Killer Rank

This may seem a bit like a complain post, but I just don't feel like it's fair to have one shared killer rank across all killers.
I understand Survivor rank being shared since the only difference between the survivors is which perks are initially unlocked (and the look of the survivor themselves). But Killer? Each killer ability drastically changes how they are played and each killers addons only pertain to their ability. Just because I'm a decent Doctor doesn't mean that I'm going to be anywhere close to the same level of competency when playing a killer like the Nurse or Huntress.
Knowing that I'm going to matched against the same set of survivors as my best Killer actively dissuades me from learning any new killer unless it's immediately after a rank reset. I don't want to have my face pushed in for several games until my rank reflects my skill with my current killer. I think it would encourage more experimentation and variety if killers had their own rank and reset less often.
Does anyone else have similar sentiments or am I just at Madness III?