I'm leaving


I don't usually like to complain because I understand that being a developer for a game is a lot of work and effort to cater to everybody and everything that people want. However, being (most of the time) a soloq/2man survivor player, I can't play this game anymore. I have 2k hours, own a tiktok with over 15k likes and a Twitch channel just because of DBD, yet the game has grown to a state where it makes me feel 10x worse after playing than it did beforehand.

Killers are tunnelling all the time, I see the same few killers every single game and survivors just can't compete with all the stuff killers have these days. I don't necessarily blame killers for playing strong killers (because those like Pig, Ghostface etc are just boringly weak).

However I played 7 matches today with my friend, and we both have over 2k hours. ALL of those matches the killer got 4 kills and mostly ended by hitting on hook and nodding. I don't go around clicking my flashlight at them, I do gens and save when I need to, and I can loop the killer for a good few minutes, yet even then the match ends at 1/2 gens with all being dead.

I don't appreciate the excuse 'just get good' because I can loop and I can be useful during matches; with 2k hours of course I'm going to have some idea of how to do that. But nowadays, when a killer even just gets looped, they take it as a personal offence and tunnel you out and hit/nod at you. It's tiring and sad because I used to enjoy this game on both sides (I still agree that killers should have gotten the buff they did in the past), but now playing survivor against these killers just feels so punishing and leaves you feeling like there's no chance to win at all.

I'm going to stop playing because this game just feels like it's at a point where its stale and more toxic than ever. Thanks for reading and again, sorry that this post had to be so whiney and complainative, but I just had to say my opinion and viewpoint before I left. <33

