Make Your Own Perk

Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 966
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

Nerves of Steel ~ (Survivor Perk)

The thought of reaching safety fills you with bravery, you are calm and determined to gain the upper hand at all times.

Whenever the killer misses a basic attack swing while in a chase with you, gain an 8% haste effect for 2/2.5/3 seconds.

Nerves of Steel has a 30 second cooldown.

(Have fun making your own perk).

Post edited by Spirit_IsTheBest on


  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    This is a cool idea! I think a survivor bamboozle would be fun. We don’t have that many chase perks.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 966

    Thank you! My idea can be good for window or pallet fakes, once the killer misses you can gain some nice distance with the haste effect. I really hope in the future we can get more chase perks.

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    Agreed this perk you thought of would be a fun chase perk maybe the devs will see it

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    These are the killer perks from a chapter concept I made 1.5 years ago. The first one is too strong, but the last one I really like. It's linked to the story of the killer too.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 966

    The last one you mentioned is really interesting! I really like that.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    I was actually super happy when Pinhead came and he had Plaything. I literally felt like my perk idea came into the game in one form. I think that a good change to make my perk different would be for it to cause to obsession to share all of its bad effects to all survivors in the effective area.

  • WeakestNurseMain
    WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308

    Hex: Bubba chili

    A hex that procures your finest chili. When a survivor is hooked, gain a token. For every token gained, the range/limit of your aura reading capabilities is increased/decreased by 4 meters.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    I also wrote down the idea for skill checks to spin faster (they use on Coulrophobia) long ago. Not confirmed they got the idea from me. But hopeful 🤞

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited September 2022

    Devilish Deal:

    Your desperation to to survive against insurmountable odds has lead you to striking up a precarious deal with the Entity.

    Whenever you are suffering from the Exposed status effect, Devilish Deal Activates and you gain the Endurance status for the same duration as Exposed. If struck by the Killers Basic Attack during this time, Devilish Deal will Mark and Disable 1 of your other Perks at random for the remainder of the trial.

    Being struck while Protected by Devilish Deals Endurance does not trigger The Deep Wound State.

    Devilish Deal can Mark one of your other Perks up to a maximum of 1/2/3 time(s) per Trial.

    If Devilish Deal has Marked its maximum amount of Perks while you are in the Exposed state, you will no longer have the Endurance Status Effects Protection.

    If Devilish Deal has Marked its maximum amount of Perks when you are Hooked, You will be Sacrificed regardless of which hook phase you would normally enter.

    Basically It's a trade off for survival against Killers using Abilities or Perks that Expose you, wherein you sacrifice your Other perks and risk a 1 hook sacrifice, but don't have to fear the Exposed status as much, and like Mettle of Man, don't have to spend any time Mending.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Hmm okay.

    Boon perk noob perk:

    When you load into a trial, any survivor running the perk Boon: Circle of healing will suffer a 500/505/510% generator action speed penalty, a 20% hindered effect, and oblivious for the rest of the trial.

    After the match ends, a drone strike will be sent to any survivor's households who were effected by this perk, and the killer will receive 200% bonus bloodpoints.

    "Normally I don't like committing war crimes, but for circle of healing users I'll make an exception" - Jonah Vasquez

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 966

    This a pretty cool idea, the trade-off seems fair, disable a perk while you are protected from being instadowned.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,549
    edited September 2022

    EDIT: Survivor perk

    Live Or Let Die:

    If the Survivor dies on hook there's a boost to repair times (5%/ 10%/ 20%) for (10 seconds/ 15 seconds/ 30 seconds)

    The Survivor that dies needs to have this perk for it to be effective


    If a Survivor dies on hook there's a boost to repair times (5%/ 10%/ 20%) for (5 seconds/ 10 seconds/ 20 seconds)

    "Let me live or let me die"

    1) It'll lessen the Camping and Tunneling a bit (I think)

    2) It encourages Survivors to work on Gens apon ones death (I think)

    3) the numbers can be changed... to a degree

    "I'm so over this (word that can't be said out loud)... make you choice (pun intended)

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373
    edited September 2022

