Killer 4k whilst only using 1 perk

I really want to hear what other players have to say about this.

I'm not in a high mmr nor a low mmr. But I've been against a lot of killers that only use 1 perk. Met them like 90% of the time. Most of the times, they 4k.

I also played as wraith once with only 1 perk. Also 4k.

I'm just wondering, should a killer be this powerful? Is this normal? (Using only 1 perk and getting 4k)



  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Nice use of whilst. :)

  • Gaboozle
    Gaboozle Member Posts: 28

    Well, you have a point. Some killer i met that only have 1 perk mostly use speed hacks tho :( they walk really fast, faster than they should be without the help of bloodlust. But that's for another conversation. You have a really great point

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    It's the common killer flex "My role is so boosted so i don't even need perks to beat you" and devs just can't stop pumping killer side and their egos

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,900

    Just because a killer can 4k with 1 perk doesn't mean its powerful. Like you said "Im not high or low mmr" meaning most likely you're mid range which even then mid range MMR is a mixed bag of teammates.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    I'm not in a high mmr nor a low mmr. But I've been against a lot of killers that only use 1 perk. Met them like 90% of the time. Most of the times, they 4k.

    there is your answer, you get both high and med and low mmr in your games so basically one of them is gonna be a god while the other is gonna be a locker dwight, so no team work or synergy

    in high mmr soloQ survivors feel like SWF 90% the time

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    Matchmaking can be an absolute crap shoot in this game. I've gone up against teams that I could have had zero perks on and stomped them.

    I don't feel like I run into many no or one perk opponents but if they took me out or were able to escape with a build like that, more kudos to them.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    If you can't ever win with 0 perks then that shows something about the game. There are many killers who dont use any perks or addons and still do well, but everything depends on the killer in question along with the survivor's skills and of course the map being played on.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,641

    Killers play better when they have no perks because they go into the match expecting to lose and with no perks to rely on.

  • ElodieSimp
    ElodieSimp Member Posts: 385

    You can do well with no perks on both sides, really depends on the player and circumstances of the match.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    ######### are you talking about? This is just the mad ravings of someone who just wants to incite unrest for the lulz of it. Not an once of constructivness in this comment. What a waste of bandwidth to even read this.

  • Loldino
    Loldino Member Posts: 49

    This perks shouldn't make or break a game but with perks like Hyperfocus and DH for survivors and Jolt or Eruption for killers they have become ingrained into the playstyles

  • Gaboozle
    Gaboozle Member Posts: 28

    I just want to hear what other people have to say about killer using 1 perk and securing 4k. I'm not talking specifically about my gameplay, but everyone who maybe has encountered it (or just their opinion in general). Just curious about what people think, that's all

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    I somewhat doubt that claim, but lets roll with it: if you meet killers with only one single perk 90%(!) of the time and most of this encounters they win with a 4k, this leaves just one conclusion: you are a brand new player who knows nothing about the game and its mechanics. It is a bit unusual that such a fresh one shows up at the forums, most peeps here are at least a couple of dozen hours in the game before they figure out that they like it that much that they show up here, but I welcome you.

    Well, yes, as a new player and especially survivor you know little about most mechanic in the game and the intricaties of it all. In the beginning, Killers seem as this indomintable juggernauts of death that you can do nothing about. It takes a couple of games to understand how you can try to stay out of their sight, how to hide, how to do skill checks and especially what looping is. Looping took me a very long time to understand even the basics off, as the timing is EXTREMELY tight and even small mistakes will lead to you taking a hit or going down. But when it finally clicks it is a lot of fun.

    There are quite some ressources out there, youtube videos that explain it all and give you a good run down of what a survivor can do to not get killed. Best advice, though: try to find some other players to tag along. Surviving with Friends is the strongest tactic of them all.

    Happy Gaming.

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    First thought about it: killer had to do a challenge like the "equip self care only, heal yourself for one time and escape". You didn't tell us what perk it was. But you could check the tomes. We do not know either, if that perk was yellow, as for the first play for that killer, or a lvl 3 one.

    Experienced players who mastered the basics can play without perks. Some streamers do "no perks" challenges.

  • Gaboozle
    Gaboozle Member Posts: 28

    Unfortunately, I'm not a new player. I've played for a while now (about 1 year or more) maybe not exactly 90%, but I encounter them every single day. Maybe it's a region thing? I don't really know much

  • Gaboozle
    Gaboozle Member Posts: 28

    Most likely, yes. I still have a lot to learn about this game there's no doubt about it. But i feel like I'm not the best player nor am i the worst player (so, in the middle), but still, even if i already loop the killer for a while, my teammate is still self-caring in the corner of the map :(

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Pig is still weak even after buffs and good teams can make decent B tier killers look bad as well even A tiers. Good teams make oni D tier as they don't give you hit and play safely and abuse maps. If oni would start with his power that would only make him viable at higher mmr. Good buff which will not affect mid or low mmr. Every m1 killer should get some map mobility. But firstly soloQ needs also buffs.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.

  • Gaboozle
    Gaboozle Member Posts: 28

    I don't know the exact word but I'll give you the example. I encountered a lot of wraiths who is only using predator.

    Experienced players who mastered the basics can play without perks. Some streamers do "no perks" challenges.

