Thanks for making the Cheater Situation...Somehow Even Worse!

When I first saw the anonymous mode added to the 6.2.0 PTB, my immediate thoughts were that this would be really great for cheaters to abuse since now nobody will know your account nor can they see your account anymore if you're on Steam.

Fast-forward to today and I'm pretty certain that anonymous mode is a mistake. I've even seen cheaters running it and being annoying to me from personal experience. And the worst part is that I'm personally unable to do anything since I don't know their account name or anything.

This is just fantastic. Now I have no defense against cheaters. And neither will others.


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    When you report in game the match gets flagged and you just need to send video proof in a support ticket. It's actually better now because you don't need someone's steam ID to report them, something players on other platforms had no access to.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,734

    Thats good and all, but when are they going to come up with something better than requiring video evidence?

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,734

    I'm not saying it should be done on quantity of reports (as that would be extremely exploitable as you inferred) but more actually doing internal things and getting some fire under some asses about how active they are in the process. I understand why they havent done anything like a full rework of their logic to mimic other automated systems, but they keep refusing to put even simple impossibility checks when they have all of the internal data you could ever need to create them. You can create an entire minefield for hackers by making a series of checks for impossibilities within the game's normal environment, then just silently have them flag the match in a similar way as the report system. That way if a survivor is somehow running faster than normal and another player sees and reports it, they can pull up something like "they were getting the Hope effect before the gens were completed" or other situations that should be impossible. Then just have the game auto throw out any unmatched reports after a day or two.

    I just can't get over how unwilling they are to impose sanity checks, especially when it makes everyone's lives easier, including theirs.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,450

    In Guild Wars 2 GMs can enter and observe group's instances and ban them for using exploits and the like. The same system could work here. If an account is (automatically) flagged repeatedly then have someone observe that account's matches. Dedicated servers should make that possible. Then ban those accounts on the spot if they are actually using speedhacks or flying or whatever else is possible.

    Automated bans are bad. Automated flagging so a human can check what's going on is good.


  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    How can this work? A match is flagged, a video link is emailed, and then? How does BHVR assign the flag to the video? I don't see that this can work. 

    When reporting a player ingame, DbD should automatically archive the last match and automatically assign it.

  • Kasamsky
    Kasamsky Member Posts: 264
    edited September 2022

    I honestly don't understand why the forums is not flooded with posts about cheaters. For me the whole situation feels out of control and even worse than we had half a year ago. I can't be the only person that gets cheaters back to back. And no im not talking about "oh i think this nea is a little too fast but i can't really tell", im talking about obvious flying around and insta gen popping crap. For the past week 50% of my killer matches are like that and no im not overreacting. At this point i don't even feel like starting DbD anymore. For what? Wasting 10 minutes in queue to get perma head-on stunned? No thanks. And even if you don't get the obvious kind of cheater, with gen times ranging from 40 to 100+ seconds you can't even tell anymore wether the match is legit or not.

    Something need to be done ASAP.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    You put YOUR account ID in the ticket. They can match your ID from the ticket with the game that was flagged by your ID in-game. Even if you flagged several games, I'm pretty sure they can link couple videos with couple games, they have enough information at their end.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    It's possible that some people are simply not encountering cheaters. I know I generally don't encounter them when I play survivor.

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    Thank you for your answer. This approach makes sense in a way. But what about the players who don't have software installed to record matches? Or those who have software but rarely use it? Or who, like me, record every match but don't send in links because they don't think BHVR is doing anything? After all, I saw it in 2016 when a gamebreaking bug (Myers with chainsaw or Killer with the Perk Bond) occurred before Christmas and BHVR did not prevent this problem until late January 2017?

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Unfortunately Mandy confirmed a while back that even though a replay system that automatically attached a game file to an ingame ticket for customer service is something the devs would like to have available they determined that for technical reasons it’s not feasible for them to implement it. It’s a real shame because having a video file or even better some sort of replay file that could be automatically attached to a service ticket would be a win-win since it would mean customer service always gets the right attachment on all its tickets and players don’t have to have the tech savvy to be constantly recording all their own games. Not to mention if the server generated the replay file for the ticket it could hypothetically include the perspectives of all five players, not just the video from the perspective of the one player submitting the ticket.

    So this is one of those things everybody wants in the game but that just isn’t going to be in it. 🙁

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,734
    edited September 2022

    The arms race comment did a lot more harm than good. BHVR is extremely bad at letting people know that things are actually getting done and successful reports are getting banned, so paired with anecdotal experiences people have very little faith in the system, especially with how much legwork they themselves have to do. While their reasoning was sound (not showing your hand while dealing with vulnerabilities vs exploits in code) they need to make improvements to building faith within the community. The way they're handling it is causing people to be less likely to bother reporting, and more likely to be brazen because of the former.

    Edit: For reference, even something as seemingly worthless as reporting the number of successful bans between each community stream would go a long way. Stuff like that is one of the biggest reasons why people in FF14 even bother reporting RMT spammers, it seems like they're endless but the team are very transparent about how many accounts get handled, so people continue to report them because they know something is actually being done.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    I'm not arguing about that. At all.

    Only exception is in my expirience they are doing anything. I understand I might be lucky enough to meet and report very obvious ones and lucky enough to have so much free time to record, cut, render, upload, search for id64 in case of custom steam link and create tickets. But they do. Maybe much less than we need but...

    Still, of course it would be nice to have better report system. And better time reaction. I'm tired of tickets and really want to be able report cheaters effectively. For now I just grateful they removed dumb steamID64 requirement. Plus now they are able to killswitch smth like chainsaw Michael untill all devs return from holidays to fix the issue.

    So maybe one day... :D

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 244

    This x 1000

    Also, lmao at "Gosh, they'd sure LIKE to stop all of that cheating, but it's totally not feasible you guys! Soooo not feasible"

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    These are bad news, but I do not slap the messenger. Thank you for informing us.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,734

    I mean they're not wrong in the hyperbolic statement that they will never be able to get rid of all cheating. Even games with the best anti-cheat have vulnerabilities happen occasionally. The thing is making them so rare that people continue to keep faith that they get handled accordingly before they become widespread.

    Here you can have 6 games in a day with just as many hackers. Then you get to the ones who abuse reasonable doubt and it makes people either paranoid or entirely apathetic. They need to do better at convincing the community they're putting in the effort, then they need to put in more effort. Preferably by lowering the onus of proof to take up less performance and storage space.

  • woodenEnthusiasm
    woodenEnthusiasm Member Posts: 160

    You dont need their ID to report them it's all recorded when you report the match. That said mandytalk confirmed they will never ban without video evidence, which defeats the purpose of a report system since most people arent or cant record their matches....