Has a reason been given for Wesker's giant terror radius?

I just don't understand the reasoning behind it, why it's like that.
Would it not make more sense to go the way of Huntress and Trickster, where you can hear that they're coming because of a lullaby / music instead?
There's a few reasonable explanations I can think of
His power working in short bursts means he can close distance quite quickly, so giving survivors an extra 8m warning helps circumvent this issue.
It may also have something to do with the fact that a fully infected survivor moves 8% slower, so maybe the bigger TR Is also there so fully infected survivors have more of a warning to hide.
If it's neither of those two - it could just be a thematic thing. I know it sounds really stupid to say this but maybe BHVR went "Wesker makes his presence known in the games, let's replicate that feeling by making his TR the biggest in the game by default".
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Gameplay wise I have no idea other than the speed he can go places, but it's not consistent with other high mobility killers.
I am pretty certain it's just supposed to be cool. He is the main antagonist of the biggest horror video game series and the final boss of final bosses, it just makes sense for you to feel that intensity whenever you're in the same area.
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@Brokenbones @Lyn yes I can see those points, but it still doesn't explain why they would choose to make the terror radius itself bigger, instead of just giving him an additional lullaby like other killers have.
I made this post because this discussion here, got me thinking about why he is different than every other character. I was wondering specifically if any of the devs or any notes anywhere stated a clear reason behind the difference. It seems to create very poor (or overpowered, comparatively) synergy with any of the perks that are terror-radius based (eg. coulrophobia, distressing etc).
Post edited by allMadhere on1 -
If it would be high mobility in an instant, Nurse would change her TR with her range addons but she doesn't. (This could be worth a shot though IF blink hits are special attacks. No need to run into Coulrophobia+Sloppy or even more Starstruck Nurses)
I guess it s the 8% debuff or a thematic thing.
I noticed that if Wesker is close enough the TR doesn't change anymore which gives him some kind of stealth. You know he's there but not exactly WHERE. Many survivors are just clueless of where you actually are. Usually you can still hear the direction the killer is coming from even if they are quite close. Not with Wesker.
I found myself always on high alert against him because of this. It's not like playing against a killer with distressing because that killer usually doesn't come out of nowhere.
I'm kinda glad he doesn't have a Lullaby because you can't modify that with perks.