    Well yes, there's no doubt on that. They're experienced after all. But why would experienced players be in my lobby tho? I won't say I'm that experienced either (genuinely asking)

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,171

    As someone who played perkless for a decent amount of time as killer, you basically have to play perfect or nearly perfect as well as have the survivors make constant mistakes to wins. There are other factors as well, such as the map played on, etc.

    It's not because killer is unbalanced, otherwise I could argue all day that survivor is unbalanced because I have the "power moves" achievement, the argument goes both ways, it's more that there is a lot of nuance for both sides in terms of what side will win.

  • Gaboozle
    Gaboozle Member Posts: 28

    Genuinely asking, how does the mmr works? I've met plenty of killers that knows how to play and at the same time (in the same lobby) met Dwight that is hiding in the lockers and hiding on the corner of the map

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    Good teams can make S tier killers look like bumbling idiots ... at least when I play them :P

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    You are not giving informations, best I could do is a wild goose guess. Any screenhot of after match stats? Any recording of a match? We could see how the killer moves and what he does. Is he experienced or a baby killer? What level is the perk and what is the prestige level of the 5 players?

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    Oh, by the way, 4 hours ago I had a match against a wraith. In after match stats I could see that he used no perk, no addon and he had no prestige level. My theory is that he was a baby wraith. He played like a baby killer. He could not chase.

  • Gaboozle
    Gaboozle Member Posts: 28

    Perk is always level 1 and no prestige. I usually use jill, prestige 7 on her. My friend use ada, prestige 2. The other 2 is random, it's whether they're prestige 10 with full perks slot (and of course, self care) or they're baby survivor that has full perks slot but all of them are level and the build is very random. The killer could be a smurf tho, they can mind game pretty well, know exactly how to play. The matchmaking makes me really confused

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    My wild goose guess with killers who use one level 1 perk is always: baby killers. Some players are naturals and very talented. Did you ask in after game chat?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited September 2022

    This sounds more like a skill issue.

    EDIT: for clarification. Killers only playing with 1 perk is most likely a new player. Which means, they are also most likely facing new players/low mmr players.

  • Gaboozle
    Gaboozle Member Posts: 28
    edited September 2022

    There's no way new player can mind game like crazy. Their gameplay doesn't look like a new player to me. Sometimes i also looped the killer for a while and still, my teammates are self-caring in the corner (solo-queue thing ig). But yes i gotta admit, there's still a lot for me to learn

    Post edited by Gaboozle on
  • Gaboozle
    Gaboozle Member Posts: 28

    No and that's my fault, I should've asked. But here in my server/region, people rarely use the chat anyway :(

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Don´t worry. We had a lot of people suicide on their first hook after the 6.1.0 patch. Which resulted in a lot of people getting dragged down to a much lower mmr than they actually belong to. Simply because a 3vs1 at 5 gens is almost impossible. It will take a good amount of time until the mmr stabilizes again and everyone gets fair matches. Right now its pretty wild.

  • Kirahie
    Kirahie Member Posts: 354

    What are you on about? Are you just trying to say and believe something so hard it comes true?

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790
    edited September 2022

    how'd you lose to a killer with 1 perk

    a wraith of all killers

  • Gaboozle
    Gaboozle Member Posts: 28

    I wonder why they suicide on first hook tho. i met those kind of players like every single day and I had enough of them

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I mean I've done this a few times. Usually when I have a daily ritual on a killer i don't play. If you are good with killer, perks just make things easier. It does highlight the imbalance though. All 4 survivors need to be on point to finish gens one bad surv (or one ass who DCs" can easily throw the game

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    A nurse gettin 4 k with only 1 perk is normal ,,a trapper gettin 4 k with 1 perk means horrible survivors or some comp player smurfing on pubs or smth in between,,killers are stronger after the perk rework patch ( much needed for weaker killers)

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    I don't think it's your fault, most likely your teammates.

    But if that's the case, then it's more of a teammate and mmr problem and less of a killer problem. If mmr actually worked, you'd be with competent teammates who can loop a wraith for a couple of minutes. Even then, if your teammates were efficient on gens, someone could just predrop against him. Well, this is against wraith though. Against nurse, pray to win the 50/50s against her i guess, and hope for incoming nerfs.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    Trapper main here.

    About a month ago, as I was waiting for my lobby to fill I was flipping through the preload screens…group loaded and was very obviously a SWF w their toolboxes, flashlights etc..I was deciding what I wanted to use and got distracted…

    Game starts, I could have sworn I brought an offering but none appeared..Coldwind …yay sigh.. I knew they were busting out gens fast, so obviously working together, but my discordance never lit up…they were def a SWF and the worst kind..if you got one, all three game..hook blocking/dropping hook etc..I was getting hit w the flashlight and couldn’t understand why my lightborn wasn’t working. Tbh I was pretty upset, I knew something was going on with my perks and add ons and couldn’t figure out why nothing was working. They were a tough team, they played together well, and we went all the way until I had a chase w the last one off the gate. I got a 4k. At the end I realized I accidentally left it on page 3, which had no perks, no add ons, no offering, nothing. Completely accidental and a hard 4k for the teams I face. Do not recommend lol but it’s possible. A lot of teams go down when they are too altruistic and for trapper, with some well placed traps in the mix.