Edit: THIS IS MY 12TH TIME BEING DDOSED, AND NOW I JUST SPILLED COFFEE ALL OVER MY ######### DESK TRYING TO MOVE MY MOUSE (actually real, not that angry tho. Need to go clean it up)
I havent ever been ddosed and I didn't even know it was an issue, that is probably why it isn't being talked about.
33 -
It has been on the forums for the last week, and BHVR or NOBODY will talk about it, it is disgusting and needs to be commented on ASAP
I am tired of my DC penalty being stacked for this #########
14 -
How do you know you're being DDOS'd? Being honest all this shows is an end game screen in which the Killer and one Survivor d/c'd before any other survivors broke 1k points. It's not really proof of anything one way or the other since it's exactly the same kind of screen you'd get if the Killer disconnected that early.
27 -
I mean, if they DC right away, the 3 survivors would all have something like 2500 for compensation, at least that always happens for me when the killer DC'S right away
1 -
BHVR in general has never been vocal about issues regarding cheater or ddosing. They silently work on fixing it (which can be a long time), because letting people know they are solving these issues is just going to cause people to start looking for work arounds.
Honestly between this and the thread where you say you aren't having fun, just take a break. It's really not worth losing your mind over this game.
6 -
From your previous threads, this is like the 8th time this has happened to you within a month. I would honestly recommend taking a break from the game. For your own sake.
5 -
When my elon musk probe goes "UNKNOWN ERROR" with a ######### packetloss spike to the moon, it's the only thing it could be dude
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i cant let the haters win i gotta pray on their downfall
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Choy is a great source that usually talks about compromises like IP issues. Even then I still don't remember reading them fixing the previous IP issue, that or I missed it.
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thats my comedy, past the joking of the caps lock it is a serious issue!!!
0 -
I definitely believe that all survivors brought party streamers and then decided to
ddos youcommit a literal crime that you can go to prison for, because reasons.Fixed that for you.
What's more likely: That someone decides to commit a crime they could literally go to prison for because they got upset in a video game or that your internet connection is just bad and temporarily died?
4 -
He is not being DDoSed by those specific survivors, but by a cheater he had had a game with before and who got his IP address through a vulnerability on steam version of the game. It's been an issue for about a month, and BHVR continues to ignore it.
4 -
You all can doubt me all you want, after months of playing with this MMR system and going against the same people who are constantly being banned, played against, and more, these people are very genuinely upset at the way I play and what I do.
I shouldn't need a VPN to play this game.
2 -
Thank you, yes, happens whenever they know you are playing for the day. These people have literal schedules and they know when you are playing by the way you get comments on your profile and things like it.
0 -
Not every country even has laws against DDoS, and even then it's barely possible to prove. Try finding any real court case about a gamer whose PC has been DDoSed. And this vulnerability where cheaters can easily get your IP address on steam version has been known for several weeks so far.
1 -
Not really, a simple script that automatically DDoS'es every address in the cheater's "blacklist" say once every 15 minutes would suffice. It's as trivial as you can imagine.
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Also, you guys don't understand. I have went down the DBD rabbit hole, there is 7000 hour survivors out there closet cheating and being friends with literal CLANS of cheaters, that I have tracked down and went through steam profiles to find, it is crazy the scene in the back is for hacking. And none of you understand it because you haven't had it happen too you. It doesn't matter if you are a big streamer or not, its the way you play and the reputation you gain after months of playing against the same comp teams, (I can name 3) and they do not like it, and they will inconvience you in any way that they can.
1 -
I haven't been ######### with that badly yet (probably because I unplug and replug in my starlink to connect to a new hub) every now and then.
0 -
I shouldn't need to lock my car or my house or type in passwords when I log into websites but unfortunately it's a good idea to do those things because jerks do exist on the internet. 🙁
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I have personally also noticed an uptick in DDOS or at least disconnected from host attacks. It's really funny, because 3 months ago my game crashed while playing survivor. Following that I haven't had a single technical issue while playing survivor. I have been disconnected from the host 6 times as killer though in the same time span, and I play significantly more survivor than killer. But I'm sure it's all just a massive coincidence how when I down some flashlight macro survivor and start picking them up, my connection is just magically lost. Those rascal optical cable fairies who left me alone for a few months after the last big surge and are now back with a vengeance!
2 -
"Those rascal optical cable fairies who let me alone for a few months after the last big surge are now back with a vengeance" is the funniest forum post I have read in weeks
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Bro I usually agree with you man but me needing to purchase a service outside of a VIDEO GAME should not be needed because the issue that has plagued this game for weeks has not been addressed, I have 2 factor for passwords, that exists and is completely fine and understandable.
3 -
Interesting scores.
1 -
Btw I would post the video in question of it happening in 30 seconds however I don't understand how to edit black boxes on names and #########
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Call your Internet Service Provider and ask for a dynamic IP address.
1 -
Doesn't work that way with starlink sadly so maybe a skill issue
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I'm with you man, hopefully Behavior patches up whatever the security hole is. All I'm saying is nowadays maybe a VPN might be something that is starting to become more of something to consider in general, not just for DbD specifically.
