What should I do when all survivors can loop?

I want to play killer a bit more since I find huntress, Blight and wesker pretty fun and enjoy them right now more then dying first hook 2/3 rounds with kindred just because I play Soloq.

But I face the same problem over and over again and don't really know what to do in these scenarios. I face a survivor and notice that he wastes my Team since he is a good looper, so I leave the change and search for the next one. But then the other ones are good at Looping too and I lose.

I tried to bring chase perks but then the gens get finished to quickly. Then I tried to chase 1 survivor until there where no pallets anymore with a endgame build but this didn't help really too.

Does someone has some tips?


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    The best thing you can do is become better in chases. Figure out which pallets/windows are completely safe, mostly safe, 50/50, and not safe. And figure out ways to get hits at all of them that work for you.

    It's important to have a process in chase. Doesn't mean be predictable. It means have a go-to move at every tile that will land you a hit if a survivor does X, and have a countermove to get a hit if survivor does Y. It takes time to develop, but I know as I'm getting to a tile what my first move is based on the survivor distance and where they're looking, and that's usually enough to either get a hit or force their movement in a way that can land me a hit or force them to leave the tile after 1 loop.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    honestly? there are some teams you just wont beat unless you get better. those teams, id suggest commit to chases and learn what you can (where you really shouldnt chase, where to push survivors to, and how to push them that way, when to respect pallets or eat them, picking up on survivors playstyle so you can better counter them), and dont get too frustrated or disheartened if you lose

    id suggest putting on deadlock if you have it just so you can overcommit to a chase and waste a bit less time, maybe putting on just 1 chase perk; stbfl, brutal, bamboozle, some other perk im not thinking of, just to help out with your chases

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 492

    If I understand correctly you are saying you are having problems chasing Survivors who are good at chases?

    Well, first and foremost get rid of them pallets. How you go about that is up to you but it's usually a good idea to force a pallet drop if you can. If you are going that route you can try enduring with Spirit fury. Just tank the last pallet hit to proc spirit fury and keep running.

    You can try using I'm All Ears if you are using a ranged killer, and just watch them as they move and get them once they are clear.

    I would also recommend watching Killer's on twitch and YouTube. Personally, watching Otzdarva helped me become a better Killer. Learn how to hide your Stain as well, remember there is a big red light blazing out of your face, and remember to hide it on approach and such. Also, remember you have a terror radius around you and learn how to sort of manipulate it. You can use Monitor and Abuse to keep it small so you have an easier time sneaking up on them.

    So generally, you can read certain situations in the game. Let's say I see a team mate get hung across the map, and then 10 seconds later I'm getting terror radius. Well it's probably a safe assumption that the killer hung them, turned and headed directly at me. So I can probably 100% know where you are from that alone. UNLESS instead of heading directly at me, you veered to thw left or right, and now are coming from a different direction. Now I don't know this, all I know is team mate hung there, now there is terror radius. So I will be frantically looking in the direction I assumed you'd come from but then BLAH, here he is coming from a different direction. You can even screw around with Huntresses lullaby, because it's so large and non-directional, if you take Monitor, they will never know where you are coming from unless they have eyes on you.

    Also pay attention to the map, and the area you are in. Are they running directly into a corner? You've already got them then. Learn to wrangle them, the same way dogs wrangle cattle. Lead them where you want them to go.

    Learn how Bloodlust works and take advantage of it. Understand pallets are how survivors deal with Bloodlust, so don't let them.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,243
    edited September 2022

    Eat every safe pallet you see and get them out of the way. When I play survivor I get a lot of killers who still don't understand that you aren't supposed to respect them. Due to this you can often get extra loops in because of the distance the killer loses by respecting. The only exception is if you're playing a survivor who always pre drops pallets. Also take advantage of survivor greed. A lot of good survivors are extremely greedy with pallets because they expect inexperienced killers to respect them. You should be able to pick up on a survivor's tendencies very quickly. You can get a lot of hits against greedy survivors.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    biggest advice to you, mind gaming and being unpredictable. Learn to effectively moon walk. Respect 2 pallets, walk straight through the next one. Another helpful tool is being able to notice which survivors watch you while they loop. If they keep eyes on you all the time, they most likely won’t fall for double backs and such. If they just look forward, double back on them.

    Don’t waste time mind gaming good pallets. Just break it and continue chase. Destroying all the pallets on sections of the map create dead zones that will be very useful later on.