    Killer perk step by step

    You will step over anything to achieve your goal and hate hindrance

    For every generator completed you gain a token each token increases your basic attacks lung duration by 10%

    Surivor perk boon : double edged sword

    Your sheer confidence shines like the edge of a blade but as soon as it's broken all is lost

    When the killer is in range of this boon the killer recives a 2% hindered effect up to 10% the closer they get to the boon

    But if this boon is snuffed all Survivors in the range of the boon get 5% hindered effect for 15s

  • AlkaloidssOP
    AlkaloidssOP Member Posts: 254

    That's an amazing idea, would have love to use that perk.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Killer perk mechanophobia

    Those around you fear failure

    every time a surivor misses a repairing skill check mechanophobia gains a token up to 10 tokens every skill check gets 5% smaller and 2% faster and an additional 1%regression penalty per a token

    Additional if this perk is at 10 tokens there is a 50% chance skill checks will continue

    (Like Merciless storm )

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Surivor perk dark alliance

    After what seems like years of experimenting with the unknown something has responded

    "Can this be used? ~unknown"

    When going to vault a window press the secondary ability button to vault the window and the entity will block it to everybody for 10s (this perk will not trigger vaulting based perks)

    And has a cooldown of 60s

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,995

    I have created a lot of perks for other licensed characters. One of these was "Comeuppance": While in the dying state, press and hold the secondary ability button for 10 seconds to activate the perk. When the killer picks you up, they are faced with a difficult skill check. If they miss you automatically escape their grasp, stunning them for 5 seconds and the perk is disabled. You no longer recover from the dying state by yourself. If you initiate a recovery the perk is deactivated.

  • AlkaloidssOP
    AlkaloidssOP Member Posts: 254
    edited September 2022

    Hex: Paranoia

    Start the trial with 2 Hex totems. When one of the totems is destroyed, the Survivor is afflicted with a curse that makes them emit a Terror radius.

    The curse is transfered to other Survivors upon Healing. Only one Survivor can be cursed at a time. The Killer keeps their own Terror radius while this perk is active.

  • BabyCameron10
    BabyCameron10 Member Posts: 950

    This will be fun. Here is mine

    Overwhelmed- You can stay calm but only for so long

    After being unhooked, Overwhelmed becomes active. 

    The next Successful stun towards the killer from a pallet or perk, will gain the following effects:

    • Stun will be increased by 150%
    • The Killer will be affected by the hindrance status  effect and have their aura revealed for 5/6/7 seconds  

    Hindrance decreases the killers speed by 10%

    The Perk will be deactivated when used in succession 

    “Sometimes you have to fail in order to succeed” - The Cookie Monster

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,773

    I keep repeating these perks in hopes BHVR will finally add it.

    Catch Me If You Can

    After stunning or blinding the killer by any means, or performing a rushed action, Catch Me If You Can activates.

    For the next 3 seconds, all scratch marks and pools of blood will appear in the opposite direction as to where you move, relative to the stun location.

    Reduce survivor grunts of pain by 100% during this time.

    Catch Me If You Can has a cooldown of 80/70/60 seconds.

    A Revenge Party

    A party that ends with somebody's head on a spike.

    After a survivor stuns or blinds you by any means, reveal their aura for 6 seconds.

    A Revenge Party has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,995
    edited September 2022

    Okay, here are some more perks that I created

    Be Gone

    After performing a safe unhook, Be Gone activates delaying the alert to the killer for 2/3/4 seconds.

    *Be Gone has a cool-down of 30 seconds.


    After being hooked once, if you are put on the same hook after being saved within 30/45/60 seconds, the hook breaks and the killer is stunned for 3 seconds.

    If another survivor is hooked on the same hook you were, the hook also breaks and stuns the killer for 3 seconds. 

    Board Up

    You see the aura of broken pieces of pallets and walls within 16 meters. Collect a token from each broken piece area. After 5/4/3 tokens, Board Up activates. 

    Approach a raised pallet or a wall and hold the ability button for 8 seconds to reinforce it. Board Up then deactivates.

    A reinforced pallet or wall takes an extra 2 seconds for the killer to complete the break action. Board Up does not affect break actions by the killer's secondary power. 

