I'm sorry Kate D:

You guys ever have that moment where you misunderstand someone and do a massive no no? Because I might have done that.

You see I was testing out a hex trapper build with longer disarm times to try and make use of the addons that otherwise were just taking up bloodpoints. On my second test, I met some lovely survivors who after a bit of chase- kinda turned into a friendly game of catch and release. Unfortunately near the end the kate insisted I hit her (from what i could tell, she wouldn't move out from in front of me and didn't try to wiggle despite me standing still for her). After realizing she wasn't going to get off I figured she wanted me to kill her, having experienced similar situations where survivors give themselves up as a thank you for the bloodpoint farming assist. Me, being dumb, forgot that hooking didn't necessarily mean killing- so I used my devour hope mori on her to be quick. Less than 2 seconds after I remembered a similar scenario where survivors would instead of just sacrificing themselves, take turns on hook. Looking back this might be what that player had actually wanted, rather than a mori. So D:, if you're out there. From the bottom of my heart: That's my bad.


  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Kate's hope was devoured!

    Please vote down...

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Before I had gotten the Evil Incarnate Achievement, I was frustrated by a number of matches where survivors would DC the moment they realized what they were going against (bad sportsmanship) or jump into a locker to avoid the Mori (smart gameplay), or the matches where someone would find hatch or simply hide during EGC.

    I had one of the matches where someone DC'ed after the second Mori, so I wasn't interested in killing the last player, an adorable Feng. I found them on a door after I closed hatch, and I was fully prepared to let them escape. The Feng and I had a moment between us, I went to smack the door to signal her to open it ... and she moved too close to me. I accidentally grabbed her and Moried her on the spot. I felt HORRIBLE.

  • AlkaloidssOP
    AlkaloidssOP Member Posts: 254

    Well...at least you did do Devourer Hope justice

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I do not speak survivornese myself. I have no clue what they want half the time. So I am sure I have done this on more than one occasion. Accidentally. Totally accidently.