

Power concept for Alcina Dimitrescu

Member Posts: 273
edited September 2022 in Creations

The basic concept is to replicate the idea of being stalked across the map by her and her daughters. Since Nemesis introduced a simple AI with the zombies, I feel like it can be used to great effect here. Though I'm not sure if she'll be overbearing.

When a game starts, Alcina will spawn alongside her 3 daughters on random locations. Let's start with Alcina first.


Her first power is that she can charge to swipe her claw (with the power button). It's like a normal attack but wider and can hit multiple survivors. It's nothing much and just so she has something on her own.

Anyway, her main power is that she can see the aura of her daughters, and she can switch control with any one of them with the ability button (it's not a teleport; the selected daughter will now be contolled by the player and Alcina will be controlled by an AI).

The daughters

First, their AI. While AI-controlled the daughters will roam around the map until they find a survivor, in which case they'll start following that survivor. They won't actually attack the survivor though. Instead, they will reveal the survivor's location through killer instinct (not all the time; more like, one beat every few seconds).

Now, while player-controlled, the daughter can attack normally just like any killer, but she can also charge to does a dash attack (with the power button; this will be kind of like Wesker's first dash). A daughter will despawn if she successfully injures a survivor. If she does a dash attack, however, she will despawn regardless of whether it hits or not. When she despawns, the player's control will go back to Alcina, and that daughter will eventually respawn in a random spot.

Some other ways a daughter can despawn:

- There's a time limit to how long a player can stay in a daughter's body. The daughter will despawn if the time runs out, but the player can choose to move into another daughter or back into Alcina before the time. In any case, the originating daughter will despawn.

- Whether AI or player-controlled, a daughter will be forced to despawn if a survivor stuns or blinds her. In this case, she'll take longer to respawn than if she despawns through other means.

A few other notes:

- The terror radius moves with the player's control, so only the currently player-controlled character that has a one.

- Alcina's AI is exactly the same as the daughter's AI but with one notable difference: she can attack, but only with the charged claw swipe attack.

- Only player-controlled Alcina can pick up survivors. If a player-controlled daughter successfully grabs, she will drop the survivor (which still will be dying) and despawn.

- Only player-controlled Alcina can interacts with objects (kick gens etc). Player-controlled daughter can still vault (through windows and dropped pallets, at the same speed) and open lockers though.

- If all daughters are currently despawned through survivor's blind/stun, Alcina will enter a rage mode in which she can charge her claw swipe attack much faster. This will last until at least one daughter respawns.

- I'm not sure about the moving speed. It seems important, but it's hard to imagine without doing it.

That should be all. I'm not sure if the devs can implement an AI good enough to make this works, but anyway, it's just a concept.

Now some add-on ideas:

- Longer time limit, bigger detection radius, shorter despawn time, etc; the usual better number add-ons.

- One that makes the daughters respawn near their despawn spot (instead of in a random spot).

- One that gives the AI-controlled characters terror radius. This will combo nicely with some perks. (Probably iridescent though.)

- One that reduces the number of daughters in case someone wants to do a rage mode build (why though?).

Finally, the Perks:

Dragon Claw

When you destroy a pallet while there's another dropped pallet within 24/28/32 metres, the entity will also destroy that pallet. If there are multiple, the entity will destroy the nearest one. Has a cooldown of 90 seconds.

Dungeon of Sorrow

Whenever a survivor works on a gen but stops working on it within your terror radius, this perk gains a token (up to 9/12/15 tokens; ofc no token is gained if the survivor stops working because the gen is finished). After the exit gate switches are powered, if any survivor interacts with a switch but stops before the gate is opened, the entity will block that switch for 8 seconds for every token of this perk. This can happen once per exit gate switch, after which the perk deactivates.

Scourge Hook: Careful What You Wish For

4 scourge hooks. If a survivor is unhooked from a scourge hook but isn't healed within 28/24/20 seconds, any survivor within 24 metres of that unhooked survivor is inflicted with Exhausted and Exposed. This lasts until that unhooked survivor is healed or enters the dying state.

And that's it. Thank you for reading my late night muse spewing.

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  • Member Posts: 209

    As much as I would love to see lady disemtrascu and her beautiful daughters. The ladys height couldn't be implemented. Good concept none the less

  • Member Posts: 273
  • Member Posts: 516
    edited September 2022

    I would love to see this added. Had a conversation about this before and came to the conclusion where she would need to do a vault like animation at every doorway haha. Not a crazy idea so long as her power is worth that downside. Lery's sounds fun.

    From a survivor standpoint, this killer seems like she would be a lot of fun to play against. As a killer, I'm not too sure. She is kind of a basic M1 with the ability to teleport and has a dash after the teleport. The teleport isn't very interactive and very RNG based. The power would need some loving but could work for sure. I would love to play against her as a survivor.

    Perk-wise though:

    Dragon Claw

    Sure, that is cool, seems like this should be added to the game at some point.

    Dungeon of Sorrow

    Damn, this is kind of wild. I think it is too much. 120 seconds of exit gate blocking for both gates and all you have to do is run them off the gate. The stacks will build passively so getting value wouldn't be that hard. How would this work with NWO? I would hope it would trigger when NWO triggers. Still though, kind of crazy. It's just a better NWO.

    Scourge Hook: Careful What You Wish For

    That's kind of cool, why not. Add in some more flavor. Something stealth killers would run for sure. I think it should have a duration for the exposed though, can be too griefy otherwise. Something like 30-40 seconds with no CD.

    Fun read, appreciate you sharing the concept. Excited to see it next RE chapter.

  • Member Posts: 273

    Now you said it, it does seem like it'd be very RNG with the random spawn and them moving randomly until a survivor is spotted. It probably needs some general rules for spawning and movement.

    Anyway, I enjoy reading your feedback. Thank your for sharing your thoughts.

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