    For Killer

    Mark of the Beast

    The first survivor you hit with your basic attack is forever marked. Every time they perform a healing action on themselves or another survivor further than 50/45/40 meters from you, they have their location revealed by killer instinct. 

    *Mark of the Beast activates again after the survivor dies or escapes.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited September 2022

    Boon: Floods of Energy

    While inside the boon, all Survivors recover 20% / 25% / 30% faster from Exhaustion Status Effect.

    Survivors recover while running but the recovery speed is reduced by -230% (3x as long).

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Not so much new perks but revamps of existing currently underwhelming perks

    • Beast of Prey - Your bloodlust increments occur 2/3/4 seconds more quickly
    • Furtive Chase - Every time you hook a survivor gain 1 token. For each token increase your movement speed 0.5% / 0.75% / 1%. When a survivor performs a hook rescue they become the Obsession.
    • Hangman's Trick - You can see auras of survivors within 4/5/6 meters of a hook. Gain a loud noise notification if a survivor sabotages a hook.
    • Shattered Hope - Boon totems that you snuff are permanently destroyed. When you destroy a Boon totem see the aura of the survivor who placed it for 10/12/14 seconds.
    • Zanshin Tactics - See the auras of pallets, vaults and breakable walls within 24/28/32 meters. Once per match you may destroy one undropped pallet.
  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited September 2022

    Catastrophic Interference:

    Your experience in knowing when and where to strike in order to cause the most damage has resulted in your presence becoming highly detrimental to the survivors means of escape.

    Whenever you successfully Grab a survivor off of a generator, the generator will explode and lose 25/50/75% of it's total gained progress.

    For All Survivors within your Terror Radius the following effects Apply:

    Increases the rotation speed of Repair Skill checks 10-50% depending upon your proximity to any survivors repairing a generator (closer = faster).

    Survivors who fail Repair skill checks lose an additional 6% progress.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    Wings of Flight

    Survivor perk

    Allows you to fly over the wall so you don't have to play anymore.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Anticamping perk. If you’re unhooked from a scourage hook every dropped pallet and not broken is reset to its upright position.

  • HuskyTwitter
    HuskyTwitter Member Posts: 71

    Lights Out

    Hitting a survivor with a basic attack will blind and deafen (firecracker effect) the survivor for 1/1.5/2 seconds.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    If you are the last survivor standing, your aura cannot be read by other survivors.

    No more slugs (rats) working with the killer.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    The last one may need some range, or its a better Make your choice (it has 40m to trigger to gives Exposed a chance to hide).

    Perhaps it only apply on a random survivor who is 40m away, and the aura should changed with they're screaming showing bubble instead. Just like how Make your choice work when unhooking.

    You may not need to down them to get the value of the perk, the fact that they just hiding because of Expose already give benefit.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452

    Survivor Perk:

    Strength in Numbers:

    For every other Survivor with a 16 meter range of you gain a token.

    Gain a 3%/3.5%/4% increase in healing, sabotaging, unhooking, opening exit gates, and vaulting speed for each token you have.

    As soon as the exit gates are powered, gain the following effects based on how many other survivors are still alive rather than how many are with 16 meters of you.

    Killer Perk:

    Frantic Pursuit:

    When you are stunned or blinded, gain the haste status effect(5% increase in movement speed) for 8/10/12 seconds.

    When breaking a pallet, breakable wall, or Generator the chase will not end & you do not lose bloodlust.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,372

    survivor perk:


    When a survivor let go of a generator, Esponage suppresses your Scratch Marks, Pools of Blood and Grunts of Pain for the next 5/8/10 seconds.

    Cooldown of 40/30/20 seconds.

    Killer perk:


    Kicking a generator will reveal the aura of survivors within 10/12/14 meters of the kicked generator for 4 seconds.

    Cooldown of 40/35/30 seconds

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    Thing is, this perk is a BBQ alternative, that promotes not tunneling much better.

    Also, it works only when hooking the obsession.

    It's really not similar to MYC.

