Totem Talk

JacobiusWick Member Posts: 161


What's your opinions on the current state of boons vs hexes?

Mainly, should hexes be relightable?

Shattered Hope base kit?

Leave thoughts below.

Totem Talk 40 votes

Boons and Hexes are fine the way they are.
AdelooOnryosTapeRentalsMrsGhostfaceRastaboozebm33badThotsGuiltiicatfam05PumpkinbrosAurelleHalloulleValaryyn 12 votes
Boons should be breakable like Hexes. (Base kit Shattered Hope)
MrPenguinMattie_MayhemOGtenoresaxfakeWampiritadarkcloudlinktheblimpBothSidesEnjoyerxni6_Slingshot47KotelettphantomJacobiusWickFinestFantasyVIBabyShrimptliff 15 votes
Hexes should be relightable by killers.
AdjathaBeoltharChikyqnyun 4 votes
Something else...
GibberishAnnoyingNarratorHeadersizzlingmario4K139K05ByeByeQOrangeBearSpirit_IsTheBestBonDBD 9 votes


  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,635
    Something else...

    Boons need to be reworked. CoH is the only one that's used and it's overpowered. The other three are barely used.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,271
    Boons and Hexes are fine the way they are.

    The thing is that boons and hexes are not the same thing and aside from using the same asset as an anchor are pretty much unrelated to each other.

    If hexes were re-lightable they would need to have a MAJOR downside. - Like, taking a full minute to set up.

    If boons were perma-destroyable they would either have to be map-wide or destroying them would need to take up as much time as cleansing a hex totem.

    Overall, I think they are both fine and individual hexes or boons need, if anything, minor tweaks individually. Like how NOEDs aura is now shown once the cursed status takes effect. - As far as boons are concerned I could imagine COH losing it's potency every time it gets stomped; it starts out at the speed we have now and every time it gets stomped it takes longer to heal in the boon until you reach sloppy-levels. And some "god spawns" should simply be removed; spawns you can't really find as a surv, and spawns that take too long to reach as killer. Hexes should also have a spawn protection so a surv can't spawn into the game literally in front of it).

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,704
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    Boon system needs changes/a rework. There's no way to make the other boons besides coh good without making them unfair because design flaws with the system heavily limit their potential. Killers need to have a more permanent answer to boons in general. Then other boons besides coh should be buffed. Coh is still overpowered despite repeated nerfs, but just nerfing it and leaving everything else the same won't solve the issue.

    The core system of hexes is fine; some individual hex perks need buffs and totem spawns in general need to be looked at. I shouldn't be working on a gen and see a hex totem right next to me in plain sight.

  • Pumpkinbros
    Pumpkinbros Member Posts: 425
    Boons and Hexes are fine the way they are.

    See saying that hexes should be relightable, is to say that boons are OP

    healing, recovering, stealth, that's all not op when boons can be snuffed within 2 seconds

    while hexes take a really long time to cleanse and even longer to bless

    the effects of boons are also limited to a small area, it's nerfed basically as far as it can be, if you see it as op then here's your answer throw on shattered hope, just like how you can throw on lightborn if you get annoyed with blinds, ...or you can decide to instead work around it and deal with these challenges it's nothing like basekit bt in which a killer like bubba could kill everyone very quickly with his power, and it would be impossible to save without bringing BT, it isn't imperative that people DON'T heal so it doesn't need to be basekit

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 938
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    Make it so Boons cannot be used on a Hex Totem, Hex perks are very risky still and Booning them takes a while, sure. But it can completely destroy the Hex and replace it with the Boon effect, it makes perks like Pentimento useless.

    Plus, I don't get why COH exists, it's been a year almost and they still haven't nuked it to oblivion.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    boons are ok except for coh and shattered hope shouldn't be basekit as it hurts the already not very good boons

    i think the devs should focus on making hexes better by giving them better spawns that are not next to gens or out in the open and also either blocking them for 10 seconds at the beginning of the match or only making them light up after a certain amount of seconds so they're not revealed immediately.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104
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    Hexes are fine.

    Boons should take 10 seconds longer to set with each set. First boon 24s. Set it a second time 34s, etc.

    CoH should be 32 seconds to heal yourself and any injured survivor's aura should be revealed to all other survivors in that radius. Like a Self Care + Empathy combo that encourages survivor interaction rather than just a "go over there and heal yourself" zone.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061
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    I think the entire Totem/Hex/Boon mechanics should be reworked entirely.

    Dull Totems should do something at their baseline so Survivors and Killers actually have a reason to care about them.

    Hexes are far too luck-based and aren't even remotely powerful enough to justify the risk of being destroyed.

    Boons shoulds be nerfed somehow, 1 perk slot for a very powerful perk that the entire team benefits from is absurd.

    Killer should have a better way of defending Totems in general.

  • BonDBD
    BonDBD Member Posts: 21
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    Boons can easily be countered by the killer or even your own team in some cases. Especially if they have a totem challenge or they just want points. I think most complaints come from a SWF POV & devs can careless about Solo Q atm.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809
    Boons should be breakable like Hexes. (Base kit Shattered Hope)

    I'd like equality with Boons and Hexes. Hexes are high risk high (well not really anymore) reward, while boons are no risk, high reward.

    Make boons one time use, just like hexes, and snuffing it will turn off the perk completely and destroy the totem. It'll still remain better than hexes, because you'll have a control of where you want it placed, but you'll have to actually use your brain onto when and where to place it

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217
    Something else...

    A simple revamp of the possible totem spawns would definitely benefit both sides (some maps like Haddonfield are a nightmare when it comes to totem spawns, sometimes spawning outside houses to everyone can see it).

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,059

    To make it equal, the Killer should also have to spend time to hex their Totem. Which can also be interrupted, obviously.

    And, to make it even more equal, the Killer should need to spend 14 seconds to remove the Boon.

    Saying you want equality and then not going through with it is a bit weak.

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 129
    Boons should be breakable like Hexes. (Base kit Shattered Hope)

    Having equality in that manner is tough. While a survivor can waste a few seconds lighting a boon, you have to remember that there are at least 3 survivors doing the objectives, the gens. But if a killer takes time on lighting a hex or snuffing a boon. The survivors have free reign to do their objective. Its a 1 v 4. The killer has to do things faster to keep up with the numebers of survivors. Persoanlly I'd like Shattered Hope to be basekit, minus the aura read. While the perk itself just offers an aura read when you shatter a boon.

    Your idea of equality on a killer wasting time on totems would work in a hypothetical 2v8 game mode

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 746
    Hexes should be relightable by killers.

    I'm still due to make a HUGE post about this, but I have a solution: Killers start with all hex perks off. They have to find a totem and hex it (taking a few seconds the first time, and instantly rekindling them) and then it works normally. If cleansed, the killer could rekindle the totem (cleansing would remove the hex, but not destroy the totem. Only a cleansed totem could be destroyed adding time to the action). If the totem is destroyed, the killer could take some seconds (lets say 5) to rebuild the totem, and then it gets rekindled.

    As it is right now, playing hex perks is just hindering yourself and playing with basically a perk less for each hex perk you play. The survivors have it WAY too easy to just turn them off, and considerign how unbalanced boons are (i havent lost a single game as a survivor where there is a boon totem present), they shouldn't be able to light it up over and over again unless the killer could do the same with their hexes.