Chase perks are not designed anywhere close to evenly for both sides.

I don't understand the design team at BHVR. Survivors are loaded with perks that reward them for either doing nothing at all or for losing. Dead Hard gives you distance for losing a chase. Resiliance, Lithe, Sprint Burst, Balanced Landing, Overcome, Adrenaline all give you free distance for free as a reward for doing literally nothing at all. Meanwhile killer chase perks are a complete joke, and there is not one killer chase perk that gives you value without some requisite, and that requisite is usually specific to the point of being useless. Crowd Control, Blood Favour, the survivors can remove these before the first chase even starts. Brutal strength saves less than half a second. Coup is extremely limited in charges and only activates by losing the game. Spirit Fury needs to be charged up by losing chases. NOED only activates when you've lost, and can be removed from the game before it does anything. Dissolution has a hit requirement, a delay, an extremely tight window and a visual warning ahead of time to the survivors. So why doesn't dead hard or adrenaline have a warning in advance for the killer so they can play around it and negate it entirely? Imagine the outrage if killer had a perk where pressing E after a missed swing instantly downs the survivor that outplayed you, or if entering a chase gave you more than double speed for a few seconds automatically. Sounds like a joke, but that's the way the game is the other way around. Why is it designed like this?


  • zeemgeem
    zeemgeem Member Posts: 34

    Dead hard gives way more distance than a little dash now. Do you think a perk that makes survivors take no damage when not exhausted would be fair? Because that's all it is, especially with the cheater epidemic running rampant and auto dead hards in many games. That's not even mentioning how it now completely negates the powers of some killers. Trickster loses all laceration on a DH when he didn't before, Victor now enters a hit CD and therefore can be immediately kicked, Artist loses swarm on that survivor, Hillbilly's chainsaw is ended, blight and nurse get a longer hit cooldown. It was buffed a lot more than it was nerfed, and where it only felt a little like a free win as a reward for losing before, that feeling is tenfold now. DH on its own in the current state it is is almost enough to never want to play anything other than Slinger or Blood Echo plague just to make it go away. Why does a perk that can completely kill the entire fun of a match, not to mention one that potentially buys minutes of chase time as a reward for LOSING THAT CHASE need to remain in the game? It's just ridiculous.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    While anti-chase anything is extremely frustrating to face as survivor, as it leaves them feeling like everything is a lose-lose...

    I would agree with the sentiment that chase builds are the weakest of any build type a killer could run.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436
    edited September 2022

    Survivor chase perks are fine. I wouldn't have said that with the abomination that pre 6.1 Dead Hard was but I don't see anything to complain about now including post 6.1 Dead Hard.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    If killers had objectively stronger chase perks than survivors, what depth would this game have?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Not really. For example, there's no chase perks that cause exhaustion, because those are reserved to ones that require survivors to work on gens or be injured already. Aura reading perks like I'm All Ears are only helpful and mindgameable loops, unlike jungle gyms, shack, and the Macmillan/Coldwind long wall pallet tiles that you can see over. There have been attempts to make good chase perks, but like Furtive Chase, they always fall flat.

  • zeemgeem
    zeemgeem Member Posts: 34

    I don't think that's the problem. My issue is that survivors don't have to think or earn the value from extremely powerful chase perks, but killers do. I would have no issue with something like dead hard if it had an appropriate activation condition, or a downside to using it incorrectly. (And not getting your free health state for mistiming it isn't a downside, that's just what is supposed to happen.)

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    Because killers are naturally stronger in chase. Just imagine a Bubba with Sprint Burst.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,166

    Wow, bro, you surely got a lot of salt bottled up. Its ok, let it all out ... but you really need to calm down a bit. I was one of the biggest opponents of old DH, ran some of the builds centered around fighting old DH (Septic Touch/Blood Echo) a lot and even changed my name to Anti Deadhard Alliance and tried to educate survivors on the errors of their ways, BUT new DH is an awesome perk and does not deserve this kind of hatred.

    Yes, old DH was the plague incarnate and shall burn in hell for all eternity, but BHVR managed to do both: do away with the aspects of it that totally killed the fun of playing killer AND not nerfing it into oblivion. There are still survivors that think that it lost all its power, but thats non-sense. In the MMR region were I play my survivors use it a lot, not as much as befor, but by now its back to the most used exhaustion perk that I face, for the reason alone that it gives you a chance to get away when you are most vulnerable, ie wounded and out in the open/out of position. No other perk has a chance on demand, but this is balanced by how small the window of opportunity (heh) to use it right is.

    I still get bamboozled all the time by survivors suddenly turning tail and running straight at me with the DH activated, but more often then that I see that coming and just let them die on the floor half a second later. During chases you can actually bait it out in a meaningful way, but you don`t have to give every survivor at least 3s of bonus chase time just because you are afraid of getting Dead-Harded.

    Killers are probably in the best spot they have ever been and its the soloQ players spot now, who are in the most dire need of some love from BHVR, so dont sweat that much and just enjoy the game :) It all begins in your head.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,166

    Your mileage my vary, but Windows of Opportunity has so much going for it: while working on a gen it shows you all the windows and paletts in the vicinity and allows you to preplan an escape route. It also shows were the action is happening when suddenly palettes are dropped and you can run a killer like clockwork for what feels like hours on end. And you can use the perk without getting wounded or while wounded, doesn`t matter.

