Perks Quality of Life Discussion

lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

I'd like to instigate suggestions and discuss how to improve the overall user experience related to Perks. You're all welcome to come forth and:

  1. Post a simple suggestion that would make a perk more user-friendly while NOT increasing its numbers.
  2. Quota another user's suggestion and discuss.

I'll start:

Counterforce should display the number of tokens in its hud, like Hex: Devour Hope does.


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,594

    Eruption should have basic attack conditions. There's currently zero way to play around it as a solo survivor. It's way too powerful for it to have zero meaningful counterplay. As long as a killer kicked that gen, it regresses by 10% and incapacitates the survivor for 25 seconds.

    There's nothing the player on that gen can do outside of straight up guessing when a solo teammate might go down, and even then, that's only to avoid the Incapacitate. It doesn't even alert the player that Eruption is active on that gen before it goes off. Additionally, there's nothing the player in chase can do to avoid the regression or stop the gens from exploding. Go into the dying state by any means, and Eruption procs.

    But adding a basic attack condition for the dying state allows the survivor in chase the opportunity to jump in a locker to negate the Eruption proc. It makes the perk somewhat consistent with Jolt. It's counterplay that doesn't need communication, so it's viable for solos. And if we're being honest, 90% of skill brackets aren't even going to think of counterplaying it that way.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    Alternatively, they could remove the incapacitation. The reason Jolt is fine is because it doesn't make it so Survivors can't do any actions for a set amount of time, but I do agree Eruption is too strong in its current state and provides too much information.

    Another thing I'd say is that Repairing/Regression and Healing actions need a max cap of some sort. That'd probably sort a lot of issues the core game has and make it less overwhelming on both sides without having to worry a generator being popped in less than 30 seconds or regressing all the way back in the same amount along with healing in 5 seconds, etc.

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 797

    Trail of Torment should only show the gen aura after 20/25/30 seconds. Numbers subject to change of course.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,233

    Agitation should also increase killer pickup speed. The only perk that does this right now is Fire-Up.

    Dark sense should be something you can trigger by pressing the newly added 'active ability 2' button rather than having it trigger when the Killer enters a radius around you.

    Aftercare should not reset after being hooked

    I'm All Ears should have its cooldown reset if you down a survivor while it's active.

    Dissolution shouldn't warn survivors that it is in play until after it breaks a pallet.

    Kinship has a visual indicator for the survivors who trigger it, I've seen it

    It would be nice for it to show before a survivor triggers it somehow though

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Technician should go into cool down when a skill check is missed.

    Buckle up should show killer and survivors auras near downed survivors.

    Premonition should show the auras of nearby hooks for the duration of the cool down when you look towards a killer.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    So many cool suggestions, thanks you guys. I'll add one more:

    Deathbound should show the survivor's aura for 6 seconds instead of making them scream.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 503

    Reassurance should be able to reach a survivor hooked in the basement from whatever area is right above the hook.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Slippery Meat to have an added effect of reducing the timer of being carried by 3%/5%/7%

    Distressing to make the terror radius non-directional for hearing which direction it comes from.

    No Mither to start the trial in a healthy state. Effects start after injury.

    Tenacity to remove blood trails.

    Poised to add a haste effect, alongside removing scratchmarks.

    Up The Ante adds more to your own luck: increases chance of successful escape from hook, random chance of increased vault speed, random chance of a speed boost to a particular action after breaking a totem, random chance of faster Exit Gate opening.

    Insidious has a cooldown, but now a killer can become undetectable for a brief period of time whilst moving.

    Territorial Imperative can now trap chests, causing survivor to become injured or have deep wound status. Killer has to trap the chest though.

    Unrelenting changes to a killer being able to swing wildly up to three times in a row to get a hit. Has a cooldown.

    Predator reveals the survivor's aura on occassion whilst in a chase.

    Bloodhound gives killer 2%/3%/4% haste when chasing an injured survivor.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    To add to this, Reassurance should show itself to all survivors when active - not just the hooked one. And it should have the red timer bar (as on perks such as We’ll Make It and Tinkerer) so the survivors can gauge how much time has passed and is left before the survivor’s sacrificial process resumes.

    I would hope Camaraderie could do the same.

  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230

    Save the best for last shouldn't let you recover before the survivor uses his full speed burst after getting hit.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,830

    Red Herring should be activated through an ability button and not by getting inside of a locker.