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Devs, what is the escape rate as solo?

the kill rate is below your expectation yet?
Mine was 50% or more before the killer sided patch, which was fair but not to solos. Now it's been probably 25% since that patch.
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Mine has dropped from 1 in 4/5 to like 1 in 10
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25%? You’re a semigod!!!
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My escape rate is still somewhere at 40% or 50% probably. At the very least least the last week or so. I have still been having quite a bit of fun with solo queue, especially now with the tunneling nerf. But it does need some help. Camping at the very least still needs to be nerfed in adequate ways.
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My escape rate is at 50% or 60% as solo
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I wish they gave us this number and In addition bracketed it by MMR so we can see more than just an average
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I doubt they can give numbers to us. The number of es apes is probably very very low, so they can’t say it
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I'm stuck in low MMR hell due to camping and tunneling after 6.1. I'm lucky if I escape 2/10 matches.
I'm also matched with one team mate who knows what they're doing, and two pretty newbish ones on a regular basis, so when I do manage to escape, most of the end game stats look like this:
Bless, this Oni wasn't actually camping. But there's a skill mismatch happening.
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They won't show you statistic, but, frankly, it's the same as before patch. Around 1 escape out of 5-10. And I think it's because all experienced players are dropped in MMR drasticly and ended up in my range (I see a lot of moonwalking and juking survivors). I think they compensate the damage of patch. Otherwise it would be like 1 escape in 50.
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I escape about half the time. Half the time it's because I have potatoes that don't unhook me. XD Or a really righteous mind gamer.....
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You are more likely to see people give up right now, than for the game to play out naturally. To put it mildly, things are not great in soloQ
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It's enough.
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Have 5000+ hours so a bit of a god perhaps 😀 And yet I get killed by mediocre killers more than I should.
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It's taking into account all the bad survivors dragging the good ones down, so it's irrelevant. The escape rate should be nowhere near as low as it is.
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My escape rate as solo is around 30%. I have 3,5k hours. Was around 45% before the update
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Just a guess, but based on the aggregate site data and some bits of data devs have posted I think it's about a +4% escape rate per other person in your swf over being solo (e.g. 2-person is +4%, 3-person is +8%, 4-person is +12%). Also I think it's roughly something like 50% of matches are solo, 25% are two person swf, 15% are 3-person and 10% are four person. The overall total average kill rate right now seems to be around 57%, i.e. the escape rate is 43%, so I think the breakdown is something like this
That's just my guess though. 🤷♂️
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Like 1 10 for me but thats less on the killer and more on me and who I get teamed with. Either they altruism farm or hide in a corner while I sit on a hook and die.
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Just today, 10 games played zero wins. Feels so great. 🙄
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Around half the time, assuming people don't DC/suicide on hook.
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I don't even try to escape anymore, really. I think that after I finish the current tome I might take a break until the next anniversary event. This game has become a huge waste of time and it's not very fun anymore. It's basically turned into Among Us with better graphics.
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Tonight, i play 10 matches solo and died in all of them. Tunneled or camped every match. Sometimes my "team mates" didnt even try to save me. they cowered and hid instead of trying to save. I literally had a SWF leave me behind on first hook. I feel most of the time, that if you are not part of the SWF they could care less about you. ALos, BHVR, needs to find a away to buff Solo Queue, without buffing SWF or NERF SWF without killing Solo. They also need to deal with the epidemic that is Tunneling and Camping.
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Around 3/10 games for me. It's become obvious that if a killer is competent and utilizing their power well, its a stomp fest. Its just not fun like it used to be when at least you felt you were in with a chance most games and it would be neck and neck up till the end. Those were the best but now they are few and far between, to the point where I'm wondering why I bother.
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Same. I don't even go into a game expecting to escape anymore. I pretty much just count my bp and try for a pip. When a killer hooks and nods at me I'm just like 'yeah yeah, you and I both know this was the inevitable outcome' 🤣
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It used to be, as a solo, that I could usually predict how a game was going to go when there were 2-3 gens left. That was when the pressure started being felt. Now most games you know by 4-5 gens whether you stand a chance or not. I suspect that's why there's such an increase in early DCs and letting go on hook.
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After RE 2 patch I escaped 6 times in a row and next 7 matches came with 1 escape so little bit higher than 50%. Overall escape ratio after the patch is around 35%
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I'd wager I'm around 30%. If someone DCs or gives up on 1st hook, it's just over. Fun stuff.
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Pretty low if they had to nerf thana and buff basekit bt afterwards
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1 in 76 games probably. The other 75 matches, match making screws me and gives me survivors that can't touch gens nor hit skill checks, the 1 game I win the game screws up the killer and gives the poor noob a team full of 1500+ hours sweatlords that loop him for 5 gens.
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A killer main asked for confirmation about the new killer being reworked, and devs of course answer. But I didn’t see a comment form a dev about soloQ improvements, kill rates, camping issues or something relative to survs in a lot of time
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Perhaps they aren't mediocre killers compared to you, that's all.
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Since I started tracking my games (All SoloQ, all games played after the perk rework):
My personal escape rate: 35/82 (42.7%)
Total survivor escape rate: 147/328 (44.8%)
My escape rate when playing with no perks or items: 8/12 (75%) [None of those were hatch games surprisingly enough]
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Escaping in Solo Q is pretty rare, I'd say I escape like 1 out of 4 or even 5 matches. Won't really matter if people leave early or get tunneled to #########, I don't expect escaping either way. Also it's not very common to see people DC in my survivor matches atleast, though some do when it's a Nurse or a tryhard on blight or something similar as they're probably better off going next than staying and being less efficient in farming bp.
In general if I had to take a guess I'd say the Solo Q playerbase escapes 40 to 30% of the time and it's probably getting lower day by day judging by how they're starting to slowly buff survivor stuff .
It's a bit of a red flag that, as some people have pointed out, survivors just don't expect to escape in Solo Q and prioritize bp gains.
Also the times I do escape, it's quite common to see other survivors trashtalk the killer for losing which doesn't help toxicity in the game.
And, as a side note, it's not very fun to sit in queue for 2 years as killer to find a match due to how crappy playing survivor is atm.