Why is Wesker's TR so huge?

Damn near every match has been a Starstruck Wesker running Distressing, and it's getting really tiresome literally being on the otherside of the map and still getting exposed. Why is his so damn huge?
no idea why they did that, blight is a more mobile killer than wesker yet he's 32m it seems weird to me. I keep facing star struck weskers myself and it's boring
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TBH I think Blight and Nurse both need larger terror radii, or at least a 45m lullaby like Huntress given that all of them have the potential be nowhere near you and then damage you 3 seconds later.
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It relates to the size of his package
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Because while his base-kit chase is OK, he gets up to stupid strong levels when you stack chase perks onto him.
Especially dissolution + bamboozle means he can hold some serious W after people at even the safest loops in the game; just vaulting the pallet at places like shack / jungle gyms
And it's pretty easy to execute, while having good mobility too
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They did it to help survivor mains, but they should have realized that you can never please survivor mains.
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I think they did it because of his passive ability to Hinder survivors when fully infected. 8% Hindered does a lot, and having that extra and constant Hindered effect requires people to have time to react, so they gave him a bigger Terror Radius as a result. I know someone will mention "but what about Clown", but Clown cannot constantly apply that effect the way Wesker does.
(This is of course ignoring how his passive ability takes time to build up and can be completely removed, but it's just a general idea more than anything else.)
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Cause he wants the world to fear him.
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Beats me. I think it's because he can technically permanently apply Hindered, but the way it's currently set up, this will never happen unless he uses one of his iri addons or if he drops chase constantly. You figure there's 12 uses of sprays in the trial and survivors will typically use one after they get hooked. That means each survivor usually needs up to 2 sprays, since they're dead on the third hook anyway. With his iri addon, 12 is reduced to 8 and any infection that doesn't result in a down has a chance to contribute to a permanent hindered on a survivor. But that still means he has to successfully use his power in every single chase before this even starts to become a thing.
And when you compare it to Blight and Nurse, or even Billy, the idea that a TR should provide enough advance warning for a survivor to get away falls pretty dang flat.
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Yah I think it's a poor design choice, I'd like to hear the reasoning behind the decision.
In my opinion, he should just have a lullaby like Huntress and Trickster to indicate he's moving toward you - the giant terror radius seems so pointless.
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I'm assuming it's because one shotting is built into his power.
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How the ######### is this beneficial for survivors in any way shape or form? It gives him amazing synergies with perks that are otherwise mediocre and makes him extremely confusing on indoor maps. Reaction time doesn't really matter when you can cover 30-ish meters with your two bounds.
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Developers : "We should give Wesker a large Terror Radius as a weakness. His Bound allows him to cover large distances quickly, so in order to give Survivors more time to react, and get to a safe loop, he will have a 40 meter Terror Radius. This will make it much easier and safer for Survivors."
Killers who play Wesker : "Hmmm...". *Adapts to turn a weakness into a strength*
Same as always... Killers adapt to turn weaknesses into strengths, Survivors whine about it.
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It's not necessarily that I'm whining about it, I was just curious why he has the biggest TR of all. If anything, it's definitely teaching me to play way more safely whenever I encounter it.
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I think it was supposed to be intended as a “be careful wesker is around” but with distressing it surprisingly can make him a stealth killer as you can almost always hear his TR, meaning you really don’t know he is actually near you until you actually see him
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His terror radius is like +50m with distressing
If you get insta downed by a 30 second duration expose status from a killer that's 50 m away it's kinda your own fault.
It's a gimmick tbh
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It's def my own fault, not arguing that. I just didn't have the proper understanding of his design, and can make better decisions going forward
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Because as soon as you hear him we could be up your throat with a double dash and a standard 32m TR.
There could be made a case for Nurse and Blight to also get bigger TRs, either they are testing the waters with Wesker, or it's just part of his kit, I sometimes build my main strategy around his ginormous TR and hardly use his power at all, same as a Horder/Franklin's Pinhead might not use his M2 chains all game.
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I really don't even get why he has it in the first place. Even if he did have a lullaby, why doesn't Blight who can navigate way quicker? I just don't see the point of it all.
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Yah I agree. I asked in this thread here, if anyone knew if a reason had been given about the giant terror radius (thinking maybe a dev had commented on it, or it had been mentioned in some notes somewhere). But seems not, unfortunately.
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You guys somehow manage to turn everything into an us vs them conversation lmao.
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Wesker is compensating for something. 😝
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Its rather inefficient to use Starstruck with a power that has Built-In Exposed
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gives a further warning for his large mobility
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a bit of redundancy isn't always a bad thing; for example, insta down a fully infected survivor out of the blue, then suddenly everybody else is exposed and then you zip and zoom around and stab somebody. A play like that could turn a game around in seconds.