    Don’t waste time at shack early game. If a suvivor can properly loop shack, don’t commit too hard to that.

    Other than stuff like that, just practice! I’m always down to run customs and help you learn some stuff. I’m seasoned on both ends and consider myself a pretty good looper. I’ve taught many of my friends how to play killer at higher levels. Just let me know!

  • The_Yosh
    The_Yosh Member Posts: 150

    "A lot of good survivors are extremely greedy with pallets because they expect inexperienced killers to respect them"

    Stop giving away our secrets! I pride myself on how long I can go in chase without using a pallet.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Learn to mindgame.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    It’s actually insane sometimes. I remember a chase I had with a legion where I swear on everything I looped the same pallet probably 10-15 times because of how much he respected. It was utterly absurd. He just left, didn’t even get the pallet out of me.

  • The_Yosh
    The_Yosh Member Posts: 150

    LOL! My favourite at the moment is the front porch of Garden of Joy, it's such a long wall and there is a safe pallet right there that leads to three other loops! Honestly the most fun part of the game for me is finding new ways to link loops without pallets.

    I hope to see you in the fog so we can exchange ideas!

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Learn to play Nurse, because she's basically the only killer with a power that can handle high level survivors (who hasn't been nerfed to oblivion)

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Become better at chasing. Even among a team where all of them are decent, there will still be comparatively weaker links.

    Knowing which direction to run a tile and which side to break a pallet from is quite important.

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    Lol, yeah that might have been true 2 years ago. Not the case today.

    Keep crutching on that character though; hope she gets gutted again. I loved seeing all the Nurse mains quit last time

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    Let’s link up! I’m always looking for new friends to play with.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,915

    Depends on the map. If the map is cowshed and they know how to run it.. forget trying to get a kill "playing nice". The best thing you can hope for is that each chase has at least 1 person not doing gens. But yet... survivors can afford a lot more mistakes than killers can since it is a 1v4.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    You won't get better at chases if you're dropping every single one. Huntress, Blight and Wesker all have decent anti loop. Start commiting more to chases, even if it means losing more initially until you get better.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    But I face the same problem over and over again and don't really know what to do in these scenarios. I face a survivor and notice that he wastes my Team since he is a good looper, so I leave the change and search for the next one. But then the other ones are good at Looping too and I lose.

    Unless the survivor is far away don’t break chase until you can at least force a pallet drop or get a hit. As long as you keep at them and run the chase reasonably they will normally have to drop a pallet to avoid a hit. (There’s a handful of times where really bad setups allow them to chain windows into really long chases but mostly you should be able to at a minimum brute force a pallet drop even if you have trouble getting the hit by a mindgame.) Once they drop the pallet then you can break it and switch targets assuming you want to pressure someone else who’s active on the gens.

    Also try and keep a three or four gen area in mind during your early game and prioritize starting chases there versus in the farther parts of the map. If you’re forcing the pallet drops in that area then by the midgame you’ll be more likely to be able to get hits off survivor trying to finish those gens and have a little more time to continue chasing for a down as well when you get a hit in that region.

    Of course sometimes you just run into a group that are all better loopers than you and also all good at splitting up doing the gens. The same strategy still applies, you just need to keep practicing chases to get the point that you can eventually keep up with those better runners. I don’t think there’s a single magic bullet strategy here other than playing regularly and watching what they do against you for future reference. You may even want to record your games and watch replays of the ones you lost for mistakes, carefully reviewing losses is said to be one of the best ways to improve your skill.

  • Dinoraptus
    Dinoraptus Member Posts: 254

    Learning when to break/not break pallets or what walls to break to shut down strong loops is super useful. A ton of chases that I have been in would have ended way sooner had a stubborn killer just broken the pallet instead of blood lusting, likewise, I have had chases go on for way too long because the killer broke EVERY pallet I dropped, even ones they can just walk around.

    Since killer is the power roll in a 1v4 and most chases are 1v1, you have a greater influence than you might think when it comes to controlling where a chase goes, try to force survivors into dead zones, or try to make them loop in inefficient patterns to cut down how useful each loop is.

    If you are mind gamer (is that the right term?) learn where mind games can work, and where they don't. Something like shack can't really be mind gamed, the survivor will almost always have too much information to get caught with their pants down (unless you are nurse or maybe spirit in your power) whereas TL walls can be mind gamed by any killer.

