Nurse ruins overall Killer Experience and SWF ruins overall Survivor Experience.

Instead of this tribal warfare that the community has created, and BHVR seems entirely fine with allowing to continue, can we just agree on these facts and make BHVR change them for the better?


  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303
    edited September 2022

    They won’t because the tsunami of tears and rage from both sides would be legendary and would alienate many players from the game.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Experienced, high-skill Nurse*

    Experienced, high-skill 4-man SWF*

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited September 2022

    Or… players could grow up and get over it. It’s hilarious people act like every Nurse or SWF is god tier players.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I am not saying SWF and Nurse players are god tier players but obviously both mechanics are gives you more chance to win.

    Nurse is strongest killer in the game and if you are good with her, you have good chance to win.

    SWF is also good. You know your team and they knows you. You guys have comm and nobody is weak on the team. So ofcourse you have good chance to win.

    But you can not do this with solo or most of killers.

    So question is that, game needs to balance on which level? Balance game around SWF & Nurse level and make everything strong like them? Or balance game around solo-q & average killers.

    This is important question to balance game tho.

  • ThundahBolt
    ThundahBolt Member Posts: 18

    Killer perks and combos are actively being nerfed because of Nurse's existence. The nerf to Awakened Awareness is clear evidence of that to any deniers left out there.

    Solo Survivor gets constantly worse as perks and combos for Survivors are being nerfed because SWFs use said perks and combos to bully and be toxic.

    BHVR needs to sort this out before the rift between Killers and Survivors becomes even worse and the game dies as a result.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Balancing around SWF/Nurse is better, because you will literally never prevent SWF from being a thing, and trying to do so will quite literally kill the game. So, instead, buff solo to their level of information and rebalance killers and the game around that.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Well i am saying that for years but they are keep ignoring solo survivors tho. But clearly they are not happy with current solo survivor level either. They are trying make this mod more fun too but they are keep missing the real issues. So nothing changing honestly.

    I doubt they will see it anyway.

  • get_barted
    get_barted Member Posts: 207

    You cant buff a Solo survivor to the level of a SWF. Most SWFs are in constant communication as to location, what they are doing, etc. In order to that, they would need to put icons as to what they are doing and make bond map wide and base kit which would be too powerful.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Nah, not really. In this case, it's more like the baby ones don't count, but even average Nurses and average comms SWF have a leg up on their compatriots, and you start seeing the gap widen at merely "good." They both fundamentally bypass game design and confer advantages that can't meaningfully be countered by the other side. You don't have to be god-tier to start reaping the benefits of that.

    (I love your name, by the way. Always makes me smile.)

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I get what you're saying, it just grates me sometimes seeing people considering "SWF" as that one homogenous block of players. I only play survivor in SWF (generally duo, sometimes trio) and even with one of us being quite good and the other.s casual but not still baby, we still die quite a lot because we're there to enjoy the game with friends while chatting, not to tryhard. We still often have "solo q moments" of leading killer to friends because we don't typically update each other on our positions (we'd need a compass for that one haha, most maps don't have enough landmarks for us to know where we are). X)

    And I might be biased and generalizing, but I think most SWFs are like us, incomplete for one, and casual as well.

    Same with Nurse, an average Nurse never ruins my day (actually most of the Nurse players I encounter are quite nice), I very rarely encounter unpleasant or stomping Nurses because I'm still in the mmr bracket of people with a medium skill level / casual players.

    Maybe the game could have a more competitive mode that would remove SWF, like League does, but if base game ever removes SWF I would probably switch permanently to killer, which is a shame because I do enjoy playing survivor casually with friends.

    (Thanks ! I'm glad it cracks you up ! :D)

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495

    SWF on Discord have a bit more than "a bit chance to win" they literally have perks synergies and can call out the location of Killer an attempt things that otherwise would be plain impossible.

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555

    I don't know, an idea that I thought is that I could have an experience, that one day of the month, the SWF option was disabled and also Nurser, Blight and Spirit could not be chosen either, and the devs on that day would collect the number of players who played the game that day

    It's a complicated subject because people complain about all ideas, but one thing is a fact, the game shouldn't be like this: Survivors should have a voice chat in the game, even playing solo, and all killers had the strength to face any type of surv, the devs' focus should be this

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    All I know is the few weeks Nurse was disabled was the most fun I had had in DBD for a long time. I think feeling like you had a chance to win rather than hearing the screech of a player playing nurse deciding to get an easy win in like 20 percent of games.