I don't even know how I lose sometimes.

I have 2k hours in this game, I'm a pretty solid looper and killer, that being said, sometimes I just don't know how I lost, like I know that I made a lot of mistakes, I admit this to myself while playing, but I can't point to any one thing as the reason why I lost, I decided to play nice and not tunnel, but the survivors brought all meta perks with tool boxes and medkits, and I just kinda lose. I don't really learn anything from that, I guess I should stop using Shadowborn? With a game like Doom, at least I can point to something and say "Yeah, maybe I could've played around that enemy better, or used this gun at this time," but with DBD, I just lose and I guess the takeaway is to not try so I don't get my hopes up? Maybe I'm putting too much brain power into this and this game is just unfair sometimes, but I just don't get how people can play it super sweaty for thousands of hours and not realize how their wins are predicated on using the strongest stuff every game.
Unfortunatelly, if 1 side want to win and sweat, you have to sweat as well. Being nice and chill against a sweat is why you lost.
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You just gotta feel out the lobbies. Typically I gauge what to do based off how the first chase goes and how fast the first gen gets done. I almost always have Corrupt, Lethal, or Discordance for the early game. I feel naked without one of them since it means I could be loading into a game with 4x survivors spawning on gens and even walking to the wrong one at the start will cost me 2-3 of them.
If the first chase goes terrible, or the first gen is popping like 30 seconds into the match I just hard tunnel/camp the first survivor to death. Then attempt to slug in the 3v1 if killing the first guy cost me alot of gens
Conversely, if the survivors are dropping like flies or clearly babies I will play for hooks. Which is ideal since tunneling people to death gets old every game but against sweaty teams it is your only chance to win on alot of killers/builds
Or you can just play for hooks and not care about 3-4king every game
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This is a pretty foreign way to play for me, I come from a Minecraft/Cod pvp background where you can just become insanely good at the game and play chill while being able to win, I absolutely hate sweats and sweating in games, especially sweating in public lobbies.
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Uhhh killer has plenty of absolutely broken things you can run to "chill" while securing easy wins. There is also no real defined win condition for killer, it's up to you to decide what you want out of your matches. I can go from sweating so hard I get legit tunnel vision from adrenaline one match to playing casual as f the next.
Typically I am sweating my balls off though, just because I can and I play lots of dumpster tier killers. Winning with them is way more rewarding to me than loading up on Nurse to pubstomp for the 100th win in a row
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I usually start out the match on killer at full throttle due to PTSD from good SWF's. If I am stomping them or people are just giving up I usually just start screwing around and letting them do objectives and escape. I have no ego when it comes to killer and just trying to balance out all the sweat lord killers who play like every match like its game 7 of the DBD World Championships.
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Try recording your matches and rewatching them. You'll probably catch mistakes you didn't notice while you were playing.
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You are comparing a multiplayer game with a single player. Sometimes you play well, the opponent player better - sometimes you play poorly but the opponent's are like garbage. On top of that the perk nature means sometimes your side has a build going for a certain strategy, but the opponent has just the build strategy to counter that.
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When did I lose control of situation?...
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Because you're going up against real people, who are unpredictable and have varying degrees of experience in the game. I don't think it's much deeper than that. No point in having expectations in a multilayer game.
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Most of the killers I win against played nice most of the killers I lose against don't play nice.
As for survivor if your team is good and you played efficient you should always win. If your team bad just go next, noone wins.
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Sometimes other people are just better. Sometimes there is no more improvement to be had. Arnold Schwarzeneggar is not as strong as he was 30 years ago. His strength only reached a certain point--and some men are stronger than he ever was. For those men, their peak is higher than his peak. Same with gaming. Some people's gaming peak is higher than others.
And lastly, "It is possible to make no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."