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Q incentives aren't applied properly
I don't know what's the deal exactly, I saw couple discussions and could find only one or two fresh report so far (after incentives were brought back) - about anonimous mode, about SWF and about random denying. So here I am with my expirience because it should be addressed. No SWF, no anonimous mode. Solo q.
I had 100% bonus before queue, I have 100% bonus after the game either. I got my points from the match, got points from offerings but no incentives at all.
Here I am before queue. 100% bonus is here. I pressed button while it was 100%, I have video.
Here's game results. Match 26 392, plus 85 834 - offerings (BP and two flans).
Here's proof about offerings:
And total score is... 112 226(7) which is kinda odd, because 26 392 + 85 834 = 112 226. Score is 112 226 but archive shows 112 227, and right before score page was changed total score became 112 227 too. I don't know where did I get this 1 point but no queue bonuses. Queue bonus is stated separately, it even wasn't translated yet, so I deffinetely didn't get it, you can't miss it.
And here my screen after that game. Incentives still here.
It was against Trapper, on Saloon. All perks are showed above. My friends sometimes don't get their points too. Completely random, we can't understand how and why.
Please, address. We all want our points :c
Yeah, I've taken multiple videos of this happening in SWF, in solo queue, with Anonymous Mode on (which always breaks the bonus, every time), with Anonymous Mode off. I've just been too lazy to post them. But this is definitely an issue.
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The very next game:
Queue bonus is back. Against nurse on farm, couple BP, no flans. No SWF.
No reboot of the game, no anything, just next game.
It's so inconsistent.
Yeah. I saw your post about the mode, was pretty surprised it works like that. I'm not sure I'm ready to report this problem every time, sometimes I just skip all calculation animations and miss the fact I didn't get queue points, but I had to do that at least once. Frustrating.
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Next game, swamp, Wesker. No incentives although there is 100% bonus before queue and after the game. No bonuses applied BUT there's again
one extra blood point more for me
.Again: 20 365 match, 22 991 offerings. Should be 43 356 without queue bonus.
And there are 43 356 points
But... right before page was changed... boom - plus one bp. No incentives. You can see information fades away, this "plus one bp" occures right before that. Very sneaky point.
This is not the case when I get queue bonus. And for now two out of two games with denied incentives have this one extra point. Maybe it's connected.
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Video proofs.
One game:
Another game: