Dark Devotion cooldown has been removed in 3.1.0 patch, but it's still there

FeryGEN Member Posts: 627

On March 18, 2020, (patch 3.1.0 - https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/13-3-1-0-mid-chapter) the cooldown was removed from the perk, I persistently played with this perk, then suddenly the cooldown was returned, with no information that the cooldown was returned and was not added to the description of the perk. I reported several times about the bug, there were answers from the moderators, it seems, but I still did not understand whether this bug would be fixed or not.

Cooldown was 60/45/30 seconds. Now the cooldown after a perk buff is equal to its activity, if the obsession survivor loses a health stage again, the perk will not be updated and not activated.

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