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Hardest Achievement For You?



  • I think the hardest achievement that was ever in the game was the OG iteration of Deranged Pursuit. For context, Deranged Pursuit is an achievement that dropped with Legion, the killer who introduced Deep Wound into the game. I think the achievement right now is fairly simple, something like “down 25 survivors who have Deep Wound as Legion” or something like that. Back in the day, though, it was WAY different.

    Background information: When Legion first dropped, Feral Frenzy only lasted six seconds, but Deep Wound drained whenever you weren’t in a chase and hitting a survivor who already had Deep Wound with Frenzy would drain a third of their Deep Wound timer until it went to 0 and they went down. When Legion first dropped, to get the Deranged Pursuit achievement, you had to hit a survivor with Frenzy, hit someone else with that same Frenzy, and then, while STILL in that same instance of Frenzy, run back and down the first survivor IN FRENZY. In one single use of Frenzy, you had to hit someone, chain a hit, run back to the first guy you hit, and then down them by hitting them again. The problem was, as if this challenge weren’t specific enough, it was pretty much impossible without addons, because even if you hit two other people in Frenzy, that’s a maximum of 18 seconds of Frenzy, and to get the Deep Wound timer down to a point where it can be removed with a Frenzy hit, it had to drain on its own for 20 seconds. Frank’s Mix Tape (which at the time made Frenzy hits reduce the Deep Wound timer more) and a duration addon were basically required to get this challenge done, and even with those equipped it was still the single biggest pain in the ass I’ve ever had to deal with in this entire game.

    OG Deranged Pursuit was an absolute nightmare and I don’t think a more difficult achievement has ever been invented in this game.

  • Member Posts: 157

    I genuinely think that for me it's the Rank/Grade I achievements, simply because they are the only two that are truly time-limited and also dependent on other people as well . You have to grind that role in the timeframe of one month and have to go for a very specific playstyle - as survivor you need to play for emblems rather than do what is best for the team in that moment. As killer you have to bring a lot of gen regression or other slowdown as you really need to drag out the exit gates being powered and then you'll get survivors complaining about that.

    And then you are still depending on others. Play survivor but you get an AFK killer or someone new? Well, tough luck for your altruism. Play killer and someone suicides on first hook/DCs on first down? Well, there goes your Devout emblem.

    Other achievements are grindy and I, too, dread Outbreak Breakout. But there is no time limit on them so I find them less stressful.

    The ones I hate the most are the ones that are counterproductive such as blessing hexes (not a good idea as the killer will know the location of the boon), escaping chases in lockers (risky, always better to drag out the chase), or not losing a drop of blood (it's better to take turns and spread hooks across the team).

    Out of the Adepts the ones where uisng your power hurts you are just silly - Bubba, Myers, Billy, Ghostface are good examples. Plague was the trickiest for me though. Her perks are not bad but her power really works against her in the emblem system but she's a pretty terrible M1 killer without it as she doesn't even have the stealth or Billy's map traversal.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    It's hard to say, some of them would be insanely hard but you can easily get them in a friendly farming match, like the triple-blink-grab nurse one, or the down far away as Huntress one.

    I guess ones that you can't really get from a game like that, like Myers' Evil Incarnate or the finish a gen and escape via the gate as the final survivor would be the hardest.

    Personally speaking I just can't get Iri 1 as survivor and will probably never get it so that's the absolute hardest for me.

  • Member Posts: 139

    With Hiding Seeker im just going to go with QnQ, Deception and Head On.

    But the hardest for me was probably Power moves.

  • Member Posts: 157

    It is hard if you are solo but can be done if you play selfish and for the pips.

    1) Start doing gens away from the action - ideally do two by yourself.

    2) Break two totems (don't bring a book, you need to be the one healing others)

    3) Then proceed to do the more dangerous stuff. If you get two unhooks and escape two chases your are good for altruism and evader. The best way to do this is to stay near someone injured/in chase. Sometimes it's have you enter chase as well but the killer will focus on the injured person, so you can get away and "escape the chase". Then hide near the hook a d make sure you go for the unhook first. Don't heal at hook, book it and make sure you're not found. 😅 Don't be afraid to pre drop pallets either if it helps, even though your teammates will hate you for it.

    I ran this build:

    Borrowed Time - wasn't basekit then so essential so you can probably substitute it, maybe for detectives hunch to find totems quicker.

