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Cancelled heals act like failed skill checks PC

Lately when I cancel a heal the game reacts as if I failed a skill check. I'm using toggle controls if that matters. I noticed it most with self-care, but I think it happens with other heals too. I think this also happened for a while when the last chapter came out (the Dredge one).
Was hemorrhage in play?
If so, stopping a heal early will make a noise similar to a failed skillcheck, but it isn’t one and it doesn’t notify the killer so they won’t know unless they’re close enough to hear it.
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Oh, interesting. I didn't know that. I'll keep an eye out next time.
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Yea sounds like new hemorrhage
though it may also be those fun phantom skillchecks that can also appear when you let go of gens. Sometimes you hear a skillcheck sound after letting go and sometimes not, but it will fail ✨