Is Hag really that irritating to play against?

Hello, just played couple of matches with Hag and I'm starting to get more and more of these end-game chat "rages"... I made a screenshots of the second match, I didn't in the first.
I'm playing Hag really "fair" (as survivors consider), I don't put traps under the hooks, I don't camp or tunnel, just picked up 3 gens and trap around them, making the web from the beggining.
2 Survivors was able to do 2 gens while other 2 were constantly going around my web, "playing with traps" and tried to get me into the chase. Then all 4 survivors made out to my web, and thats where the match was pretty over.
The match end up really badly for survivors, I did gave one of them hatch.
The map was: Coldwind Farm. Because of a Heart locket.
In the end-chat, both matches I was getting these:
Just wanna ask... Is this a "skill issue" of the survivors? Too much of op killer? Or just casual outrage?
Yes, I was hiding my traps in the grass, but some of them were pretty in the open, they've seen them and still was getting hit by them.
I just don't understand how Hag is so "irritating" to play against comparing her to other "irritating" killers like Nurse.
I find hag irritating to go against but that's a design issue, not a player issue. Her powers are just boring to go against, especially as most hag players just trap spam the hook area. But I'm blaming the killer, not the player for it so I'm not going to throw a fit in the chat about it.
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It's frustrating because it requires you to bring an item to counter her power which doesn't matter if she has franklins, so constantly crouch walking around in any situation is an annoyance, because they may or may not have the add-ons that allow them to teleport across the map. There's nothing fun going against that. (back then, Urban would've been the best thing to ever bring)
I even remember going against a Hag that had the add-on to teleport across the map and she was on the other side of the map when I went to painfully slowly crouch walk in the basement to get the save. By the time I rescued and made it to the top of the stairs is when she was able to to make it back, and she had franklins so our flashlights didn't matter. it was so miserable.
Also the other problem, because Hag sucks at chasing, she has to choose a three gen and basically set camp and play around it which isn't fun for the other side. And a lot of killers likes to be able to chase and aren't fond of Hag's play style.
Obviously these survivor's you were playing against were being pretty comp with the map offering and toolboxes, but I'm saying in general, these are the reasons why Hag is irritating to play against. Hag has franklin's to counter flashlights, and has built-in camping and can camp while being on the other side of the map (with certain add-ons), Also the bs rusty shackles add-on. Overall killers that have built in camping, slugging, etc. is just not fun to go against. Also some ppl just don't like going against trapped based killers.
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You are prestige 12 with hag. So you invest points from other matches into her or you are pretty used to play her. Many survivors are not used to play against her. In the hands of an average player she is pretty weak, no chance to chase, quite immobile.
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The only fun thing in the game is interaction with the Killer, and with Hag, 90% of the time the gameplay against her is:
Hag places a Trap -> A Survivor trigger the trap -> She teleports and slaps the Survivor -> She either leave or continue depending if the Survivor is running around her minefield
And you can't do anything about it because thats how her power works, she just teleports and hits you, there's nothing else more to do or to say, with other Killers that chase you, there's a tension building up while the chase goes, and you're thinking like some plays to pull off.
With Hag it's just... teleport -> hit -> teleport -> hit
She's in the club of "fun to play with but not against" with some others specific Killers
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i despise hag, she's my most hated killer in the game, every second i play against a hag i feel miserable. No its not a "skill issue" but ######### hag
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Hag can be annoying, but I see her so rarely now that I don't mind. She's perfectly counterable too so I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you. These survivors would have complained no matter what.
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99% of people complaining in chat after a match are sore losers. Just ignore them and move on.
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Yes, she is. She is my least favorite killer in the game and it’s not even close.
She can’t chase effectively which is the most interesting part of the game so her playstyle isn’t really for me either nor is it fun to go against.
Flashlights are also too important against her. You can shut down her power pretty well if you have one, but in some situations you’re kinda just screwed without them (and most hags use franklins anyway). Even if you didn’t trap hooks or camp/tunnel/whatever, most hags do so the second I see her I’m kinda already prepared for a miserable match.