  • Balsadar22
    Balsadar22 Member Posts: 17
    • Constructed Criticism
    • Evading the killer makes you think can do better way
    • Successfully Escaping, or Escaping a Chase, from the Killer grants you 1 Token, up to a maximum use of (2,3,4) per trial
    • Unlocks one's potential in Aura Reading
    • You see the aura of Breakable Walls, Possible Breakable Wall Locations, and Destroyed Breakable Walls within a 32 Meter range
    • When next to a Breakable Wall, hold the active ability button for 6 seconds to destroy the Breakable Wall
    • Consumes 1 Token
    • Generates a Loud Noise Notification for the Killer
    • Inflicts Exhaustion for (80,70,60) Seconds
    • Inflicts Hindered (10%) for (60,50,40) Seconds
    • When next to a breakable wall location or a destroyed breakable wall, hold the active ability button for 16 seconds to repair or craft a Breakable Wall
    • Consumes 1 token
    • The aura of the constructed breakable wall is revealed to all survivors for 6 seconds
    • Inflicts Exhaustion for (60,50,40) Seconds
    • You cannot use Constructed Criticism while Exhausted
    • Constructed Criticism has a cooldown of 120 seconds
    • After the maximum amount of allowed Tokens has been used, Constructed Criticism Deactivates for the remainder of the Trial
    • “Look like we lost ‘em, now let's see what we can work with!” -Unknown

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited December 2022

    Scourge Hook: Territorial Dominance

    Your shrines of Sacrifice Mark unsafe ground for your victims to tread.

    At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks:

    The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.

    Each time a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, the following effects apply:

    Up to 3 used/down palettes within 16/24/32 meters of All Scourge hooks Are Destroyed.

    If no used pallet is Available, Then the closest 1 unused/Upright pallet within 16/24/32 meters of the Scourge Hook you hook a survivor on is destroyed instead.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited September 2022

    Undeterred Rage:

    The Survivors struggles against you have finally reached their limit, and now you will show them why it's unwise to "poke a sleeping bear".

    Every 4/3/2 times you are stunned or blinded by survivors, Undeterred Rage activates. Performing a Lunge attack at a down pallet or breakable wall will instantly destroy it and extend your Lunges range by 50%. Missed and Successful Lunge attack recovery Speed after breaking a pallet or breakable wall is 50% longer.

    Basically, if you get stunned or blinded enough you can just charge through the next dropped pallet or breakable wall and try to get a hit. It's like Billy's Lopro Chains add-on, but only applies to basic attacks and requires taking a bit of a beating to charge up.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,549

    Hangman's Trick- Should make Sabotage take longer instead of just a loud noise notification

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    The Forbidden One:

    Each survivor carries an Exodia card, once they find the 5th hidden on the map they summon Exodia and win the game.

  • WeaverReaver42
    WeaverReaver42 Member Posts: 213

    I know I'm probably late to the party in this, but I remeber a perk from a killer Idea I had that honestly I just want to see in the game

    Scourge hook: Voracious

    When hooking a survivor on a scourge hook, gain a 6/8/10 second haste buff (the haste buff would be like 5% or so)

    I really like the idea of a perk that just lets killer go fast after hooking someone. Incentivizing hooks as a 'set it and forget it' kind of thing to let survivors have a chance to unhook.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Here’s a highly complex one called Scourge Hook: Feeding Frenzy

    At the start of a trial, 2 scourge hooks will spawn. When you hook survivors twice on the same hook, that hook becomes a scourge hook. A maximum of 4 scourge hooks may be present in the trial at once.

    Survivors on a scourge hook excite the entity, causing the survivor to progress to the struggle state 15 percent faster as long as the killer is 32 meters or more away.

    When rescued from a scourge hook, survivors will be afflicted with different effects depending on how many different survivors have been hooked on the same hook.

    0 other survivors- inflicted with mangled until healed

    1 other survivor- inflicted with mangled and Hemorrhage for 70 seconds

    2 other survivors- inflicted with Blindness for 60 seconds and mangled and hemorrhage until healed

    3 other survivors- inflicted with oblivious for 45 seconds, blindness (as long as the survivor is injured) and mangled for 80 seconds

    the timers on effects that rely on the survivor being injured work like Lucky Break. The timer pauses if the survivor is not injured.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,964

    I really want a Survivor perk that can be used to trick the Killer into going for you over the unhooked.

