90% of killers can't use there power when looping

Shininglight Member Posts: 9
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

Not fair only nurse and spirit can counter looping...sure few other killers can but let's be honest you shouldn't loop a pallet 2 to 3 times and not get punished.

So my suggesting is make looping only 1 time if that surviors should be able to force drop a pallet

Yes I know what you surviors will say stop chasing him....I do stop chasing trust me I always have to fine the weakest surviors and bully then I also have to tunnel I don't camp but I do tunnel I also hook one survior and than go after the next one than go after that first survior that I hooked so I can get 1 to 2 kills early out the way.i don't know how you surviors don't know that looping is so ######### broken not fun to killers and boring as hell.

I am force to play nurse and spirt and get easy wins that way I just want to play most killers and have fun but as a killer main most of the good killers knows that looping is probably the worst than about being a killer in this game that's dumb I wouldn't have to tunnel if looping didn't happen

Also I know the map is rng but for the love of fu king God devs do not put 5 pallets next to each other


  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 656

    "i don't know how you surviors don't know that looping is so ######### broken not fun to killers and boring as hell."

    From my point of view, looping is the only fun thing in this damned game...

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Pyramid Head can hit survivors during loop with Punishment of the Damned if timed right.

    Freddy can place down dream snares or dream pallets.

    Ghost Face and Pig - Crouch. Survivors can have trouble seeing which direction you're coming from.

    Both Bubba and Billy can destroy pallets quickly with their chainsaws. Both can also down healthy survivors with said chainsaws.

    Oni, similar to Billy but with giant club.

    Trickster, knives. Lots of knives.

    Trapper has traps.

    Wraith, hard to see. Speed increase.

    Hag, curse and teleport.

    Myers... Tier 3...

    Blight... Dash, dash and dash.

    Twins, use both.

    Nemesis can hit survivors with tentacle through pallets and windows.

    Dredge has the remnant, nightfall and locker teleport.

    Wesker can vault pallets, hit through pallets and windows like Nemesis.

    Sadako is the only one out of any of the ones any of us suggested that might not have any anti-loop plays. Unless I or someone else missed one.

  • Blizer
    Blizer Member Posts: 43

    If there is a TV around the loop outside of that, it's mind games.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,481

    Trapper - Can set down Bear Traps at a loop in the middle of chase to force a Survivor to leave it, this should only be done if there's nothing else around leaving the Survivor in a dead zone, and you shouldn't really be committing to chases all too much as Trapper anyway

    Wraith - Can close the gap by using his increased movement speed while cloaked, smaller loops he can use the speed burst he gets after he uncloaks to try to get a hit

    Billy - Can force a pallet drop, good chunk of loops can be curved

    Nurse - Apparently one of the only killers who can counter looping

    Myers - All he has really is forcing more pallet drops than normal thanks to having insta downs, but its not much and is pretty susceptible to being looped

    Hag - Basically same as Trapper but you have more freedom with your traps

    Doctor - Can prevent pallet drops thanks to his shock

    Huntress - Can throw over pallets and windows. Loops that don't have tall enough walls can also be thrown over

    Bubba - Can force pallet drops

    Freddy - Has Snares which pretty much forces Survivors to leave a loop, if they're asleep

    Pig - Ambush can potentially scare a Survivor to leave a loop, but isn't very reliable.

    Clown - His power is all about anti-looping

    Spirit - Apparently one of the only killers who can counter looping

    Legion - Can get an easy first hit but is pretty susceptible to being looped afterwards. Forces more pallet drops because Survivors are almost always injured

    Plague - Corrupt Purge. Enough said

    Ghost Face - Has an insta down and can force pallet drops more often thanks to it, shouldn't commit to chases as him tho since his kit is focused around stealth

    Demogorgon - Shred can zone and force pallet drops, as well as being a nice anti loop tool

    Oni - Big stick big scary

    Deathslinger - Can shoot a Survivor before they reach a pallet, can hit a Survivor over windows. Shorter loops he can also drag himself around a loop to get a hit

    Pyramid Head - He doesn't care about walls

    Blight - A crackhead moving at mach speed is a pretty good anti looping tool if you ask me

    Twins - Charlotte can be used to body block certain parts of a loop and Victor moves very fast

    Trickster - Can throw over loops with short walls, and loops with tall walls he can usually get 2 or 3 throws when turning a corner

    Nemesis - Eats pallets like a champ and can hit over them, as well as windows

    Pinhead - Can prevent Survivors from reaching a pallet or window, power is very similar to Clown but has built in game delay added on and is a bit harder to use

    Artist - Setting crows at a loop can force Survivor to leave or take a hit, also she doesnt care about walls

    Sadako - Doesn't really have much anti loop, manifesting does have that flicker effect which can throw some Survivor off guard but isnt very reliable. Shouldn't be looping her to begin with as the rest of her kit doesn't help it

    Dredge - Leaving a Remnant can force a Survivor away from a loop, or force them into a mindgame. Can also teleport to a locker in the middle of a chase to close the distance

    Wesker - A crackhead with a plan moving at mach speed is a pretty good anti looping tool if you ask me. (Now with pallet vaulting!)

    Ngl chief I think its a bit more than just Spirit and Nurse that have anti-loop

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    True but I was generally thinking in terms of when I played them how I used their power and I typically cannot find a TV to teleport to during mid chase at a loop.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Decent bait 6/10