Mint Rag is also completely busted and I’m honestly surprised it still exists.
So overall, I kinda just find her power largely outdated as well as boring to face because it actively discourages chases and meaningful interaction with the killer.
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She's not irritating or OP, she's just rare. Survivors encounter her rarely so aren't used to dealing with her, and probably don't even know most of her addons. Play Twins really well and you'll get a similar reaction. It's one of the upsides of going with seldom played killers.
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I second this. You didn't do anything wrong. You were simply playing a killer they personally don't care for.
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Well in my case, I didn't use any "overpowered" addons, I was not camping (didn't put traps under the hook) or tunneling at all. The only "irritating" thing about my playstyle was Franklin's... If people getting mad over her power, why is she still the same as before the buff?
I'm not gonna lie, I've invested a lot of time and patience into this killer, I learned her really well and I do enjoy playing her after.=)
Survivors are not used to play against her... Ain't that a skill issue of the survivors?
Survivors can play smart against her, there is a times you just can't insta hit a survivor, when they react fast. Flashlights, crouchis, defusing them while she carrying someone, I mean, so much to do against her, yet she's more irritating than nurse? Oo
Amm... Oke.=)
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I might add, that last season I played 4 times against her, and escaped 2 times. So I am not afraid against the occassional hag.
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I think if survivors knows how to deal with her, she's really enjoyable to vs. I'm not winning everysingle game with her, there are some swf or really good soloq who easily beats me and having a really good impression after the match.
So... In my case, if all 4 escaped, they bumped up and praise each other. But when they lost and died, "Hag is so boring", "I hate that killer". I mean... -_- There is no way that only if you won, it was a gg and fun match.
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From all opinions on that topic already, I'm just seeing 50\50, ones who hate this killer, someone who's ok with that killer...
Yeah... I might consider just ignore and move on.=)
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This is not a problem of hag, but a problem of sore losers being survivors that not survived. Do you know how to close after game chat?
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A lot of survivors that complain about her don't even know you're supposed to crouch walk to a hook. That's not entirely their fault because Hag is so rare, but quite a few survivors should know better. Some don't really like to think strategically when playing against her, like messing with her web while she's busy, and breaking a 3 gen the Hag might be trying to make, so it's still partly the survivor's fault.
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A) What are your graphic settings? I love how vibrant these screenshots are--my game is so dull by comparison.
B) Hag is my least favorite killer to face--primarily because her counterplay is "slow is safe"
On paper, Hag really isn't that difficult to play against. She has a lot of things going for her, with area control, but her counter is pretty easy if survivors are methodical and deliberate about their actions. They can always default to resetting far from the Hag's web, but it turns her matches into a game of attrition, somewhat like the Plague.
It's not very fun to play against, especially because she doesn't chase--and that is where the thrill of DBD comes for experienced players.
C) I'm surprised you ran Franklin's, considering they only had 2 beemers and no medkits. I assume BNP on toolboxes, which would instantly rule out Franklin's value on half the survivors. The beemers are obviously a detriment to your kit, but I wouldn't have assumed 2 green batteries and filaments--looks like it was a good call for you in the end.
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I don't mind playing against them usually, but loads of traps all around the hook is kind of annoying, my screen goes bonkers when i run through them all haha. Seems like a waste putting so many in one place though for those who do it.
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A) Thank you.=) I'm using max out graphic in settings, with Nvidia GeforceExpirience tools in the game. No advantages in gameplay just to make a pretty picture.
B) Survivors that escaped against me, were really thrilled in the end-game chat, I can tell they were having a really good time and worked hard. By the end of the match in the chat, they were throwing compliments to each other and me, but it only happens, when they escape! Thats what I don't understand...
