell BHVR to make the game a little more fairer since killers are the only ones BHVR listens to.

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