The lack of change in Killer gameplay

Hey everyone, Killer main here. Been playing for a few years now, and something struck me. The gameplay experience of playing Killer hasn't really changed much, has it? We got the removal of infinites, the nerfing of pallets and Bloodlust.
Is it just me who thinks that it's kind of stagnated a little? The Hallowed Blight event really put this in perspective for me with the added objective for the Survivors to play around with. Wouldn't that be a fun thing to have in the game more or less permanently? Added objectives to play around beyond just the old "do gens, get downs" thing?
I think the game could really benefit from some new mechanics to play around with, like for example when League of Legends reworks the jungle or adds runes or whatever. Give each Survivor and each Killer a unique passive ability, so there's something new and fresh to have fun with? I dunno, I'm just spitballing here and throwing my thoughts in the ring.