Is it just me, or are matchmaking incentives really unreliable?
And I don't mean it like they're not always there or on the side I want them to be. I mean I'll start a match with 100% survivor bloodpoint bonus, I'll end the game and the next lobby still shows it at 100% survivor bloodpoint bonus, but I don't get any bonus bloodpoints from the match.
This happens to me pretty often. Maybe a fifth of the time? I even noticed it last night on killer, which was the first time I'd seen killer incentives since the feature was re-added. Is anyone else getting this? And if so, are there any common factors anyone's noticed for what causes it to fail to reward you?
Incentives should definitely be locked in at the start of a match, if this is caused by incentives changing while the match is underway.
Yup, this happens to me a lot. The incentives randomly don't apply after a match. And they never apply if I turn on Anonymous Mode, for some reason that completely breaks them.
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I’d like for the incentives to be locked in when the player presses the Ready button to join the queue.
If I join the queue because of the incentive bonus, I expect to get that incentive bonus.
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Ive seen where i get llike 20K BP for the match then like 18K incentive bonus. i thought the number would match if its 100%
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Also, do they stack with offerings? I played match and got around 80k in total, played again with cake and escaped with almost the same amount of bp in the categories as the previous match and got 80k.
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There’s been several killer matches where I started the queue at 100% then get nothing. Check the main menu afterwards and survivors have the bonus percentages.
I wish it ‘locked in’ at queue. I agree that it is unreliable.
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That's how I feel about it. They wanted more players in that queue in that specific point in time. If the balance changes ten minutes later, it shouldn't matter, because I got in the queue with not enough people when there weren't enough people in it.
Plus it's false advertising. :U
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They really should just add a delay to the incentive bonuses updating. 10 minute update ticks should be sufficient and should absolutely be applied the instant the queue button is hit.