    Inner strength - since I'm doing totems anyway

    Empathy - to know where chases are going on

    Kindred or sprint burst - kindred helping when you are hiding near hook or sprint burst as a good exhaustion perk, helps you be first on the scene for the unhook and if you happen to be with another survivor, the killer won't go for the one sprintbursting away 😉

    You don't actually have to escape.

    It sometimes feels bad though as you have to stick to your gameplan no matter what. Even if it's not the optimal play. 🙄 I'm glad I got it and don't have to go through this again.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    That achievment dropped with Sadako, and she is probably the easiest to do it. Basically you just kick a gen while demanifested and get one blip of that achievment. I guess it would also work with all the various stealth killers, so if you wanna go achievment hunting, just play Ghost Face or Myers for a couple of rounds and you should get it.

    Alternatively maybe pick up Trail of Torment, its not the best perk, but can be fun at times and give you some often unexpected stealth with non-stealth killers.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    In the same vein, Tools of the Trade for the killers was pretty tough, ie getting a merciless victory with only 3 universal perks equipped. Most universal perks ain't that good, so in order to get a merciless victory you had to play like mad. Doing it after grade reset helped a lot, but you were still on sort of a timer: win too much, but not good enough, and you would only pip up once, and once you would reach Gold grades, double pipping would be much, much harder.

    The thing that saved this challenge for me was Jolt, which indeed counted as a universal perk for this challenge. Back in the days Jolt had a cooldown, but still, this perk gave me the breathing room I needed to eventually get this achievment done.

  • Member Posts: 201

    I'm there at the moment and play predominantly solo queue. I'd recommend the 2 gens, 2 unhooks, 2 chases (and a totem for good measure) rule of thumb for a guaranteed pip but obviously in solo queue matches don't always go the way you hope. Good luck and you've got this!

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    Good to know Demo perks count. I didn't trust that BHVR had coded them to work for that achievement when I did it so stuck with the other Universal perks. Tended to run Whispers, Sloppy Butcher and NoED.

  • Member Posts: 92
    edited November 2022

    A lot of the killer achievements seem to be boostable if you make friends with the survivors. The ones that obviously require killing them or putting them in danger not so much.

    I think the hardest achievements in this game are like getting the last gen and then using the gate to exit, crawling through a hatch, using a key to open the hatch and escape was probably the hardest one.

    I like the hex totem achievements because they give me incentve to play survivor, the killer achievements are a grind and the survivor adept achievements are a piece of cake, no incentive to keep playing survivor except for those grindy achievements like the getting hit after unhooking someone, and the vaulting achievements. They could have done so much more with survivor such as "escape/survive the pig in 20 matches."

    The win 20 games in racoon city through gate is super fun, they should have made that achievement for every map. Probably would have made me actually care about winning instead of totem hunting.

  • Member Posts: 611
    edited November 2022

    I still haven't gotten skilled huntress, it's been 5 years

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Ending 35 chases by hiding in lockers is loong.

  • Member Posts: 6,226
    edited November 2022

    Left For Dead. No contest. Took me 2500 hours and a killer who pretty much handed the achievement. I owe that Pig a blood debt.

    Edit: Wait, I've been on this thread before 😨

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Wow, bro! Congrats!

    I can't get it, it's too much. I pushed only to 5 since then.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    I don't blame you, that achievment is just cursed and busted and anti-fun. I found a couple of cool people with whom I SWF every now and then and they helped me a lot with this achievment. We would burn a RPD offering every second game and they would 99 the doors so that I could open them. That got me 7 pips in that achievment in one day.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited November 2022

    "From the void she kills" was by far the most difficult achievement to get (the iri addons weren't giving 3 blinks through obstacles : what kind of idiot wouldn't stop working on a gen or a door seeing a Nurse blinking right to him).

    "Evil Incarnate" has been difficult but it "only" took a few tries (after 18 training matches)

  • Member Posts: 614

    Skilled huntress was the toughest one for me because I could never gauge properly 24 meters so it took me soooo long to eventually get 20. It also doesn't help if they are at an exit gate or something too and you knock them out of the loading zone and they escape, and KNOWING you are 24 meters away, they don't count for it.

    I have ONE more achievement to get, and that is myers', which I get bored playing as and I have to tier up like 172 more times or something like that. That is 43 myers matches if I get 4 tier ups, and that sounds really miserable to me.

