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Rank 1 personal playstle

BogdanNEK Member Posts: 65

I'll start. Some "rules" that I follow. With rank 10-20 that I can hook 2 times each very fast I'll let them escape. My sacrifice is the only category that is not maxed, but almost to the top so I can confirm a 28k+ very easy. I know when the game is won and making some extra BP is not a bad idea. Most of us want high BP games.

For good players is ok to don't tunnel/focus one player. 2 hooks each if possible. Mind games represent a good weapon against skilled players too.


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    I don't have set "rules" for myself.
    Tho I usually :

    • Don't let more than 2 chances to try harders (and I consider DS and a chance.)
    • Camp if I see 2 survivors in the open trying to bait me away from the hook rather than repairing.
    • Try hard unless I see a reason to play otherwise.
  • DrDannieburger
    DrDannieburger Member Posts: 57

    @Techn0 said:
    Lets see, my "rules" for playing killer at rank one are normally
    I don't dodge a lobby even if I know I am going to get bullied, I have to play with good players to learn.
    Never run NOED. I feel like other perks are much more fun and running it ruins fun for the survivors.
    Last guy always gets the hatch as long as they didn't run DS.
    T bagging and last second switching will get you face-camped. I don't care if it costs me the game.

    Holy ######### that is very similar to me. Although for me, if I find hatch first, it's normally mine unless I get bored.
    I couldnt agree with you more about the other ones though. Especially tbagging lol

  • Show No mercy and if they're bullying you, bully them back. Watch the end game screen fill with salt and tears.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Noed (no one escapes shrek) brings back the fear of our ogrelord and savior. Escort them out of your swamp with a ride on the entity train. The survivors gotta learn about the rules of the swamp, cause the fight is never ogre to keep these creatures out.
  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171
    I just try and make it fun for people but fun for me too. I'm as "try hard" as I need to be in order to have control of the match. Meaning if the survivor aren't very good I take it pretty easy on them. If they are good or jerks i do everything i can to give them a good match.

    I get bullied a lot because I main leatherface (who could really really use a buff to that chainsaw!!) I dont really try for rank on either side so I stay somewhere from 8 to 15 on both killer/surv use to main survivor but I play both now pretty regularly. 

    I never play toxic on either side of the ball but I do camp if the doors are powered. I get sh*t for this but to me survivors have a choice you can leave or come to me and keep the game going. If you choose to stay then dont be mad at me for what happens after that. I'll often times end up with 3 or 4K from this end game because many are usually on death hook when they decide to give it a try against a camping leatherface with his chainsaw rev'd and I'm the #########. Hahaha  :)

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    Franklin all flashlights. You bring a flashlight to my game, F your white ward, you're not leaving with it. 
    Same with lunch boxes. They stay with me.

    If I don't see you all game, you get the hatch. I respect stealth, not Kobes. 

    If I grab you saving someone in the basement, tough luck you're both getting camped. 
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    My personal rules are I have no personal rules.

    Made up rules are for scrubs - I'm here to destroy everything in front of me. GG if you best me.

  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    My personal rules are I have no personal rules.

    Made up rules are for scrubs - I'm here to destroy everything in front of me. GG if you best me.


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    I just tryhard as soon as I play rank 1.
    Usually on Hag/Billy. If people complain, I just suggest them to rank down.

  • BogdanNEK
    BogdanNEK Member Posts: 65

    For survivor: Rush gens, but if I can I hide till killer checks the gen I want to start with. Saves are in the last 50-60% struggle or 10-30% second hook struggle. I'll take toolbox or medkit 90% of time. Always check for ruin if it's on, but a 3 bypass gen touch is an option too. Tap dull totems for thrill chance.
    Pallet loops are not an option as I prefer mindgames and tactical aproach.
    Perks: Bond, WMI, Empathy, BT, Leader, WGLF (for farm). No self care as I rely on bond or a medkit.
    No BM, just the campers get special one.
    You have to think about killer's perks like BBQ, NOED, etc and anticipate, adapt.

