Scratch Marks

How is it useful to be able to see your own scratch marks? I mean, YOU know where you are... It isn't like since YOU can see them, the killer can't. What am I missing?
😊 thanks
It's useful as you can use it for misdirection and to be more careful so the killer won't track you
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well. you know for a fact exactly what the killer's seeing, and so you can infer what they might be thinking. you can also place them more deliberately.
i'm assuming this thread is about "What exactly is the value of Self-Aware?" and aside from being able to use your scratch marks against the killer, the bonus walking speed also helps you slip away undetected and remain stealthy a lot.
it's one of the trick perks, along with dance with me, diversion, deception, etc. but it isn't immediately obvious that it's a trick/mindgame/false info perk until you play with it a few times.
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Pardon me if the title of this discussion doesn't meet your approval.
So if a survivor knows how their movements affect their scratch marks and can control that, it is a waste of a perk slot.
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the main benefit is the increased walk speed and the scratch marks are a side benefit.
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It isn't like since YOU can see them, the killer can't.
The killer can see your scratch marks by default.
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Mostly, seeing your own scratch marks lets you know whether or not you can actually fool the killer. You want to use it in conjunction with perks like Quick and Quiet, Head On, Deception, Dance With Me, Lightweight, Bite the Bullet, and other tricky where-am-I perks - then it will warn you whether the killer can see where you went or if you're successfully incognito.
If you ran to a hiding spot when the killer was following far behind you, knowing the difference between faded scratch marks and no scratch marks can save your life.
It's also useful in any chase situation where the killer doesn't have LoS on you, or versus Spirit, because it helps with all attempts to double back and confuse where you've gone. This is possible without the perk, but it's easier and more certain with it.