Should Coldwind be set at night?

ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

The reason why I thought about making this post is because the art for the Coldwind rework looked really cool and I was really disapointed when they set it at noon mid day. Personally the map feels out of place thematically now. Even at night with some lighting tricks they could keep the yellow feel to the realm.

I just want to know what everyone else thinks.

Should Coldwind be set at night? 44 votes

Keep it in the day
Adelooblue4zionTaigaMooksNoOneKnowsNovaVenusaGuiltiicatfam05AnneBonnyjesterkindSmoeValaryynKotelettphantomByeByeQFlipify 15 votes
Set it to night
Mat_SellaAven_FallenAtoTimberFreddy96Mattie_MayhemOGArchAbhorDhurl421darkcloudlinkThat_One_FriendPlsfix369XernotonCybilJonathanByers 13 votes
OnryosTapeRentalsbrokedownpalaceMrsGhostfaceTunnelVisionFilthyLegionMainDonleovItzZane_DBDVultureAurelleHalloullexni6_CorruptedSpecimenK139K05OrangeBeartliffqnyun 16 votes


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610
    Keep it in the day

    Brightening up this realm was one of the best graphical/aesthetic decisions the DBD team have ever made, it was such a nightmare to see anything on it before.

    If it could be set at night but just as bright, sure, but I can't see how they'd do that.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709
    Keep it in the day

    Having it day-time is actually aesthetically very cool and makes it more unique without a generic color filter.

    they need to improve the general lighting and atmosphere including fog though

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553
    Set it to night

    Try being a stealth killer sneaking around in broad daylight ass Coldwind. Yeah, no, it needs to be night.

    If it had the option of both, there should be a night and day offering for Coldwind.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,843
    edited September 2022
    Keep it in the day

    I like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibe the map has now, changing it into a night map would remove that aspect.

  • Valaryyn
    Valaryyn Member Posts: 76
    Keep it in the day

    We have so many dark dank maps already. Coldwind is like a breath of fresh air while doing a lengthy session.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,271

    I'd prefer Dusk/Dawn with lighting similar to Garden of Joy. - Lighting wise I think that map does a real good job with the more warm and bright map without feeling out of place thematifcally (not too bright and the purple hue of things give it a somewhat eerie feel). Coldwin & Eyrie of Crows do seem a bit too.... light-hearted and normal - dunno how to put it. But when I started playing I was always happy to be on those two maps because they just felt significantly less scary without that distinct 'lurking in the shadows' feeling the other maps have.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    Keep it in the day

    i like the current look, although i do miss old coldwind it's very texas-chainsaw in appearance now and it was a good direction to take it.

    although honestly i'd like to see more varied day/night and weather in maps, they've definitely made a push for maps having more atmosphere and this would aid that quite a bit. now on coldwind itself, maybe not. snow or rain might look kind of odd there, but on like macmillan or azarov's? i think it'd really aid the general feel of those maps.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I liked when it had the orange haze on the old map, so during the dusk/daen would be perfect.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    Both, Have a version for both on each map.

    a 50% for both to be picked after a coldwind map is randomized

  • JacobiusWick
    JacobiusWick Member Posts: 161


    It's a fun map but shite for stealth killers. I'd love to see a night aesthetic for it.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    This map is way too bright.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566
    Set it to night

    Garden of Joy type of dark, kinda like the one room in the main building where you can hide 5 Cheryls inside and the killer still can't see #########.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,884

    I saw a vid the other day (I can't for the life of my recall whose it was now) where Coldwind was displayed with the lighting from each of the other realms, and many of them were a lot better. I have to say my favorite was Coldwind with the Haddonfield lighting, but that's probably objectively too dark.

    I think we could spit the difference and make it a twilight map, I do think it is too bright.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104
    Keep it in the day

    The corn is already really good for hiding, even with broad daylight. I think it would be horrible in darkness, survivors could hide in the corn all match long.

    I wish Coldwind had crop variations. Running through trellises or having to crouch through shorter crops to avoid being spotted would be a fun way to change it up and they could play with the lighting too.