  • Killer:

    On Xbox most games are typically 2-4 player SWF, so I patrol hooks pretty closely because I know fools will be overly altruistic. 

    Dstrike or constant looping = you’re getting camped.

    All NOED all the time.

    As Survivor:

    Gen rush.

    I don’t run any exhaustion perks outside of Adrenaline sometimes.

    Never run Dstrike.

    All WGLF all the time but only safe rescues. 
  • Greater_Cultist
    Greater_Cultist Member Posts: 81

    @BogdanNEK said:
    I'll start. Some "rules" that I follow. With rank 10-20 that I can hook 2 times each very fast I'll let them escape. My sacrifice is the only category that is not maxed, but almost to the top so I can confirm a 28k+ very easy. I know when the game is won and making some extra BP is not a bad idea. Most of us want high BP games.

    For good players is ok to don't tunnel/focus one player. 2 hooks each if possible. Mind games represent a good weapon against skilled players too.

    my rules as killer?

    If there are survivors nearby the hook, then I'm sorry sirrie but ya getting camped.

    Hatch might be given if the other side played respectfully (no t-bagging) and didn't run DS (ya got one second-chance, you don't need a third)

    As solo survivor?
    All teammates are expendable and will be left on a dime if necessary for my own survival, imma go hatch if two people are dead before the second gen is finished.

    I always gen-rush
    I always loop (against non-Nurse's
    I always say GG at the end of a game (both sides)
    Compliments are given to the other side if they played well (especially to fellow billy mains)

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @BogdanNEK said:
    I'll start. Some "rules" that I follow. With rank 10-20 that I can hook 2 times each very fast I'll let them escape. My sacrifice is the only category that is not maxed, but almost to the top so I can confirm a 28k+ very easy. I know when the game is won and making some extra BP is not a bad idea. Most of us want high BP games.

    For good players is ok to don't tunnel/focus one player. 2 hooks each if possible. Mind games represent a good weapon against skilled players too.

    As killer I have no rules, usually I slugg the DS or let him bleed out, but you can hardly call that a rule.
    No DS as survivor

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408
    edited September 2018

    I don't have any rules because I know I will break them, but usually at rank 1

    • I use BBQ, Distressing, ToTH and Ruin as my build for most Killers, unless I actually want to ######### up someone's day. I use this build even on weak Killers like Wraith. The only one safe from it is Freddy, even then I only take off Distressing. BLOOD POOOOOOOOOINTS!!!!!!!!
    • I have a ton of spare add-ons and offerings, and tons of perks on all my Killers from my playtime, but I usually just use uncommon to very rare add-ons, and survivor puddings. I would say once every 10 matches I use some ultra rares/mori
    • Give the hatch if no DS, exploits etc.
    • Will tunnel if you think you are the #########. I need to teach you that you have a lot to learn, besides your very hard skill check for DS
    • I hate Dead Hard
    • If the match is clean, I will say "gg" then "good luck and have fun" at the end, win or lose. If someone exploited, just the "gg." If there was a hacker, I'll only say "gg" if I kill them. Killing a hacker almost always means they eventually did turn it off to let you kill them. Still reported either way though.
    • If 1 DC, I play as normal. Survivors still have more than enough tools to escape just missing 1 person. If two or more, I will usually just watch youtube and let them escape. I used to farm but that is boring.
      EDIT: I don't have survivor code. These are more actual rules that I won't break. (Only rank 10, so they may change a little at rank 1)

    • No Mither and no Exhaustion unless I haven't played for a while

    • Solo only unless I am very tired of bad teammates
    • It's pretty impossible to survivor without looping, but I don't do it mindlessly. I never abuse infinites, and am smart with pallets(I remember to have windows).
    • I don't like to be that guy that made the Killer's day a living hell by looping him all match. I always try to hide and lose the Killer(even if it means I will easily get found).
    • I give the Killer a kill at end of match if they are deserved it. This means they were playing very well, but as a bad Killer like Freddy or Wraith, and got abused by a 3 man SWF or some ######### exploits
    • Only safe unhooks
    • I change up my perk build all the time, only use BP offerings, and rarely use items
    Post edited by RagingCalm on
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited September 2018

    If you DS me or play toxic, I won't give you any freebies. I will punish every mistake and not care what happens to you.

