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Wesker power is bug and question

sometime infected can escape by the gate but sometime can't escape
sp finally infected can or can't escape?
This is not a bug. If Wesker hits you with a bound near the exit gates, the gates will be blocked for 5 seconds.
Here's how it plays out: if you are already injured (or healthy but fully infected), Wesker can slam you into the exit and immediately carry you. Also, if you are injured and Wesker throws you against the exit (thus putting you into the dying state), the 5 second block will allow him to come pick you up before you can escape.
However, if you are fully healthy (so long as you're not fully infected), you can always escape. Just wait right next to the exit gates after he hits you and you'll be able to escape after the 5 seconds expire.
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1 more question if fully infected can escape or not?
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You can escape when fully infected.
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It doesn't appear to be 5 seconds, but rather exactly as long as his power cooldown lasts, got to experience that yesterday a couple of times.
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If you keep holing W or forward into the "blocked" gate even if he downs you, you will be able to crawl out.
I think the only way he can prevent you from escaping is if you are full infected and he insta-picks you up, or if he has 2 charges of his dash and he uses 1 at the exit gates to slam you against the bars, then uses his second to grab you again.
But in all honesty if you keep holding forward/W towards the exit you should be fine. Just don't panic and run back in.
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I just played and not 5sec yet after I slam survivor at the gate he still can escaped -*-