I'm surprised no one is talking about hyperfocus and self care

It's actually really good. Hyperfocus makes self-care more bareable
I had this build that was Self Care, Hyperfocus, Stake Out and Botany Knowledge. And healing wasn't even that much of a nuisance. This perk is great for both gens and healing. I love it
I'm still leaving Self-Care survivors to die...
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It just seems too much of an investment to make Self-Care work. Why not bring a medkit and free 2 perk slots? Or even substitute those 2 for Pharmacy and free up 1 perk slot?
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with that kind of perk investment to get usage out of self-care, you'd be better off bringing a medkit with the max number of charges, and taking built to last and streetwise. That gives you two free perks to use for something like desperate measures and circle of healing. Or even just taking hyperfocus and stakeout if you want the skill check simulator.
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because unlike those things self care won't run out of charges
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no chance I'm wasting a spot on Self Care. You can always just bring a medkit or find one in a chest, or just bring CoH which is better anyway
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Purple Medkit w/ Gel Dressing + Medical Scissors gives you 3x heals without any perk investment. If you need to heal more than 3 times in a game not counting a lot of post-unhook heals (ie assuming the killer doesn't camp and tunnel) then self-care would absolutely be far more detrimental to your team than just being injured would be, even with Botany.
Circle of Healing is literally right there and that benefits your teammates too. There's absolutely no reason to run Sc over COH
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Imagine using 3 perk slots to heal slowly.. even with botany + desperate measure self care is still bad, it's a killer perk
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If I actually wanted to use self care, I'm only using it with Botany. I'm not running a full healing build when I can just run 2 and have the other 2 perks ones I need. (OTR and Lithe)
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I think Botany w/ Self-care is a lot more consistant.
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Without a doubt lol.
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You are our savior sir, you will save the DbD.
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Its not really a full healing build for self care its just two perk combos that also happen to work well together.
Stake Out and Hyperfocus
Self Care and Botany Knowledge
This build is good for both healing and gens. It's a double win
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That fair but I'd rather use perks that give me an advantage to get distance in chases than gen based perks. (It's a bold assumption for me to believe I'll get to touch a gen atp)
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Yeah I understand. I try and make builds that help in multiple aspects of the survivors game and not in just one but to each their own
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I would love to use perks like hyperfocus but I'm not exaggerating when I say this, I'll touch a gen for like half a second and then I hear the killer approach
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Honestly I used to run circle of healing but after coming across three different people running counterforce and/or small game without any totem benefit perks just cleansing totem as fast as possible because of tome challenges? I’m running self care with desperate and botany. Hyper focus and bite the bullet may be worth a thought though.
Sure I’ll bring a first aid kit and hope someone heals me first before I self care but sometimes that’s not realistic in solo and at least with desperate and botany you can heal others faster too.
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May I suggest investing in being stealthy. If you hear a killer coming be as stealthy as possible and wait for them to leave then resume the gen. It makes the killer waste time and you can get progress on the gen
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I'll try this but if I get another open map, I'm virtually throwing hands with the entity.
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You should try lightweight and a exhaustion perk. You can get away fast and it would be hard to track you with your scratch marks being inconsistent
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I do run Lithe so Lightweight would do well. Probably add that to the list of perks I want to get value from without forcing it so hard
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Hating on self care is just ignorant. It was a great perk pre-nerf. Most haters were people too bad at math and logic to understand that it did not lose time at all and in fact saved time by eliminating the search for someone to heal you. People that actually work against teammates for running perks that they don’t like are simply trash and should be ashamed of themselves.
I hate the nerf to self care and it’s especially painful with the new sloppy butcher. But there are times when it works for your build. I like to run sabotage builds and need to bring an Alex’s. There are also times I want or need to run an item other than a medkit. In those times when you can’t run a medkit but need to be sure you have a way to heal, self care gets the job done.
People overestimate the ease and utility of Boon COH. It’s great when it’s up but when you’re injured and have to go find a dull totem… especially when killers are using lots of hexes and/or teammates are breaking them… it can be a huge time waster or just impossible.
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Lightweight is really good. I enjoy it a lot
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That's me with Reactive Healing atm
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wasting 2 perk slots to make something work almost the same as strong as bringing a brown medkit isnt that viable especially on Solo Q where teammates die like flies here and there and you pretty much dont have time to heal"
in other words : just use a Medkit , and you get better results.
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Careful, you're going to get Self Care nerfed again.
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i never said it's the best, but it's a valid option nonetheless, especially if the killer relies on hit and run a lot.
Not to mention that circle of healing can be detrimental as well, as it forces you into a certain zone in the map to heal opposed to healing wherever you want with self care.
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I'd much rather be in a certain zone to heal than spend over a minute trying to do so or dedicate a majority of my build to it tbh.
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hyperfocus cuts out a big portion of that time, not to mention you can add botany knowledge to your build to enhance that.
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I could. Or I could use OTR/BT/Reassurance/COH and suddenly become a substantially bigger asset to the team, providing not only anti-camp and anti-tunnel benefits when both strategies are as prevalent as ever, but also allowing everyone to deal with hit-n-run playstyles or top themselves off without needing any investment from them with COH.
Like yeah you can dedicate 3 of your 4 perks to the combo, but I'd much rather be a greater asset to my team, especially in solo.
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if you want to be a meta slave, sure, I just run whatever makes my own game less miserable.
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I used to love Self Care pre-nerf. I'd run it with a med-kit as it used to help with efficiency and I could always finish the heal after the med-kit ran out. Being able to use Self Care in Endgame was great as well, to heal up before going for a daring rescue or bodyblocking for your team mates.
Nerfed Self Care is an D tier perk. It's only real benefit now is being able to finish a heal you normally wouldn't be able to finish. The fact that it needs other perks to even be useful at all is awful. It's like Spirit Fury, useless on its own.
If you're not bringing a med-kit, you're better off using Circle of Healing, Inner Strength or Bond to find a team mate to heal you.
If you are bringing a med-kit, Streetwise or Built to Last are superior options.
I think Self Care is better than Pharmacy though.
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I was under the impression hyperfocus didn't count for self healing
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Franklin's Meta can't stop Self-Care
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There's a couple issues I see.
Stake Out tokens would get used up on both gens and healing. I don't see this being ideal as you want the tokens for speeding up the action you want to speed up with Hyperfocus so splitting them up will just make Hyperfocus less effective overall.
CoH exists and you can run that with botany knowledge for infinite brown med-kit heals.
You don't have a way to increase the skill checks with healing action like you do with gen repair. Using a toolbox to give yourself more skill checks helps make hyperfocus better since you can build up the stacks a lot quicker. On top of this, Healing is a quicker action than gen repair so you're less likely to reach 6 stacks of Hyperfocus where you get the main benefit.
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It does
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Those perks are meta because they make my games less miserable lmfao
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That was the original point of the meta change right? Was to make it so that people wouldn't need those perks to enjoy the game
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Wow the hate! I was running hyperfocus stackout selfcare and BK yesterday. 4 stacks of stackout makes selfcare crazy fast. Endgame where you need a heal to help get people out its clutch.
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I dont understand the hype on COH. I mean its a good perk, but i cant tell you how many times people search for the totem put up COH which takes time for it to immediately get snuffed then they go back put it up again and over and over. I would take someone with selfcare over the COH re blessing mikela any day!
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Built to Last and a yellow or purple medkit with charge add-ons is normally far more heals than you'll ever need and have the advantage of healing your teammates faster as well.
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And wbk the meta change failed overall. Succeeded at changing what perks people use (mostly) but failed at actually changing the game to a good degree.
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Because then you can also bring in a non-medkit item.