    How? By pretending to be injured.

    When running healthy activate this perk to become pretend to be injured, you will bend over, cry and moan. and splash ketchup on the ground for up to X seconds total. This will also make you appear injured on the Killer's HUD.

    Your true health state still remains.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Boon Hook: Gift of Time

    The entity rewards your dedication to the trials with a special favor.

    At the start of the trial one hook is transformed into a Boon Hook. You and all other survivors see its aura at all times.

    When a survivor is hooked on the boon hook their struggle timer takes an additional 10/20/30 seconds once per hook stage per survivor.

    Boon Hooks cannot be sabotaged. Basement hooks cannot be changed into Boon hooks. If more than one Boon Hook is being used their effects stack on the same hook.


    Boon Hook: Perilous Escape

    At the start of the trial one hook is transformed into a Boon Hook. You and all other survivors see its aura at all times.

    When a survivor is hooked on the Boon Hook they receive an additional 3/5/7 percent Haste status effect after being unhooked from the Boon Hook for 10/15/20 seconds.

    Boon Hooks cannot be sabotaged. Basement hooks cannot be changed into Boon hooks. If more than one Boon Hook is being used their effects stack on the same hook.


    Boon Hook: Cursed Salvation

    At the start of the trial one hook is transformed into a Boon Hook. You and all other survivors see its aura at all times.

    When a survivor is hooked on the Boon Hook the following effect takes place: During the second struggle phase the survivor is presented with a flurry of difficult skill checks. Passing the skill checks grants them an additional 1/2/3 attempts to struggle off the hook during the second phase at the base 4% chance to succeed. Failing the flurry of skill checks reduces the timer of the second phase by 10/20/30 seconds.

    Boon Hooks cannot be sabotaged. Basement hooks cannot be changed into Boon hooks. If more than one Boon Hook is being used their effects stack on the same hook.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    Perk: Heavens intervention

    Once unhooked this perk activates, for the next 90 seconds if the survivor is downed and hooked again, the hook breaks instead, and another random hook spawns nearby (helps with abusing). Deactivates during ecg, or after using a conspicuous action.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Killer perk: Uno Reverse Card

    Each time you hook a survivor for the first time in a trial, gain a token. If you have a token you may call for the entity to place a trap by interacting with a raised pallet for (X) seconds. This expends 1 token. Afterwards, if a survivor attempts to drop the affected pallet, it explodes in a flash of light, instantly destroying the pallet and blinding the survivor for (1.5/2/2.5) seconds.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    edited September 2022

    Compensated Senses: When blinded or stunned by a survivor, the volume of all survivor's footsteps is increased by 200% for 180 seconds.

    Maddening Touch: After hitting a survivor with a basic attack, this perk activates. The next time the survivor begins repairing a generator, a hallucinatory killer will manifest nearby and chase the survivor until 30 seconds have passed or it attempts a basic attack. Hallucinatory killers cannot injure or down survivors, and will retain the physical appearance, terror radius and lullaby of whichever killer is played.

    Unquestioning Faith: For each survivor in the dying or hooked stage, increase entity progression on hooks by %15.

  • Hail Satan Every Day

    The dark lord looks upon you with favor.

    Every time you hit a survivor, you recieve a token. For each token, survivors receive a stackable repair speed penalty of 300%, up to a maximum of 150,000%.

    Your speed is increased by 15% while in a chase.

    Damaging a generator puts all survivors within a 128m radius into the dying state.

    The survivors cannot open the exit gates.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    'Smoke and Mirrors' (Survivor Perk):

    Your need to survive has enabled you to deceive even the most cunning of killers.

    If you remain undetected in the killer's terror radius for 30/45/60 seconds, press the active ability button to produce a random set of scratch marks within 12/16/20m of the killer's current location. Your own scratch marks are suppressed whilst the perk is active.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358
  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Hate to break it to you, but step by step is just a better coup de grace, lol

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373