Evil Incarnate achievement should specify it requires the iridescent tombstone add-on.

"Kill all survivors while in Evil within 3" is heavily misleading. First, the term kill is pretty vague, it doesn't necessarily excludes sacrifices. When it does, it explicitely says so (in rituals, it says "by your own hands).
Secondly, nowhere does it specify it absolutely requires moris to be made with the iridescent tombstone. Litterally, not even a single clue.
Frustrating to have succedded this achievement twice and everytime it wasn't validated by the game.
It's already annoying to have an achievement asking you to play in the most toxic way with the most toxic build in the game, it should at least be crystal clear.
Back in a days I somehow figured it out without any problems. Minding that there are absolutly fixed definitions "kill", "sacrifice" or "kill by any means". Other achievements are much more confusing.
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I do agree that it's not very clear that it excludes moris. On the other hand, we're about to lose moris, so maybe that's a moot point.
I think it's pretty clear that kills aren't sacrifices.