If Wesker Break Pallets...?


If Wesker break pallets while jumping, how you would feel about it? He has not this ability ofcourse but let's say BHVR buffed him with this way. What you would think about this buff?

So much? Fair buff? Or so op? This is not suggestion post, i just wanna hear people's opinions on that.


  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 684

    Absolutely too much as basekit. If say you changed his iri addon to that like legion, it'd still be too much because at least with legion, their power is less available and is not up for use asuch as wesker's is.

  • AlkaloidssOP
    AlkaloidssOP Member Posts: 254

    That would be a bit OP so I'd be against it.

  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230

    There's an add-on to break pallets and walls if you really need it.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Rework the iri to do that

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,633

    Yeah no I think I would hate that

    Not only would it be a smidge strong but also it takes away some of the zoning potential with your power, similar to PH, because you can make some insane jumps with practice and leaving pallets up can actually be beneficial in places.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Doesn't one of his add ons already do that? Plus it'd basically just be like demo's shred but better.

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 658

    No, that add-on makes it so that he breaks the pallet instead off vaulting it. OP's proposal would make it so that you both vault the pallet and destroy it, like iri pin on legion.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    i dont think hed be op with it, but i do think hed be very boring - having an insta break and having some of the best catchup mobility in the game

    itd be nice if he broke walls tho, vault pallets but break walls, but really current state with some bug fixes will put albert in a really good state

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    Wesker’s pallet vault is already quite good so long as you time it just as they finish dropping the pallet. If you vault right as the pallet finishes kind of bouncing on the ground after the drop then it’s almost a guaranteed hit. Vaulting is also good at god pallets in long loops that the survivor won’t have a chance to loop around before you can catch back up to them.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Mm yh not balanced. Legion gets that because feral frenzy doesnt usually down survivors

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,946

    That would at least a tiny buff to his buggy and busted mess of a left arm. I would go a step further and also leave Oroborus worms on windows he vaults through, that convert the next vault into a slow vault. Either leave that loop or get hit, it feels very Wesker to have a contingency in place like this and let everything work out "just as planned".

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    people will say its broken, but doesn't legion have the same thing as an iri

    and legion is way more annoying to face than wesker

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Legion already can do it with an addon, but their ability isn't able to hider, injure and potentially oneshot survivors.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Too strong, he already has an iri thats pretty decent but if that was changed to post vault it would mean survivor get even less distance.

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    Hes already too much ,and u want more ,rly ?

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Legion's iri pin is already powerful enough, but wesker can down right after vaulting unlike legion. So yes, it'd be busted.

  • EternalSinOfCain
    EternalSinOfCain Member Posts: 132

    That would be a bit too strong. I was doing the White Glyph in tome where it really debuffs you as killer breaking pallets, walls, ect. I tossed on that add on with Leather Gloves, and I shredded pallets on Badham.

    The Photo add on is well deserved to be an Irri cause it was quite strong. It was like having Billy's Insta-saw back for shredding Pallets.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,575

    Nah, I don't think he needs that. His vault isn't that strong but tbh that's how it should be

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    If he were to do it, it'd be an IRI like Legion. But Legion still has to have Feral Frenzy to even do it, Wesker can use his hop whenever. So, seems a little harsh.

  • TMCalypso
    TMCalypso Member Posts: 334

    As someone who would love for most killers to get some buffs...this is too much. While they have added pallet breaks to basekit for other killers...(Demo, for example)...on Wesker it'd be way to strong. Only top tier SWF's would possibly have the tools to counter it. (But that part is just my opinion.) At most, vaulting and breaking the pallet would have to be an add-on AND would need a significant negative effect to balance it out, no idea what that would be.