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My theory is that, like how ranged killers feature a Lullaby radius, the devs are testing larger TR's for high mobility killers to see if it will be beneficial to the survivors via the early warning giving them more time to run away/hide, or if it's actually better for the killer due to the synergies with TR perks like Starstruck, Unnerving Presence, Overwhelming Presence, Coulrophobia, etc.
If it turns out that its better for the survivors, then I bet other non-stealth based high mobility killers like Nurse, Billy, and Blight will get the same treatment in an upcoming patch or dev update for ptb testing. If not, we may see Wesker get his TR reduced, or have his slowdown mechanic nerfed.
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Just make all Terror radius' the same... Is it really that hard?.. Consistency would be nice...
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No, because TR manipulation is an important aspect of killer builds and can have a large effect on how effective a given killer can be. They need to be tuned to the killer and thier abilities.
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I think it’s fine. Terror Radius perks are finally seeing some use outside of Nurse and Doctor. It was getting boring with every Killer being 32m or 24m anyway. Diversity is good.
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They did it because he can get a perm 8% speed decrease on survivors. so they want them to have more time to hide from him. but if anything it makes it harder for survivors
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Pretty sure they are experimenting with larger terror radius in general.
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To synergize with Stake Out + Hyperfocus of course
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Because, unlike other mobility killers, he is not very loud and does not have clear sound queues that he is coming.
Nurse has the global screech.
Blight makes a ton of noise in general, and bumping/rushing is a clearly audible sound effect.
Billy's chainsaw is obvious.
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The reason is because he can close the distance really fast by using his power. If his power didn’t have mobility he would have normal terror radius.
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Perhaps but using Starstruck as Wesker got an early game rage DC Nancy when I clapped her before she could make a pallet save.
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Blight and Nurse should have their terror radius increased while using/charging power so it doesn't buff agi-struck.
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His TR was made like that because of how blindly fast and relatively silent his dash is compared to other, similarly mobile killers. Think about nurse and blight, you can globally hear nurse's screech, and hear blights "roar" when he rushes from pretty far, as well as he does not dash as fast as wesker.
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Exactly this.
Meanwhile he's got the build/appearance of any survivor and he's cloaked in jet black leather, so visibility isn't exactly prominent either.
It's telling how a lot of his perk combinations stretch across the other TR extreme, using undetectable and oblivious to essentially sneak up on survivors and ambush them into the wall.
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1. His power is not for map traversal, but for zoning in a chase. And if you are already in a chase, you do not need a bigger terror radius to alert you of a possible chase. He can dash in a straight line for 21 meters at maximum. He also gets stuck in a 3 seconds cool-down afterwards. If he could cover larger distances and with a shorter cool-down, 40 meters terror radius would be more justified. As of now it is not.
2. Hindered status effect endangers a survivor only if a survivor himself allows that to happen. If he did not cure himself before becoming fully infected, it means he mismanaged his time (depending on a situation there is 100, 75 or 60 seconds at his disposal). In that case he deserves to be punished. Wesker in terms of infection is a worse Plague. Does Plague has 40 meters terror radius? No.
Post edited by Igor_Bielobereg on1 -
Thats not a terror radius but his ego manifested.
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That's why I suggested maybe a lullaby instead of increased TR. I think increased TR only while charging wouldn't be that beneficial; nurse can full charge a blink in only 2 seconds.
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Nurse blinks 20 meters on a 2 second fatigue with a global sound queue and moving slower than survivors for her ability. Wesker going 21 meters with 3 second fatigue with no long-range sound queue, while moving 4.6 and potentially having a survivor move 3.68 m/s instead of 4 m/s is totally justified.
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Yes, cause being exposed forever while trying to leave his range is definitely something survivors like
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And survivors adapt to turn weaknesses into strengths, Killers whine about it.
Your point?
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Ah yes, let's have Mickey run around with a 32 meters radius and never get a kill again because he's just an M1 killer at heart... PERFECT
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One of the biggest gripes of having SO MANY Weskers at the moment is that I never seem to not be able to hear the TR and it's ridiculously irritating.
The TR is supposed to be a suspense thing. The killer is close, be careful.
When I've got kindred active and I am by the new outside gen on RPD and Wesker is upstairs by the STARS office corridor and I can still hear his TR it becomes tiresome and ridiculous.
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I dont like it because I can never tell where he is I always think he is about to chase me from my blindspot so i run blindly and then find him 2 seconds later. I actually love going against wesker until he has bam
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me omw to incorporate distressing into my wesker build now
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Seriously? I never thought of it in that way. But tbh starstruck on wesker is still a meme. Evertime i run it survivors just hide and waitout the 30 secs or just push gens. The times i do caught them they just predrop or take me to a strong loop. Don't see why so many are complaining.
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😳 Oh my
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Notice how quick you were to bash someone over a genuine question. It's the Us v. Them mentality in effect.