    When playing killer you definitely feel it when a survivor is running that perk: they lead you to a palette, drop it on your head and are off to the next one, possible through an awkward window without any downtime or even splitsecond of hesitation.

  • zeemgeem
    zeemgeem Member Posts: 34

    All Windows does is let players unfamiliar with a map loop. I don't think I've seen it maybe ever at high mmr, because survivors only want to run perks that give them free wins.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    If you're not seeing 2-3 WoO combined with 2-3 DH every game, you're not high MMR.

  • zeemgeem
    zeemgeem Member Posts: 34

    I mostly get SWFs with 3-4 DH, and SWFs don't need windows.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I disagree with him completely, but you somehow made me disagree with you even more. Like, yeah, he is definitely wrong. But you are Hella Hella wrong. Exhaustion perks are absolutely stronger than killer chase perks, other than perhaps Bamboozle. And it SHOULD be that way. The game would not be functional if your statement was true.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Weird - Seems to be quite popular in my games and all the metric sites.

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    Maybe because killers have such an ultimate second chance in chase as bloodlust

  • zeemgeem
    zeemgeem Member Posts: 34

    Statistically, Nurse is the worst killer. The metrics don't really inherently mean anything.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Having the lowest kill rate =/= being the worst killer.

    People often misinterpret that.

  • badrepo
    badrepo Member Posts: 93

    He’s right though. Using your logic, the killer is getting a speed boost for doing nothing.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    OP's 100% correct and this thread is full of people who have never touched killer and therefore assume Bloodlust is some magic "you win after X seconds" because they don't know all the many, many ways to stop bloodlust from building or cause it to instantly drop to zero.

  • zeemgeem
    zeemgeem Member Posts: 34

    Spending 30+ seconds camping a loop while gens get done isn't nothing. If you get a hit or break a pallet or use any power even slightly you lose it, too. This is the equivalent of needing to run for 35 seconds without vaulting a window or dropping a pallet or 360ing or dropping through a hole or having another player bodyblock or anything else to be able to sprint burst - that is, if sprint burst was a 13% movement speed bonus, and not the 150% that it is. That's it. That's all you get. And many killers can't get bloodlust due to needing to use their power to chase. Terrible bait.

  • zeemgeem
    zeemgeem Member Posts: 34

    Yes, that's my point. Windows having a high usage rate doesn't make it good.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
  • SpaghettiVase
    SpaghettiVase Member Posts: 341

    The difference is, it's a perk. There's horrible perks out there that are never used, if WoO wasn't good it wouldn't be one of the highest used perks. You can CHOOSE a perk you can't choose the players.

  • zeemgeem
    zeemgeem Member Posts: 34

    Self care is also one of the highest used perks. Usage rates at all ranks are going to skew to weird places, and Windows is a great perk for new and solo players. It isn't powerful, it doesn't even actually do anything. It's just there to make up for not having experience and a swf for the same result. It's a good perk, but it doesn't actually have any effect on the gameplay, and especially not other people's gameplay. Dead hard gives you a third health state every 60 seconds, as a reward for failure. Windows helps you to avoid failure, and doesn't benefit you unless you can actually loop. Dead hard specifically rewards you for failing to loop. It's really not even comparable.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Yeah, killers do needs better chase perks to end the faster. I've said crowd control doesn't need to be a hex. That's would prevent survivors from being able to loop killers for too long already. Even the killers powers aren't all good for that.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 310

    'preplan'... When else are you going to plan? Afterwards?

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    The killer has weaker chase perks cause they have their strength in chase by base.

    Their power

    If killers should have equally strong chase perks as survivors then survivors should by base also get a chase power

    Also you're idea of losing a chase is pretty weird. When you get stunned by a pallet you still took a recourse out of the game. That's not a lost chase

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Even if

    im an absolute sucker for killer chase perks

    Especially brutal and Fire up mmmmm

  • D2night
    D2night Member Posts: 224

    dude that IS the downside lmfaoo. Dead hard is easily out baited with its short activation and it’s definitely not “mindless”. All I see is you crying on here. Maybe just take a step back and go practice for a couple weeks. You seem quite new to the game and don’t really fully grasp the mechanics/reasons behind things. you’re obviously heavily killer biased and more than half of the things you say are just flat out incorrect. It’s best for you to go practice both sides for a while

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301

    Gonna have to agree. Windows never leaves me anymore. My standard build is Windows of Opportunity, Lithe, Distortion, and a flex perk. Usually Spine Chill, but sometimes Prove Thyself or Circle of Healing. Windows is amazing information. What pallets are left unused, what areas are complete dead zones, and whether or not you can chain two to three tiles together that you're just now seeing for the first time since the trial started. You already know that next to shack is a TL with a jungle gym after that you can string all together for a nasty loop. And all of that during a Dredge's nightfall in a part of the map you haven't been to yet. It's disgustingly powerful. I'd even be in favor of part of the cooldown coming back it's so nasty strong.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,166

    Lolol, gotcha :D I bamboozled myself again, thats a specialty of mine. What I sorta mean is, that while working on a gen you can plan your escape route in leisure and with no pressure at all, contra planing it on the run when the killer is breathing down your neck, but yeah: bamboozle is very effective against mu brain. Cheers.