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This Sadako meme makes me sad

Someone on reddit found out the Sadako power in Unreal engine I quess and if you look at it closely... you can just see how easy it would be to just change few values and Sadako is suddenly way better.

For Example Teleport cooldown on TV is way too long, Value is set there 100 (so 100 sec like right now is) and all you need to do is tweak few numbers. It will not make her great killler and it is not what she all needs but it would be at least nice step in the right direction and it would take like 5 min? Why not change at least for now like this?


  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    I don't think teleporting to TVs should even have a cooldown.

    TVs should only turn off if Survivors turn them off, but the time turned off should be higher than it is for them now.

    Then, you just make Condemned build up passively without the tape, then give the TP condemnation when the survivor is holding the tape.

    Then do something else I can't think about and voila, decent killer.

  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 623

    It is entirely possible the devs feel that Sadako's numbers are just fine based on kill rates and other data they're able to pull that we don't have access to. If Sadako was performing so poorly that small tweaks like this were deemed necessary, it would in fact probably be easy to do. Player views and opinions don't necessitate changes by the devs if the numbers they see are where they think they should be.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I have the impression the devs are scared to touch her because of how strong Condemned could be.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Wait.. people didn’t figure out that something like TV cooldown time is one variable before?

    the devs don’t just tweak something like that though. It’s a big team, deciding what to tweak and how much. Big data/statistics play a role as well as feedback from all sides (surv/killer, low/high skill, casual/hardcore etc pp). Then they still playtest their changes in specific environments - and they have plenty of changes and new additions that have to go through design, implementation, QA etc.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    This sounds pretty viable. Here are a few of my own ideas to throw into the mix:

    • every gen is assigned one TVset
    • in order to work on the gen the TVset needs to be turned off, ie forcing survivors to interact with Sadakos curse mechanic.
    • maybe throw in a few extra TVsets interspersed on the map.
    • this way Sadako knows which gens are worked at, but can't teleport to them

    I think that would be enough to make her viable and interesting enough. Her condemnation should come into play more often and she could jumpscare the survivors more then they are used to.