    To be honest, about 96% of the achievements I got naturally and without really focusing on grinding them out (with the exception for adepts which I purposely go for) - including left for dead, which I accidentally got when I finished the last gen instead of hatch and didn't realize my teammate was on final hook, or the old "Where did they go?" achievement I got in solo q one day. The only one I cheesed was collision course because I gave up on getting it naturally because I thought wesker is so boring to play.

  • Member Posts: 157
    edited November 2022

    I forgot Surge/Jolt is universal now but yes, that's helpful. I think Whispers, Jolt and Sloppy Butcher might be a good combination and you can still use add ons as well. Another issue is that you'd have to be a bit picky about the killer though as some are then also so severely punished for actually using their power (looking at you, Plague and Bubba 😅). I think this would work well with a killer like Legion or Doctor as they can severely slow down the game as well.

    (I know you've done it already but in case someone that hasn't is reading, maybe it's useful for them ☺️).

    Reading this thread I also realise I had more luck than I ever knew. I got Left For Dead without actively trying for it once and Evil Incarnate on first try - the latter required a lot of sweating though and I had pre-planned it to the last detail, grinded out the perks I needed before trying too.

  • Member Posts: 113

    Not the hardest, but I just finished the last achievement I needed - Outbreak Breakout. That one is a pain because trying to make it to end game as a solo survivor on RPD is not easy. I just kept burning RPD offerings and used Wake Up to finally finish it off. The last game was down to me as the last survivor, killer closed the hatch, and I hid by one of the exit gates. Barely made it out of that one, but the RPD grind is finally over and I can work on restoring my sanity.

  • Member Posts: 84

    "Have fun" recently

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    Grats! I feel you, because I went through the same. Just two days ago I finally finished Outbreak Breakout and it was such a slog. RPD is still one of this maps which map offerings are viewed by the killers as a declaration of war. And even if you make it to the end with all four survivors alive and kicking, only two can open the doors, that is if the killer gives you an opportunity to open both.

    This achievement is horrible designed and I hope that BHVR will take the very bad reception of it to heart and never repeat anything like it.

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    The 3 I will likely never attempt are Michael evil within, huntress long range hatchets, and nurse 3 blink grab

  • Member Posts: 422

    There are still three that I have not gotten but only one of them is really "hard"

    • Boon 20 Hex totems. (You almost never boon a hex because of how long it takes unless there is a concern of penti/permamento
    • Escape RPD by opening the exit gates 20 times (Its a new achievement and I dont want to send myself there)
    • Hemophobia- F#$% this Achevement. Like I was super excited when I didnt get hit on Fathers Chapel one time but NOPE not good enough has to be disturbed ward. I am very close to just bringing a crotus penn offering with a swf and a hatch offering and doing a rapid 3 person dc if I get Disturbed Ward. Its such a dumb achievement that essentially says hey you didnt actually face the killer on this specific map.
  • Member Posts: 761

    Evil Incarnate. If the survivor doesn't want you to get that achievement, then you aren't getting that achievement

  • Member Posts: 422

    Okay 2 of these are easy to get if you want them.

    • Huntress Long range. Bring Blood Warden and when they open the exit gates since survivors never end up leaving because they want you to watch them leave do super snipes. But don't go there to pick them up. They will pick each other up and you can repeat. Reason for Blood Warden is you get vision of them in the exit gates since you need to be hellas far away
    • Nurse - show that you are friendly and hit a gen. Do three blinks and grab them off. Let them go and you can just play to try and kill the other three.
  • Member Posts: 1,224

    I may eventually try the huntress one but if I have to get friendly survivors in order to do the nurse or Michael achievements they are not worth it to me. I have 200 achievements and they were all hard earned in blood.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited November 2022

    the one that ttook me a lot of grind and pain was one of the new ones escaping from RPD 20 times... mnany survivors died and some offerings had to be spend and me sneaking with wake up in order to get it im not proud of what i did but it had to be done lol

    the last survivor doing a gen and escaping by doors wasnt hard to get BACK IN THE DAY because hatch standoff were a thing and killers camped hatch back in the day so u had a ton of time to do gens... and then the killer had 2 options leave and risk survivors getting the hatch OR go for gates, so eventually you will get it if u tried and it wouldnt take many attempts at all besides people were worse players back then.

