Orange Light

So I died to the entity today and an orange light rained from the sky. Has this happened to anyone else? Is it always like this and I just didn't notice? Full Story Below.

So I had the archive that was cleasne 2 totems, complete 2 gens and unhook 2 survivors in a single match as ace. So I bring Dicks hunch, open handed, kindred and botany knowledge with a purple med kit + extra bandages to make up for bot not. cleanse both ruin and undying, unhook meg, and complete the 2nd gen. Get hooked then finish the 5th gen with Dwight. Only meg and I have been hooked once each. Exit gates get opened and I go down. The solo queues do a 3 man save but poor Dwight goes down in the process and blight chases out the other two. I am hiding in the exit gate. Time is ticking down. I need a save. I see the blight on kindred. I unhook Dwight and hope he makes it out. Blight downs me as Dwight runs to the exit gate. Blight downs Dwight inside the exit gate. The Entity comes for both of us. But an orange light rains from the sky (which was super strange). and I die happy knowing I completed my challenge.