P.S. Glad you like other things I post though, guess I can't be wrong all the time! 🙂
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Ya know what my bad you're right
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Is DDOS realy a thing? I mean we aren't directly connecting in peer to peer, we have a server connection, unless they DDOS the entire server....
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Well if we want to get technical. He's being DoS. DDoS would mean multiple hosts are attacking him when it's likely just a single host. And the attacker can crash his connection to the dbd server forcing him to d/c.
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This has been happening to me too! I made like two threads about it a while ago, but nobody replied, and I thought I was out of my mind. Glad to see other people are seeing this, too... I guess...?
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Thought I was going mad but looks like it isn't just me then.
Two killer games where as soon as I downed someone and then went to pick up the game just DC's me from host and the other was I downed one survivor and then the other injured one that ran into me during chase and as soon as he went down boom dc'ed from host.
One survivor game where I actually manage to loop the killer a fair bit (which is very rare for me) and then as soon as I hit him with a pallet, you guessed it, dc'ed from host.
Absolutely mad what people will do just because they can't bare to lose.
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Yeah but technically how would he be DOS-d then if he connects to the server to play and this game isn't peer to peer?
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Yeah they are just ignoring the threads, its quite sad.
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If you lose connection to the dbd server, you get d/c'd from the game. You don't need to target the dbd server to force someone to d/c. All the attacker needs to do is send enough packet data to disrupt their computer so they can't handle all the requests including ones from the dbd server.
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You can't dismiss someone just because of sarcasm.
0 -
first its 15+ min queues... and now youre allegedly getting ddosed multiple times...
Ive been playing this game for over 5 years, 5.1k hours and not once have I been ddosed, nor have I had queues over 15 minutes outside of a bug (like during the Hallowed Blight) or the PTB
youre either the worlds unluckiest player, or cappin. There aint no in between.
1 -
Bro I posted a video of the queues, I have been playing this game for 6 YEARS SINCE 2016 BEGGING ON TWITTER FOR A KEY!!! So now my point is more valid then yours is what it sounds like.
Heres the queues
And I don't think you understand what the players at the highest level in their own little communities are doing in the background. Not to mention I got 2 cheaters I have played agains't before, ONE I MANUALLY REPORTED TO BHVR AND HAVE NOT BEEN MESSAGED BACK
0 -
bro youre talking out of your ass, the highest level is no different than the old rank system. Theres a soft cap where everyone has reached that or is above is being matched together. You can have players who are at 1800 and be paired up with people who have 2400, since I believe the soft cap atm is 1600 (which a good chunk of players have reached btw)
As for the video, deadass never seen anyone else with this issue, but considering you're always being "ddosed" it probably has something to do with your net or theres something else going on with your game, id suggest contacting support.
Also, you either havent been playing since 2016, or havent been active since very recently considering youre only Devotion 2. Also I dont know how that makes your point more valid..
3 -
No, thats not how it works. And that account is to test MMR, and you obviously don't know how it works, yes their is a soft cap, but that soft cap goes up and down based on players in queue. Please, stop.
And it doesn't make my point better, just pointing out in your sentence I have played longer than you like it means something????
And of course, I am one of the only people in the game with probably MMR this high!
0 -
2:06 of this video is an explanation on how it works.
Also the reason why Im pointing out how long Ive been playing is because you are the only person whos allegedly getting targeted this much. Not even big streamers are getting it as bad as youre claiming and thats the primary target for cheaters, not some random players.
2 -
The soft cap changes, go look at the original system that actually is explained by the developers please
Edit: "STREAMERS ARE THE PRIMARY TARGET FOR CHEATERS" you don't understand the underground community of clans that literally cheat and play all day on their main account. If you play enough and at high MMR you will run into these players
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send it where? to the servers? that would make them disconnected, not their target. I would imagine they should flood the target IP somehow with packet data which isn't possible if the connection is handled by the server, so they have to go through that first. Unless the game is connecting direct peers together.
Anyway, I don't believe OP was actually DOS-d. It never happened to me in 5 years, and there is someone "constantly" targetted? Probably a connection problem on his end
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I guess I need to explain this for the 50th time, I am using starlink, I can legit track my data of what is currently going on. I experience all day, completely fine internet, then as I dc I get a UNKNOWN ERROR with insane packet loss.
You don't understand the underground community of these players man it exists
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I'm just saying I never saw it in 5 years since I'm playing this game, and it's hard to believe that you encounter it often because people specifically target you only
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You replied WAY too quickly to that to even watch the video, and even if the soft cap changes, that wouldnt change anything as the soft cap applies to everyone. So even if the soft cap changes from 1600 to 1800 for example, youre still being thrown in a pool of players that have 1800 and higher.
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I have seen the video, do you think I am stupid? I have watched that guy forever
Edit: Please man its embarassing
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Have you looked at any other countless threads or any of the replys?
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If youve seen the video then you should know how MMR works
meaning youve just answered your own question
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To answer your edit, yes Ive gone against some subtle cheaters. Last one I went against was actually a few days ago.
No idea what this has to do with what I quoted tho, Streamers get stream sniped by these cheaters, some people will see that and want their 20 minutes of fame, so they buy the cheats and the cycle continues.