    The myers killing everybody was a little biut hard because hatch offering didnt exist back then and you couldnt slug either, so you relied on luck to get it and i still remember it... was hard it took me like 5 games in a row or something it was hard so hard that i still have some tiny memories of when i get it it was like 2018 and it was thompsons house, the old one and i killed a baby nea that was crouching in a corner i was so relieved when i saw her, remember a dwight escaping by hatch the game before because i took them to a corner to kill him many times and i couldnt kill him cause he got to lockers but for whatever reason the hatch was nearby and he got it and i didnt realiaze hatch was nearby...and other games aswell before that one, was stressfull... today is worse because everybody knows u have to get into a locker or u are dead.-

  • Member Posts: 295

    to me the worst ones to get were:

    as killer - Evil Incarnate

    as survivor - Outbreak Breakout

    only reason I don't say Left Behind is because it is the kind of achievement that might just randomly happen if you play long enough and end up with a killer who's kind enough to help you out with it and you only need this to happen once while the Outbreak Breakout requires the sanity to play and open the gates at RPD 20 times 💀💀💀

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    Evil Incarnate - after over a dozen frustrating attempts that were all thwarted by "clever" lockerplay, I was down to my last two iri tombstones and and lock of hair and I did the scummiest thing: I tanked my MMR for a good couple of games and ended up om Auto Haven with two decent and two baby survivors. Well, the babies were easily stalked out of all their juice and then I killed off the first good survivor. The second one made a run for a locker, but was caught a good bit before he could reach it.

    The baby survivor's didn't know what had happened and went both down to my knife. When that Feng ran away in abject terror over the whole ground and then got picked up by Myers, I felt bad and empty, followed by the warm, fuzzy feeling of elation and bliss.

    The long and arduous quest was finally over and I had conquered all there was to conquer about Myers. I had stooped to a new low, but on the way to becoming the Evil you gotta kill your own humanity until all that's left is but a hollow shape. A shape that could only be described as a man in the most broadest and incomplete words.

  • Member Posts: 272

    If I didn't have it the left behind achievement but now its Hiding seeker. End chase by hiding in a locker 35 times, I don't want to throw games to get it. im at 4 of 35 and have been playing trying to get it for a while

  • Member Posts: 530

    Outbreak Breakout

    The amount of times games didn't even load cause of the RPD badge in the loading screen was what I expected.

    And even after the game just load, people would just give up. Either killer or survivor, which I don't blame them.

    But I was done. thankfully

    Sorry to all the people who had to go thought that much RPD in a day :(

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    I'm down to 5 achievements left and while I chose to farm a few of them (Interrupt survivors cleansing a totem), I would say the most frustrating one was Evil Incarnate by far because I was only able to get it after deadass 30+ attempts when the last survivor finally decided to not hop in a locker and just die to end game like every other last survivor prior

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    You can also pick up progress by, if you're the last alive, waiting by an exit gate and opening it after the Killer closes hatch (assuming RNG puts the Hatch far enough away from you for you to get the gate). If you find the Hatch then instead of taking it you can run to the furthest exit gate to up your chances of opening the gate.

    I wouldn't recommend it as a go-to strategy of course but if you're in that position it did work and, to be honest, with how tedious that achievement is I'd rather risk a chance to get progress on it than take a guaranteed escape.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    That one time when we got an AFK killer on RPD I did one gen and then camped one of the exit gates. Lol. That was guaranteed progress that I didn't wanna miss out. A bit scummy, as I let the other three doing nearly all the gens, but I couldn't risk it.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    I totally understand. I'd quite happily two or three escapes just for progressing that achievement one notch.

  • Member Posts: 747

    You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.

  • Member Posts: 949

    Adept Pinhead and Adept Plauge for different reasons. Adept Pinhead cause I went to Garden of Joy. It was not in fact joyful. Especially since I dont main him. Adept Plauge because her interactions net so little points that I basically have to let people do resets assuming someone doesn't DC and screws me out of 3 hooks.

  • Member Posts: 954

    Bless You: I never use Boon perks, and killers never use hex perks in the year 2022. Hopefully The Knight's new perk helps get some good progress on this one.

    Outbreak Breakout: ######### this one, I don't think there's anything more I have to say. It's the biggest thing keeping me from 100%

    There are no more killer achievements that are tough for me, I did all the hard ones years ago.

  • Member Posts: 5,506

    Here is my favs hardest achievements to do.

    These two are the ones I struggled most with. They took most time, more than a day to complete.

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