Common Fears incorporated in Killers

As the title implies, we have several Killers that incorporate various (maybe common?) fears into the game as Killers, right?

-fear of clowns (Caulrophobia as it is cleverly used as a perk name) is incorporated by The Clown.

-fear of bodily fluids as incorporated by Plague

-fear of the dark as incorporated by Dredge

-fear of bodily mutilation as incorporated... well by a lot of character design. Most notably by Dredge, Hag, PinHead.. you get it.

^^ in addition and somewhat similar to bodily mutilation, we also have the fear of ALMOST human traits. Like the uncanny valley. For this we have Pyramid Head, Demogorgon, maybe Dredge?

You get the idea, right? Each Killer can be viewed as pretty unsettling by most for the types of horror they touch on. Perhaps VERY unsettling to some that have a sensitivity to their type of horror.

So I now ask you:

What are other kinds of fears that future Killers could emphasize to unsettle players in new ways?


  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    the tax collector

  • Kirahie
    Kirahie Member Posts: 354

    Spiders is a pretty obvious one they could add.

  • GooseMan
    GooseMan Member Posts: 104

    Fear of dogs

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250


    What about a killer whose entire body is covered with eyes? Flashlights would be a weakness!

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    Spiders are the most obvious choice.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    Hmm, maybe a fear of dolls or mannequins? Could be an interesting concept for a killer that was a seamstress or a toymaker, who went crazy after a mind-breaking event or they were just always a little twisted.

    My sister was scared of people in costumes as a kid, so maybe a killer who wears a mascot costume? Kind of like William Afton from FNaF, where they committed murders while wearing said costume.

    I also know people who are scared of birds, but the fear of dogs seems to be more common. So maybe a werewolf/wolf-man inspired killer? Or maybe even a Windigo?

    Personally, I'm scared of blood, so a blood-themed killer like a vampire could be fun.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    Unless they incorporate underwater levels I don't think I'll ever be genuinely frightened by this game again (outside of jump scares).