    There are some games where RNG kinda screws you over too, unfortunately, and even bad survivors can loop you forever by virtue of having unlimited resources. There are also games where it seems like the survivors are all very good and can make use of almost nothing. In these games, do your best to learn and improve, try not to blame the game too much because, while it might be entirely the games fault, it isn't super constructive in terms of helping YOU get better.

    Keep at it, practice makes perfect!

  • Lamoore
    Lamoore Member Posts: 73

    Try a more stealthy killer like Sadako or Mike. Easy and fun to play because you can sneak up on survivors on gens and just grab them. And just learn to mind game. Learn the maps, learn where you can walk backwards to confuse them... it takes time.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    You'd have to commit to a chase. When a survivor can loop there isn't much to do.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,287

    If you have a friend who plays the game / know a community where people enjoy playing the game with other people you could also go there and look for Coaching / 1v1-ing (streamers' discords are a great place for that). The two of you agree on builds / allowed perks and then you go play tag in a custom game to figure loops out. Stay on one loop/in one area and both try to outplay the other instead of just W-key-ing. Even just half an hour of that every now and again helps massively; because it's concentrated chase time. To accumulate half an hour of actual chase time in a match you have to play many, many, many matches. (The surv takes a purple medkit + green & yellow charges, streetwise, botany, desperate & BTL - or alternatively COH, Selfcare, Botany & a perk of their choice - usually DH - and no item [though, tbh, not sure if the coh-botany-selfcare still stacks] solely so that you don't have to reload all the time)

  • MTK
    MTK Member Posts: 77

    Find the weak link of the team and exploit it with tunneling. Don't try to chase people who do frame perfect loops around pallets 5 times before they finally drop it. Look for people who drop pallets on first loop(even better if they are the type to wait at a pallet and drop it as you approach) or who don't look behind while in a chase.

    Honestly though, if all 4 survivors are good loopers, the game just isn't designed such that the killer can win in that situation. Should accept that and move on to the next game.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Macro sense is (usually) the answer to this. If we assume all the survivors are equally good at looping what is another input into your formula? A very important one is WHERE do the chases start? A survivor in the corner of the map with just some trash loops is going to be significantly easier to chase and down than one in a jungle gym that chains to a safe tile that chains to shack that chains to another safe that chains to a jungle gym that chains to main...etc. Now some maps spawn these things so tightly together you will realistically have no way of doing much about it, additionally some map specific tiles are so strong I would argue against chasing into them unless you are confident you can get the down quickly, are already ahead, or your power mitigates it somewhat(usually these are main building structures/things like the dock at swamp, saloon at dead dog, etc., the main point here being that wasting 30+ seconds to finally exhaust pallets/break walls/entity block is very often not worth at all).

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,447

    Most recent killers and frankly most killers have anti-loop mechanics which you can use to play a chase, you just have to get good with it to counter better loopers.

    And if you are playing something like sadako or ghostface...LMAO you asked for it.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I agree with @dugman . Play the meta game. When playing M1 Killers I've had quite a few games where I had 2 to 3 spread out hooks by 2 gens left and I've won. What I did have was a tight 3 or 4 gen with lots of dead zones.

    Similarly, as a survivor if I see a Killer trying to set up a 3 gen I try as hard as I can to break it.

    My Adept Bubba was on Lery's against decent survivors. I was at 2 hooks with 2 gens left and managed to get a 4K with 11 hooks.

    It can be done. I'd also add learn how to track survivors by sound. You may not see the survivor behind the wall but if you can track them by sound you can win the mind game.

    Hopefully that helps

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    If all of them can loop force them to drop pallets

    don't respect them eventually they will drop pallets at the right time when huntress can hit them if they do

    And then make a dead zone of the map where all the pallets have been used and chase surivors in or into that dead zone

    Recommend you bring dead lock or corrupt if you try this strategy

    This will often end up in a 3or 4 gen situation but better than free roam for surivors

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,197

    There are lots of tips here, and all good. Mine would be:

    1. Get them to drop pallets early, and then keep them near those less safe areas.

    2. Block vaults where possible, over trying for a hit that may not work. Especially good with Wraith.

    3. Be unpredictable. This is a big one. Often, many killer players can be identified by playstyles, like always respecting a pallet or trying the same mind games. Sometimes, being clever often becomes predictable. Play dumb sometimes - they don't expect it.