C) If I can be honest, long ago while I was learning this killer, I didn't use Franklin's at all.=) And there was 1 really depressing match which I never forget with 1 survivor with a flashlight. He was following me everywhere watching every single trap I placed and almost instantly shine them off, If I try to spook him off or chase him, he always run to a near pallet or window, taking a hit if needed. This match I lost with 1 hook just because of this 1 guy with flashlight.=) I even stopped playing hag, I thought it was a really bad killer. Now I learned to put traps into the stuff like grass or behind the edges and run Franklin's to insta draw a trap over dropped items and... My games got much easier a lot less stressful.=)
Long ago, I was putting only 1 trap under the hook, never understood why some Hag's putting multiple traps, and I've no idea how they were suppose to win with 5 or 4 traps in 1 spot. -_- Now I understand that you better put traps much further, so you'll hit survivor from a far, and he will come to a hook injured already.
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I personally don't mind her because I'm a runner. You just have to be ready to either crouch the whole time, or to get ready to run as she teleports. I mean, it's the same as Dredge. You need to be hyper alert and ready to boogie. I think she's kinda fun, honestly. A good Hag, it's interesting to see how they place traps and use them to mind game you. I had a really good one pre-set a trap somewhere, and herded me towards it and cut me off. Was fun.
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its mainly her power that’s just kind of annoying to go against, thankfully I rarely go against her.
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I know this has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion but I swear your name sounds familiar...
What other games do you/did you mainly play?
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I don't enjoy playing as Hag or vs Hag. In my opinion, if you take everything that is unfun about DBD and put it together, you get Hag's playstyle. Her kit actively encourages hard proxy camping and creates boring chases.
I would rather play against Legion.
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I'm sorry, but to avoid some "negativity" I'd like this question to pass by. Maybe in pm, only if you want.
Yeah, I'm pretty aware that she's rare.=)
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I personally find Hag really cool to play against, but that's also because I actualy play her as well.
I wish I saw more of her to be honest.
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No negativity intended! And after a little bit of thinking I got my answer anyway :)
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Hag has always had a awful design to play against from camping being a piss easy strategy which I'm not blaming the killer to basically never getting chased properly
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(Off topic)
Perfect.=) Mind if I ask you the same? You got me intrigued. xD
Well, 4.4 ms is pretty obvious minus of that killer. Less chances of catching someone than usual 4.6 ms.
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I would be perfectly fine if hag was a 115 killer now
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She can be 4.5 with an iri addon, but no teleports actually worries me. xD
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I don't know if it's sad or hilarious that half of Hag's rarest add-ons prevent her from teleporting xD
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Campy Hags and basement Hags are irritating, and I'm not a fan of Mint Rag because there just isn't any counterplay that wasn't decided before the match began. But I have no problem with Hags that trap loops and points of interest with relatively minimal hook trapping/dropping everything to tunnel; it's the hook clusterfucks that are annoying to play against.
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People were using such addons just for mem builds, Nurse have similar with 1 blink only. Unfortunatelly you can't play on a high-caliber with such builds.=)
If everything, I know that hag has 2\3 most irritating addons, it's Rusty shackles and Dried cicada \ Necklet. I stopped using shackles, since survivors were constantly DC from my matches after 1-2 downs. They were actually refusing to play at all. Only a few games I was able to play till the end with all 4 survivors. But they didn't escape tho...
So I got rid of this addon, and now... Almost every single game with hag people at least playing till the end without dc, I'm pretty fine with that.=)
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well my username wasn't the same for RC, so you wouldn't of known me. I just remember seeing your name around in the community and you had some very good lookin builds :)
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I started playing killer maining both Hag and Legion, and surprisingly I get consistently more DCs playing Legion xD
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Thank you it means a lot.=)
When me and my 2 fellas left RC after some not very good updates, I wasn't playing any games for maybe a year... Just was spending time at work and with loved ones.=) And one day my co-worker recomended me this game, she was playing DBD for a long time. She said it might get me captured, since there is a lot of psychological elements like stress and tension, since we work in a psychiatric hospital. She said that this game can get my attension, and oh boy she was right.=)
The community of this game is really interesting, I love reading peoples opinions about stuff in this game and I love overall reactions to some situations in the matches. Ofc there is some stuff that I don't like but... They are being forgotten very quickly.
It actually surprises me when people seeing some killers really often, but they hate them similar to the rare ones.
