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Reassurance nerf

Wonder what leads devs to support unhealthy games. We could get rid of boring camping nad learn people to accept they cant have a kill each game. But now it's still the same, the perk was so overnerfed that is not worth perk slot, have facecampers every game and isntead of them facecamping would be pointless they win because of it. Great job, we see how you want a healthy game.


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,690

    Camping isn't innately unhealthy. There's many reasons why a killer should be able to defend the hook from unhooks.

    Also highly doubt you face actual facecampers every game.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    What's the point of playing killer if you can't have a kill each game? Just there to let survivors have fun while killer is t-bagged at the exit gates? The game has to be fun for killers, too. The fact that Reassurance is a perk at all is a good step in the right direction. Not to mention increasing the built in Borrowed Time effect (further boosted by just running the perk itself).

  • Oddbox_geo
    Oddbox_geo Member Posts: 20

    I don’t think reassurance should have been a perk to band aid fix camping. Especially a perk that you need to purchase. I understand that camping is needed sometimes and towards end game if you care about winning but let’s face it killers camp mostly when it’s not needed coz they’re playing comp mode. I feel like a kinship buff would have been better if any perk was going to be used. It’s free to everyone as an uncommon perk and it would be awesome if it worked for both hook stages to counter killers wanting to camp/confirm hook stages early game.

    killers got a buff, gens take longer and gyms got nerfed too. I dont understand why killers still play like this! 🤦‍♀️

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479
    edited September 2022

    We have plenty of these complains. I ask myself, how many killers Elan encountered that:

    • Camped hard not in the endgame. Because when all the gens are done you have nothing else to do other than grab a guy and camp. The exits are impossible to defend for long and after 20 seconds are 99%;
    • Camped without any reason, like there was not any almost completed gen to defend near the hook or the other survs were harrassing to free the victim just after the killer hooked, survs do those things and also pretend the killer goes away even if his targets are right there;
    • Camped so much that a single reassurance was not enought to save the guy, and this means wasting like 3 minutes to secure a kill leaving the whole map uncontested. 3 minutes plus the time to find and catch the first surv are enought to do 5 gens and 99% the exits if well cohordinated.
    • After camping so hard and so long the killer still manage to win.

    This is the only scenario where you are hurted by the nerf, in any other the reassurance still worked or was unnecessary at all and this scenario is insanely rare, almost always happening in the super bottom of MMR.

    If you face so many braindead campers: Kindred, Reassurance, Off the record, Decisive strike. If you do not have one of these put your favourite exahustion then.

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    As someone who's used Reassurance every survivor game for the last couple days: It's not useless. Sometimes an extra 30 seconds is all you need to coordinate a rescue with the other survivors or finish that gen when someone gets hooked on another floor so you can go for a save. I've gotten a lot of value out of it when killers camp at least in solo.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    If there were a killer version of the Reassurance perk it would lock out a generator for two minutes.

    You need to remember there are four survivors so when the killer spends 10 seconds doing something at least three other players get 10 seconds as well. That means one minute of the killers time is worth three minutes of "free time" for the survivors.

    The only way to change this ratio is to kill a survivor with three hooks. Gee imagine that - killers tunnel. If you want to end tunneling then killers need some kind of base kit mechanic that is STRONGER than tunneling so that they don't want to tunnel.

    Imagine for example if you kick a generator after hooking someone and then leave the hook. As long as your terror radius is not touching that survivor then the generator you kicked is blocked for two minutes AND continutes to regress the generator at a rate that can be enhanced by perks.

    That would instantly make killers be interested in going for hooks over tunneling people out of the game. But you probably don't want that. Most people want killers to play nice and let the survivors tunnel out generators while they do not do the same to the enemy team. This is an unrealistic request.

  • Metronix
    Metronix Member Posts: 226

    You make it sound like there is no kill ever. The point was that you might not be able to secure a kill every game. Sometimes you simply lose. That's normal in gaming. And about the perks, op has the same Opinion as you do? He talks negativly about the nerf of Reassurance.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Just buff it to 1 minute per health state and I'd be happy with that.