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We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Lobby joining bugged

Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

I have been noticing this since Monday but my friends and I are struggling with inviting each other into SWFs on the Steam version of DbD. We have to repeatedly restart the game and join someone in their lobby. If someone tries to send an invite through game or Stream invite, the game will break and we have to restart. I know that this was not because of the patch because this has been happening since Monday the 12th. I don't know if this is happening on console but it has been happening with the Steam version.

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  • TrinityBabe
    TrinityBabe Member Posts: 27

    Me and my friends are having this issue too. Someone will try to join a SWF lobby and the game will throw up an error, then everybody needs to restart their games. (Happening on Steam)

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,765

    Me and my friend are currently having this issue and came on here to see if someone has already reported it.

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Ugh, I am sorry that this is happening to you. It's frustrating. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that is having this problem. Thank you for commenting!

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    I feel you there :( it's really annoying and I'm sorry it's happening to you. Thank you for commenting on this!

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    Yep this has been happening to me since Monday, I hoped that the latest patch would fix it, but alas not. I hope they fix this soon. Commenting and bumping the thread so it can be easily seen near the top

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Much appreciated and thank you so much for your input!

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,000
    edited September 2022

    What exactly is happening? If you could provide the steps and screenshot any error codes that would be fantastic, thank you.

    (also, if you have this happen, and are on PC - if you could upload your game logs that would be super helpful)

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    What happened:

    1) Started the game through Steam

    2) Friend joined my lobby for swf

    3) We click Ready

    4) I appear in a public lobby

    5) the 4th survivor who is my friend spot is empty

    6) Random person joined

    7) I exit public lobby

    8) I learn she had the same issue

    9) We exit game and rejoin

    10) I join her lobby

    11) Problem persists no matter what we do


    Addendum. A screenshot of me appearing in a public lobby without friend.

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Here is footage from my stream from 9/15 of the bug happening. It took us a half an hour to try and set up one lobby.

    My friend, Lithium, and I tried inviting friends into a SWF through the game and it would appear that they would appear to have joined for one person on their screen and then not the other person's screen only for the game to crash shortly afterwards. So we all had to restart our games. We have also gotten the glitch where if you are booted from the lobby then try to go back in via the friends list or invite a friend to a lobby, your friends will show to be online but not in Dead by Daylight and having to restart the game again.

    When we loaded back in, Lithium tried inviting our friends through Steam invites and some would get the invite but nothing showed up in my steam indicating I got an invite so he has to recreate the lobby. The only "loophole" we could find to get anybody in our lobby is to go to the survivor screen and join off a person that is also in a survivor lobby. I had to join off of Lithium and proceed to have our friends join off of him or me. There was a time where I was disconnected and had to rejoin via "Join a Party" option and I had to go through at least 2-3 of my friends on my list before I could join back in. This is happening in SWF and KYF.

    I am not on my regular PC now so I cannot send the game logs

  • lithiumfox
    lithiumfox Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2022

    Ah, there we go.

    Some further information from experiences of what we tried for the above post:

    • It does not seem to matter based on console/version of the game. We have friends reporting this on Xbox, Playstation, and PC.
    • An example is the custom game that Foxfire posted above. We had 2 users in the game joining off of me, but two users were unable to join. (One Xbox, 2 PC at the time)
    • Once the xbox user left, the remaining 2 were able to join, the xbox player could join after some brute force attempts of just trying, restarting the game, and trying again. We tried various methods, from direct joins, invites, steam invites, it kinda varied on what would work person to person.

    A similar issue, same as Foxfire described, appeared on Sunday as well, with one user able to join off an invite, one able to off of a join request, and a final person requiring a Steam Invite after restarting their game multiple times.

    A really weird issue is that if you join a loby while another user is in the process of joining, you can actually see their join requests while on the main menu or even, sometimes, in your own lobby. Then it will error out and give you an "Unkonwn Error has Occurred" message.

    As Foxfire stated, going into the survivor lobby does seem to raise the success level of joining, but it does not fix it. (Something I personally experienced).

    For reference, I did have logs of these games, but as they do not allow me to open them, I cannot tell you which one is helpful. They are in reference to Monday (pre-patch), Thursday, and Sunday, of when all the issues were occurring.

    Another issue we also had was that sometimes a user would join and see everyone else, but one of the people could end up not seeing that user in the lobby. Sometimes the "host", in this case reference to the original person who opened the lobby, wouldn't see them as we experienced on Sunday, and sometimes another user might not see another person. This became an issue in Custom Games where one user did not see people either return from their matches (It would state "In a match") as a Killer if we were rotating to another killer. The game would then state you cannot start with 2 killers for that person, even if everyone saw that the lobby was showing only one killer. The player who was not able to see the updated lobby state would then have to leave and rejoin, which could lead to the Unknown Error upon rejoining again. We got a bit lucky when we had that happen.

    I hope the above logs can provide some further insight.

    If the game managed to start in this state, everyone would load in and the game would play normally, but the issues would come with pre-game checks if updated lobby status wasn't being correctly seen by the client.