    If you don't DS me and play nice, I'll give you some freebies. I won't make it easy for you, but if you are on last hook and I can afford to chase someone else I will let you go. If I keep finding you though I will kill you.

    If your team played well and was not toxic, and you get at least 2 gens done, I will probably give you the hatch. I'll kill everyone and chase you like I will kill, but then I carry you to the hatch or let you escape my grasp and chase you again until you find the hatch.

    If gates are powered all bets are off and I will do what it takes to secure a pip.

    If I know for a fact I already pipped (eg. 2 dead, 2 gens left) I will screw around a bit more if you weren't toxic. I also like to gamble sometimes, for example had a game last week as Freddy where I kept the game going for a LONG time and it came down to 2 survivors and 1 gen. It was Haddonfield and they REALLY wanted this last gen in the middle of the street. Jake was asleep and injured but kept trying to get the gen, and I wanted to find the Feng who was hiding somewhere. They played well and it was a definite pip likely 2 pip, so I figured I'll let Feng go, and gave Jake a chance to show me how big his survivor balls were. I chased him off the gen one last time, then stopped, hit the gen with my claw and walked away. He got the message I was letting him do the gen, I took the gamble that he would probably get away if he had Adren. I stood behind a fence in a way I wouldn't be able to hit or sleep him right away when he finished, and let him do the rest of the gen. He ended up not having Adren and I killed him when he finished. Feng escaped, and I gave the guy props for having some big balls to do that right in front of me without Adren.

  • BogdanNEK
    BogdanNEK Member Posts: 65

    For some this may be useful :)

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    get 4 bbq stacks, kill the rest of the survivors

  • sixty4half
    sixty4half Member Posts: 82
    BogdanNEK said:

    I'll start. Some "rules" that I follow. With rank 10-20 that I can hook 2 times each very fast I'll let them escape. My sacrifice is the only category that is not maxed, but almost to the top so I can confirm a 28k+ very easy. I know when the game is won and making some extra BP is not a bad idea. Most of us want high BP games.

    For good players is ok to don't tunnel/focus one player. 2 hooks each if possible. Mind games represent a good weapon against skilled players too.

    You have deceived us.  The thread talks of rank 1 playstyle but you only talk about rank 10-20.
  • Darkandsinful
    Darkandsinful Member Posts: 39
    1. As a hag i do not camp, that is what my traps are for.
    2. if you set off my trap i will chase you down and kill you. (if you are dumb enough to get off the hook and set off my trap dont cry later that i tunneled you your own dumb fault)
    3. I will use any perk that i feel like using without regard to suvivors crying about it. if i feel like using noed i will. it is not a crutch it is not cheap. it is a tool and your own damn fault if you don't break the totems.
    4. if you wear this i will dedicate all my time to finding you and chasing you down relentlessly. i will hook you, i will let you escape then find you again the entire time saying to myself where's waldo.
  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    My rules are pretty simple.
    If someone has decisive strike I play unfair and how I want to, including camping, tunneling etc.
    If no one has decisive strike and the gens are not rushed I play for fun and let the last one escape if I even kill all 3 survivors.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962
    Depends on my mood...

    Sometimes I'll let them go, or play "Hook Immunity" if there are 3 ppl.

    Sometimes I'll hard camp if I have a stupid chasing daily with a killer I'm bad with. I

    Sometimes I'll tunnel an easy target, sometimes I'll tunnel the unsafe rescuer/sandbagger.

    Most of the time I give up on the 3rd kill giving the hatch to the 4th, but that's just cuz it's the hatch... A built in freebie escape. #saltykiller

    It just depends on how my mood is compared to the survivors I'm facing.
  • BogdanNEK
    BogdanNEK Member Posts: 65

    Good topic for starters! Have a look if you're new and feel free to comment. See you in the fog!

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871