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Most Hags play campy so its a reputation issue than how you played.
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Yeah its a shame RC went down the path it did, lets hope the sequel is better
Also glad to see you're still doing well and enjoying DbD :)
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The frustration comes from having no way to get everyone on the same page counterplay-wise. She really isn't that hard to beat if you stay patient and run to the correct areas. But you're almost always going to have 1 or 2 teammates that completely throw by waiting too long to start running and go down near her 3 gen instead of tanking a hit and holding W to the other side of the map.
Post edited by edgarpoop on0 -
Wow, I didn't even know that. They actually making a sequel... But it's still the same developers tho, so yeah... Let's just hope they learned that, the most important part of any online games... Is their players, community.
I'm absolutelly agree with you.=) In my matches it's always 1 or 2 survivors that constantly getting hit by a traps, goofing around and playing with traps, and the other 3 or 2 are actually playing smart, disarming traps when I'm busy and trying to steal 1 gen from my 3gen webbing.=)
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Hag is definitley not OP, if anything she needs some buffs. She's extremely easy to counter (and even moreso if Survivors have a flashlight or two), and not that strong even when Survivors aren't actively countering her power.
However, despite not being overpowered, she's still just kinda boring to play against.
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You did nothing wrong you got sore losers sadly. You didn't even use her most annoying build at that
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Hag is annoying because all it takes is one survivor who doesn't crouch walk to a hook that screws the team over. I say this as someone who mostly plays Hag. She's very strong against solo Survivors but also mediocre against coordinated SWFs. I enjoy playing her but my feelings playing against her are neutral for the reason I said. I think she's fine as is, the built in BT heavily counters traps at hook which is the main things players hate about her.
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Would you believe me if I said Hag mains are behind anything and everything wrong with this game? Imbalance between solo and SWF? Hag. Gens get done too fast? Hag. Nurse OP? Hag.
If you can't see it I can't help you. I can't say anymore in fear of getting banned as they have infiltrated the devs and have some on their payroll.
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If they are losing to anyone other than blight and nurse running the strongest stuff they can, they are not good and are getting carried by their builds. Hag is extremely hard to play against in solo queue but even a decent swf with previous hag experience can completely destroy her web. You don't need flashlights there is a radius in which you are fine if you know the trap is there. Again 100% their fault they lost this game.
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I think that is just hard for an average player to know the counterplay, like someone has to be actively harassing her to disarm the web of traps and stuff like that. Average players dont know that much, besides she is not that popular and from that pov she may seem annoying. Also the average hag player plays almost the same: 10 traps on hook lol
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“He likes to draw??” LMAOOOOO! 🤣 Was that a shot at Hag when she places her traps?? If so that ######### is hilarious!
On topic: Hag is the only killer who can still give me a jump scare in 2022. She is so rare to find in a trial, I personally don’t find her that bad to go against. But I will admit when she was more popular ages ago, she was as annoying to deal with as trapper.
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I didn't mind her when I first started playing. I was a lot more careful and would just crouch walk over her traps. Now that I'm more experienced and know how precious time can be in a game, I'm too impatient for that and will just run over the traps. Her constantly popping up gets annoying so fast, but that's more my issue because I know how to avoid that, I just cbf
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People get annoyed because they don't know how to counter her.
The excuse "i just don't want to crouch all the time" proves that(bc you definitely dont need to crouch all the time). Not only that, but most survivors looooooove crouching, it's their fave thing to do.
Another reason would be that most that play hag dont know how to play her and put 10 traps at hooks and camp. That's annoying, sure, but hag mains dont play like that and its rare to see
Lastly, people in this game are just salty. They would've complained regardless of which killer they're facing
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Hag is just irritating to go against since she can just trap hooks and semi-camp them. Yes, you can crouch, but as soon as you go for the unhook, it triggers.
Although these survivors are pretty horrible, how'd they lose with 2 bnps?? They also have flashlights, they can burn your traps easily. They also chose the map offerings. Yes, you played hag, a strong killer, but they brought equally strong crap.