We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Wesker tiles / When to use The Masterminds power

From playing Wesker the past weeks I feel like I still don't know when to use his dashes correctly, except a few instances when it's pretty much a guarenteed hit.

For example: Shack. If the survivor vaults the window from the non pallet side you use Weskers Dash similarly to Demogorgons dash, hits almost every time. Experienced survivors will try to dodge so you just gotta wait it out and react accordingly.

More places where you can guarentee hits: Short wall jungle gym if the survivor runs from the pallet past the lockers to the window, double dash if you need to close distance. Another place is the 2-story houses in Springfield. If the survivor is on the window upstairs next to the single-man gen and you are on the opposite side of the pallet they are kinda stuck or forced to vault the window. Either you hit them or they vault the window, which you can also vault and with his dash catch up quicker.

So in short: Rectangular structures and open spaces are good for Wesker. Aswell as his ability to negate dropped god pallets.

However any other loop? The Gashaven loops with the tires or even TL walls are kinda hard for him. Makes me feel like its better to not use his power in some cases. Or 50% of the match only use his power for distance. Depends on the map honestly. Indoor maps are either awesome or terrible with him, Ormond with its janky collision on the snow/benches make it kinda hard to mindgame.

TLDR I guess my question is, are there any other structures that are good with Albert Wesker? Where you can pull of some nice dashes? Or structures that are not worth using his power in? Thanks in advance.
