why survivors are not taught to play against the camp

today I came across two games against bubba with camp builds, although I don’t like this style of play, my team causes me more negative
why don't they do anything? they can see very well that I'm being camped, they know they can't save me, but they just go around watching me hang on the hook, wasting time and not fixing the generators.
i don't understand the players who then cry in the chat that the game was not fair, you just let him win, learn to play against the camp, it's easy - fix the ######### generators and don't waste time on healing and searching for totems. why didn't bhvr make tips for dumb survivors, i'm so tired of getting into a team with such useless players.
bhvr make more hints or training because you can't fix the camp, teach the survivors how to stop it.
Solo-q moment sadly.
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YEs, camping is a problem. I always to try to get the save as its more BP if we get a save in the altruism category. Thats why they ry to go for the save.
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Because the game's Tutorial only teaches about doing gens....
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It doesn't matter if they did gens anyway because gens take longer now. Before the 6.0 you could realistically complete all or at least 4 gens while someone was being camped like that but typically only with a really good team who knew how to punish camping or if you had comms.
If you're being camped and 5 gens remain that means only if each survivor understands the situation immediately (which they often dont until you've been camped for a little while) then realistically they can finish 3 gens by the time you have almost neared the end of the second stage timer. one gens takes 90 seconds and it takes 120 seconds for a survivor to die on hook.
Finding the remaining gens can shave more time off things and you will likely be dead by the time they've started working on the remaining gens. This means someone else will likely die as well because the killer then has time to find one other survivor and down them and camp. Since most endurance/2nd chance perks deactivate at end game then the next person to be hooked after you die is almost guaranteed to die as well.
Add in some bad plays or strong chase perks on the killer and they can get an easy 3-4k for playing this way.
Same thing if the killer brings a perk like deadlock.
Reassurance might change that but only if at least 2 of the other survivors who aren't on hook are running it, but using reassurance puts you in the killers sights and while using reassurance that means one less person is on gens.
The only way reassurance grants a guarantee on getting gens done while a survivor is being camped to death is if they're all really good and know the right plays to make or have comms and the map has two floors so you can use reassurance safely without wasting too much time.
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i had a game and i got hung first on 3 generators, they didn't do anything else even though i always take the kindred perk and they saw each other and that i was being camped. I repeat, they don't even try to save, they just walk around and clean totems, search boxes, heal, but they don't even touch the generators
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A lot of people know, it's just that it's kinda irrelevant if you know what to do if other survivors in the match either don't, or simply don't want to respond "properly". Even a single survivor hanging out by the hook or too many individually going to the hook to find out before returning to gens might be too much time thrown away, and that's without considering builds made to make it even more time-sensitive (deadlock + noed and stuff like that)
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Solution to boring camping is boring M1 on gens and try to escape with no bp?
I will rather go try save and die doing it with no bp than that lol.
Who cares about kills and escapes in camping games anyway, killer decides the match will be boring no matter the amount of kills so might as well make it end faster
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"I encourage camping. I refuse to play against it and push it out of the meta. Camping is unfun and ruins this game. I will however not counter it even tho I can. BHVR pls nerf camping its ridiculous"
Entitlement at its finest
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You used google translator on my comment or something? Who are you even replying to lol
Or are you so desperate to use buzzword entitlement so you just read between the lines
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Welp, seems like I hit a nerve there
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If the killer has camped a survivor for more than 10 seconds, red text should remind survivors that generators exist. That might help push them in the right direction.
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"I am gonna tell people how should they play the game they payed for and then call them entitled if they refuse" look no further than into mirror to find entitled one
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You do realise that you literally said you'd be throwing the game if someone got camped right?
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Genuinely feel entitled for BHVR to fix camping actually.
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I remember on the Overwatch forums people used to say that. "I paid for the game who are you to tell me how to play". Those people got banned. Now that won't happen here because because it's DbD, but the point stands that one thing some people don't understand is that you paid for a multiplayer game with other people, the very least you can do is not intentionally throw the game.
"Solution to boring camping is boring M1 on gens and try to escape with no bp? I will rather go try save and die doing it with no bp than that lol." And now your whole team gets no bp because they didn't get any from gens and escapes.
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you know how when survivors get injured their UI gets brighter to highlight that information? that should happen with the gens when someone camps.
It will never be enough, there will always be your claudette's and Meg's crouching 12 meters from the hook for 2 minutes and then complaining in Endgame chat.
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I ve done hundreds of gens and escaped when teammates were camped. Now I just do whatever I feel like, maybe gens maybe not.
Getting actual rescue on a camped teammate is worth it, ######### the gens
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A bubba could put on deadlock and noed now and get a guaranteed 2-3 kills a game
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Fix? Literally all you have to do is play around it. What if I feel entitled enough to want BHVR delete flashlights instead of playing around them?
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Because majority of players are CASUAL players, and it's fine, not some Dark Souls insult. But current state of the game requires from survivors to be a pro, know map, all tricks and work in team without words (SoloQ). Bad thing that it doesn't apply to killers, devs trying to balance casual killers with very experienced teams (because they gain MMR super fast) instead of fix MMR so casual killers matched with casual survivors and pros with pros, like in any other goddamn game.
NB: I know that it's not an easy task, but it has to be done and time put into in, not bandaiding game with perks (and then nerfing them, because some baby-killer losing against SWF-sweat-team). So many perks and killers, this is super great, but chaos and entropy is insane. So many variables, I'm surprised it holds at least in that state.
I think the best idea would be completely remove camping and tunneling and finetune MMR (to take account of hooks, chases, emblems, etc). It would be harder for killer to play properly, but it would force them to learn more (just like survivors have to now) and with finetuned MMR that killer will drop to more easy and casual survivors and have more easy matches.
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Yeah it's about hoping against all reason that this game might be salvageable. Sure it might be more effective to do generators but this isn't as true as it was and its a really boring way to play. Many people get a high off making a save whether it's realistic to do so or not. It's not about win/lose to some people, it's about getting their high/having fun. Playing to win for many people is insanely boring, especially in this game and especially when the killer does a strategy like this.
That's why tunneling and camping gets talked about so much because the best defense to it is to simply do generators which is insanely boring especially for the person on the hook. These problems are multiplied in solo where communication is non existent.
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Taught, like in the school? Did I miss DBD 101?
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But what about the causal killer player base? I see the word CASUAL throw around alot but it's always referring to survivors. What about the killers that don't know every map or understand how to run every tile or full understand the aspect of every killer? What should we do about these players?
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As I said, we match them with casual survivors, instead of trying to balance them to compete with experienced survivors because their MMR skyrocketed.
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If you're on the hook there's nothing you can do to "play around" being camped, unless you mean tabbing out and watching Youtube, or going and putting a snack in the oven. But you weren't being sensible in the first place with a response like that.
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Kindred fix camping, just use it, use it like everyone did with old dead hard and escape rates increase.
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Because there used to be MANY idiotic players, many of whom were streamers, that would be incredibly toxic if you weren't making efforts to save them. I think the mentality around camping is changing now but it genuinely used to be different.